National Referral Center on HIV/AIDS in Burundi

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National Referral Center
on HIV/AIDS in Burundi
Dr Evelyne
Background of the institution
CNR : Centre National de référence en
matière de VIH/Sida au Burundi
* CNR is linked to the medicine faculty
of Burundi National University
* Our target is research and training on
HIV to increase the quality of care given
to people living with HIV/Aids
Background of the institution
Research conducted by CNR is about :
* HIV (Opportunistic Infections, ARVs
toxicity, treatment compliance, PMTCT,
Drug resistance, co-infection TB-HIV, lost
follow up, etc…
* health system
Background of the institution
Our team : The director (Pr NIYONGABO
Théodore), one doctor responsible for research,
one doctor responsible for training, a
biostatistician, 3 clinicians for client follow up
and monitoring, 2 data entry clerks, an
accountant, a secretary, and office attendant
The national ethic commission must approve all
the research conducted by CNR
Background of the institution
Major sources of funding :
Global Fund
National Institute of Health,
French NGOs : Sidaction, ESTHER
Research management structure
The director is the head of the team, he
mobilizes resources (human and material)
and orientates research and training
The head of research coordinates,
manages the research functions with :
* Research assistants
* Biostatician who manages sampling
techniques and data (with 2 data entry
Challenges of research management
Lack of effective budget support from the
Mobilize funds for conducting research
Limited collaboration with differents actors
Limeted exposure of researchers in
internationnal research methods
Expectations from ARAA
Strengthen partenerships and networks with CNR and
others research institutions in the region
Facilitate research management system and administration
Sharing of best practices with other research
administrators in management and administration
Building capacity for the research team
Contribute to professionalization of research as a carrier