Human Resource Management 10e

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Transcript Human Resource Management 10e

Learning Objectives
– Define HR management and identify the seven
categories of HR activities.
– Discuss several challenges facing organizations
– Describe how the major roles of HR management are
being transformed.
– Identify the purposes and uses of HR technology.
– Discuss why ethical issues affect HR management.
– Explain the key competencies needed by HR
© 2002 Southwestern College Publishing. All rights reserved.
HR Management
Figure 1–2
© 2002 Southwestern College Publishing. All rights reserved.
Factors That Determine HR Plans
Figure 2–3
© 2002 Southwestern College Publishing. All rights reserved.
Ethical Issues in Management
Most Common Forms of Unethical Conduct
– Lying to supervisors
– Employee drug use or alcohol abuse
– Falsification of records
International Ethical Issues
– Gift giving and bribery
– Discrimination in hiring and treatment
Addressing Ethical Issues
– Code of ethics
– Training managers and employees
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