ADP Strategy

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Transcript ADP Strategy

Community Councils
Discussion Forum
21st April 2012
Delivery of Glasgow
City ‘Alcohol & Drug
Partnership’ Strategy
Stevie Lydon
Policy Background
The Road to Recovery (2008)
Changing Scotland’s Relationship with
Alcohol: A Framework for Action (2009)
National Framework for Alcohol and Drug
Partnerships (2009)
Glasgow City ADP set up in 2010
ADP Governance Arrangements
Alcohol and Drug Partnership
Joint Planning Board
Strategic Group
Adult Services Planning
Executive Group
ADP Operational
Sub groups/ working groups
Communities Sub Group
City Centre Group
Service User Reference
Drug Deaths
Children and Young People
High number of licenses in the City
Glasgow City alcohol death rate in
UK for men & women
Estimated 13,256 problem drug users
Estimated 5,458 drug injectors
Estimated 6,000 children affected by
parental alcohol or drug use
Strategy Themes
Child & Adult Protection
All relevant to Communities
Consultation Process
Key themes to emerge
the desire for community groups to be actively
engaged on a continuing basis in the planning and
delivery of alcohol and drug actions
Real concerns about cuts to resources and
recognition that current resources do not fully meet
need and do not enable the full range of services to
support recovery to be offered to all clients;
Concern that the numbers of children affected is
higher than assessed and that more services are
needed to intervene early and effectively
Concerns around cost, marketing, accessibility and
number of licensed premises
There is a major problem with the culture and
attitudes to alcohol consumption which the strategy
needs to tackle
The importance of the wider environment to enable
people with addiction problems to make a full
recovery including the availability of employment
The negative impact on communities of drug and
alcohol misuse need to be recognised and