Chapter 15alcohol

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Transcript Chapter 15alcohol

Chapter 15
Pre-reading IQ
 1. Your central nervous system
includes your
A. arms and legs
B. stomach and urinary tract
C. brain and spinal cord
D. digestive and reproductive systems
1. Answer
 Brain and spinal cord
2. Which is NOT an effect of
drinking alcohol?
A. relaxed, clear thinking
B. loss of coordination
C. poor concentration
D. blurred vision
2. Answer
 A. relaxed clear thinking
3. The human brain is usually fully
mature by
A. birth
B. early childhood
C. puberty
D. adulthood
3. Answer
 Adulthood
4. How much alcohol can a teen
drink and still legall drive?
A. one beer
B. two beers
C. one glass of wine
D. none
4. Answer
5. The degree of alcohol
intoxication is accurately measure
 A. the mount of alcohol in the
beverages you’ve drunk
 B. the percentage of alcohol in your
 C. the number of hours you’ve been
 D. the number of drinks you’ve had in
one sitting
5. Answer
 B. The percentage of alcohol in your
6. Which of the following statements
about alcoholism is NOT true?
A. it is curable
B. it is treatable
C. it is a disease
D. it is lifelong
6. Answer
 It is curable
W2W for alcohol ???
 Why not????
 What do we know? Let’s list as many
alcoholic beverages as we can….
 Words associated with alcohol and alcohol
 What are your impressions of alcohol:
 Family
 Social groups
 Media
8 corner fold
1st Corner: Alcohol in your Body
 Alcohol in your body:
 What do you think alcohol does to the body?
 Has very little nutritional value
 Acts like a poison or drug
 Main effect as a drug on the Central Nervous
 CNS controls speech, thinking, memory,
judgment and learning
 Alcohol is a depressant that slows body
 Also affects kidneys, liver and digestion
2nd corner
Alcohol and your Brain
 What do you know-list 2-4 facts….
 Alcohol and your brain:
 Affects part of the brain that controls behavior
 10-15 heartbeats: alcohol in the blood reaches
your brain
 The more alcohol in your blood the more your
body is affected
 Thinking, memory and judgment are impaired
 Ability to decide what is or isn’t safe becomes
3rd Corner
Alcohol in the Blood
 What do you know….
 Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) –
amount of alcohol in the bloodstream
 Alcohol is absorbed into the liver from
the blood
 Liver changes alcohol into waste
products-urine and CO2
 The liver can process only about 2/3
oz of liquor or one beer per hour
4th Corner
Individual Reactions to Alcohol
What do you think….
Each person reacts differently
How much and how fast a person drinks
Body weight
Food in the stomach
Genetic vulnerability
5th Corner Fold
Immediate Effects of Alcohol
 What do you think….
 Alcohol causes intoxication – changes in
your mood, feelings and behaviors
 First may feel relaxed and friendly
 Continue to drink your actions become
more exaggerated
 Judgment, thinking, sense of risk, selfcontrol all become impaired
 Alcohol poisoning – require immediate care
 Hangover – physical effects – headache,
dizziness, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting
6th corner fold
Long-term effects of alcohol
 What do you think….
 Cirrhosis – deadly disease that replaces healthy liver
tissue with useless scar tissue
 The liver removes toxins from the body – if the liver is
damaged from alcohol use – it cannot and the brain
will then be affected
 If you injure your brain before it is fully matured –
adulthood, then your thinking will be impaired and
 Tolerance – the more you drink the more you want
the feelings that come with the alcohol
 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) if a pregnant mother
drinks, the alcohol goes into the baby’s blood stream
as well
7th corner fold
Decision Making & Driving
 Alcohol lowers decision making and
 A inhibition is a mental or
psychological process that restrains
your actions, emotions and thoughts
 Reaction time is lowered
 Blurred vision, coordination is
compromised, memory and distances
are hard to calculate,
8th corner fold
Pressures to drink and WTW to
 Internal- curiosity, acceptance, look cool or
mature, low self-esteem, be happier, deal
with problems or unpleasant emotions
 External- media, fun (parties, sporting
 Deciding not to drink: what are your top 5
reasons why you will not drink alcohol
 Hamburger bun method
 Write your own-choose a partner to
present both – present the scene
Internal or External pressure
 Positive
 Negative
 Positive/another activity