Transcript Explanation

Using his antennae, the
male moth finds female
moths by following a trail of
airborne chemicals, called
pheromones, upwind to the
female producing them.
This is an example of how
living things
1. acquire nutrients.
2. grow.
3. reproduce.
4. respond to stimuli.
5. maintain homeostasis.
Using his antennae, the
male moth finds female
moths by following a trail of
airborne chemicals, called
pheromones, upwind to the
female producing them.
This is an example of how
living things
1. acquire nutrients.
2. grow.
3. reproduce.
4. respond to stimuli.
5. maintain homeostasis.
Using his antennae, the
male moth finds female
moths by following a trail of
airborne chemicals, called
pheromones, upwind to the
female producing them.
This is an example of how
living things
respond to stimuli.
The moth, like other living
things, is responding to a
signal it senses in its
environment. The
ultimate goal may be to
reproduce in this
example, but the event
described is not
illustrating reproduction.
We use the scientific method every day. Imagine
your car doesn't start one morning before school.
Which of these is a reasonable hypothesis regarding
the problem?
1. I'm going to be late.
3. I'm out of gas.
2. Kick the tires.
4. Add a quart of oil.
We use the scientific method every day. Imagine
your car doesn't start one morning before school.
Which of these is a reasonable hypothesis regarding
the problem?
1. I'm going to be late.
3. I'm out of gas.
2. Kick the tires.
4. Add a quart of oil.
We use the scientific method every day. Imagine
your car doesn't start one morning before school.
Which of these is a reasonable hypothesis regarding
the problem?
I’m out of gas.
A hypothesis is an educated guess about the cause of
a “problem.” Your hypothesis for this problem,
therefore, would be your reasoning behind why it is
happening. The three incorrect choices do not provide
an explanation of why the car doesn’t start. They are
reactions to the car starting rather than hypotheses
about why it isn’t starting.
Francesco Redi designed an experiment to test the
notion of spontaneous generation. In his experiment, he
left the first jar of meat open to the air and covered the
second jar. The first jar would be called the
1. experimental jar.
3. control jar.
2. conclusive jar.
4. hypothetical jar.
Francesco Redi designed an experiment to test the
notion of spontaneous generation. In his experiment, he
left the first jar of meat open to the air and covered the
second jar. The first jar would be called the
1. experimental jar.
3. control jar.
2. conclusive jar.
4. hypothetical jar.
Francesco Redi designed an experiment to test the
notion of spontaneous generation. In his experiment, he
left the first jar of meat open to the air and covered the
second jar. The first jar would be called the
control jar.
In an experiment, you must have the control and the
experimental component. Therefore, you could narrow
down your answer to one of those two choices. The
control for an experiment keeps all variables constant
(jar 1) while the experimental component alters a
certain variable (jar 2). In this case, the air was the
A scientist is testing whether a new cancer drug will work on
prostate cancer in humans. To properly interpret results of an
experiment, control experiments are needed. Which of the
following treatments would serve as a control in these
experiments, so that the researchers can conclude that the
changes that they see in the patients are due to the drug?
1. At least 1000 individuals are
treated with the drug.
3. Different doses of the drug
are administered to
patients at different times.
2. Some patients receive a
"mock" injection that contains 4. Each patient is treated
the same volume and solution
with a different
base as the drug but does not
concentration of the drug.
actually contain the drug itself.
A scientist is testing whether a new cancer drug will work on
prostate cancer in humans. To properly interpret results of an
experiment, control experiments are needed. Which of the
following treatments would serve as a control in these
experiments, so that the researchers can conclude that the
changes that they see in the patients are due to the drug?
1. At least 1000 individuals are
treated with the drug.
3. Different doses of the drug
are administered to
patients at different times.
2. Some patients receive a
"mock" injection that contains 4. Each patient is treated
the same volume and solution
with a different
base as the drug but does not
concentration of the drug.
actually contain the drug itself.
A scientist is testing whether a new cancer drug will work on
prostate cancer in humans. To properly interpret results of an
experiment, control experiments are needed. Which of the
following treatments would serve as a control in these
experiments, so that the researchers can conclude that the
changes that they see in the patients are due to the drug?
Some patients receive a "mock" injection that contains the same
volume and solution base as the drug but does not actually contain the
drug itself.
The control must be used to compare to the experimental component
of the study. One of the variables in this experiment was the solution
base that the drug was dissolved in. This control was used to
determine that the solution had no effect on the patients; only the drug
had an effect.
Which is NOT an example of evolution?
1. Development of antibiotic- 4. A dog learns how to
resistant bacteria.
open the cabinet
where its food is kept.
2. Flightless birds on islands
without predators.
5. Most commercial
pesticides are
3. This year's flu is different
effective for 2-3 years.
from last year's flu.
Which is NOT an example of evolution?
1. Development of antibiotic- 4. A dog learns how to
resistant bacteria.
open the cabinet
where its food is kept.
2. Flightless birds on islands
without predators.
5. Most commercial
pesticides are
3. This year's flu is different
effective for 2-3 years.
from last year's flu.
Which is NOT an example of evolution?
A dog learns how to open the cabinet where its food is
Evolution involves changes in a population (not an
individual) of living things over time. The beneficial
adaptations that occur over time are then passed on to
offspring. The 4 incorrect choices hold true to this
definition. However, the dog example is a behavioral
change, happening to an individual and it will not be
passed on to the dog’s offspring. This does not fit the
definition of evolution.
Natural selection would be best illustrated by which
of the following?
1. A bacterial cell in the human body that dies when a
person takes antibiotics
2. A bacterial cell in the human body with a genetic
variation that allows it to survive when the person
takes antibiotics
3. A bacterial cell in the human body that mutates itself
when a person takes antibiotics
Natural selection would be best illustrated by which
of the following?
1. A bacterial cell in the human body that dies when a
person takes antibiotics
2. A bacterial cell in the human body with a genetic
variation that allows it to survive when the person
takes antibiotics
3. A bacterial cell in the human body that mutates itself
when a person takes antibiotics
Natural selection would be best illustrated by which
of the following?
A bacterial cell in the human body with a genetic
variation that allows it to survive when the person
takes antibiotics
Natural selection, in this case, would involve the
bacterial cell surviving, or being selected for. The
cell in choice two has an adaptation that allows it to
survive in the new environment with the antibiotics.
It is important to note that natural selection involves
survival of organisms with favorable traits, NOT the
development of favorable traits in response to
something in the environment.
You discover a possible life form in outer space and must
determine if it is truly a living thing. Which of the following
experiments would be best to use to determine if this sample
is able to respond to stimuli?
1. Place the organism in a petri dish and measure it every day
for 1 week.
2. Place the organism in a petri dish. Cover half of the dish so
light can’t reach that half. Shine a light on the dish’s other half.
Determine if the organism moves away from or toward the light.
3. Place the organism in a petri dish and see if it produces
You discover a possible life form in outer space and must
determine if it is truly a living thing. Which of the following
experiments would be best to use to determine if this sample
is able to respond to stimuli?
1. Place the organism in a petri dish and measure it every day
for 1 week.
2. Place the organism in a petri dish. Cover half of the dish so
light can’t reach that half. Shine a light on the dish’s other half.
Determine if the organism moves away from or toward the light.
3. Place the organism in a petri dish and see if it produces
You discover a possible life form in outer space and must
determine if it is truly a living thing. Which of the following
experiments would be best to use to determine if this sample
is able to respond to stimuli?
Place the organism in a petri dish. Cover half of the dish so
light can’t reach that half. Shine a light on the dish’s other
half. Determine if the organism moves away from or toward
the light.
The other two answer choices are testing whether the
organism can grow and reproduce. Only answer two tests a
response to stimuli. The stimulus in this case is the light.