Truven Health Center for Innovation

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Truven Health Center for Innovation
Byron C. Scott, MD, MBA
Associate Chief Medical Officer
Truven Health Analytics Puerto Rico Summit 2015
Confidential — For Internal Use Only
Healthcare Improvement Moves at Different Speeds
The market evolves at different
speeds in different areas:
Fast Pace
Advancements in medical
technology, research and
clinical practice move
quickly through scientific
discovery and innovation
to better patient
Slow to Advance
Business and process best
practices that allow us to scale
the application and
measurement of those clinical
developments are adopted at
a slower pace
New government mandates
setting national standards and
defining best practices often
face technical, funding and
resource challenges while
drive for universal improvement
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We are Passionate About Improving Healthcare
Leadership impact
on performance
Care process
methodologies for
efficiency & outcome
Truven Health has served as
a guide for healthcare
providers for more than 40
Over time, we have
developed core
competencies that only
experience, perspective and
industry leading research can
validate, in key areas of
healthcare informatics and
Financial &
operational stability
Clinical data analytics:
from patient to
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Care delivery
workflow & clinical
decision support
Is Your
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©Truven Health
— ForAnalytics
Internal Use
Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
The Value to Our Customers
Ongoing commitment
•Scientific innovation
•Clinical practice improvement
•Ongoing statistical exploration in
healthcare informatics
Access to the Truven
Health assets and
solutions you need
to guide the use of
key information to
solve your biggest
•Data stores
•Unparalleled analytic
What It
Means For You
•Drive new solutions
•Validate new
•Help you create new
inroads for healthcare
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Center for Innovation in 2015
The Center for Innovation assets and practices developed, cultivated, tested and
delivered this year will focus on emerging challenges.
Providing industry-wide insight with unique market-spanning
perspective to:
Align practices and objectives to new financial models
Optimize care coordination inside and outside your
four-walls to improve quality cost effectively
Define market positioning and capitalize on
competitive advantages
Manage change and strengthen leadership through
deliberate and data-driven goal setting
Harness data for the use in providing answers for
practical objectives and aspirational goals
Truven Health Analytics Puerto Rico Summit 2015
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Center for Innovation Market Introduction
Create new, integrated
Make Visible our
“secret sauce” and
views to converging
our Clinicians,
Scientists and
Statisticians in key
areas through various
Leverage and expand
on existing industry
leading initiatives and
100 Top
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Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Evidence Based Medicine
Medicare Spend per
Beneficiary (Medicare Spend)
Performance Measure
New 30 Day Mortality and Readmission
Model – 1st to market – new conditionspecific outcome measures in CMS recent
compare dataset
Customized Benchmarks: Provider,
Insightful Industry Studies:
Analysis identified that
socioeconomic factors impact
readmissions rates & absence of
adjustment in new CMS
Truven Health Analytics Puerto Rico Summit 2015
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Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Evidence Based Medicine: Clinical Terminology Expertise
From international standards to customized, hospital or health system specific terminologies
Dedicated, experienced and industry-leading experts who maintain adherence to critical
industry terminology standards and continuously update and link inquiries to Evidence-based
content used at the point of care
Truven Health maintains, models, expands, and extends those standards to normalize data
sets, create comparatives, references and make relevant clinical decision support content in a
patient care setting for our 4K+ Provider Clients; for example:
Our Micromedex® Drug information is cutting edge and updates as quickly as 24 hours after
FDA makes recommendations
Truven Health editorial and EVM professionals make regular requests to governing bodies – in
new and existing concepts, and work with international standards bodies to guide updates (e.g., triple
negative breast cancer in Oncology, medical literature has evolved, including changing names and
including new subcategories of disease – most bodies update every 6 months; so our continuous
surveillance finds these things sooner and we provide input to all and early reference to our clients
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Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Risk – adjusted Readmission Model
The Truven Health Analytics™ risk-adjusted readmission model closely emulates CMS models. It is
enhanced by analytic algorithms to capture a patient’s readmission risk with
precision and extend the model’s usefulness into the future — even through ICD-10 transitions.
The algorithm can be applied to such sources as CMS Standard Analytic Files (SAF) and client-submitted
uniform billing (UB) data. These data allow Truven Health to use both current and historical records, making
the results:
Institution and system-specific
Trended consistent, reliable, and without code gaps
Configured to align with unique functional or operational hierarchies
Truven Health has the ability to prioritize and strengthen vulnerable internal processes and to engage
critical external partnerships — proactively — leads to meaningful improvements in patient care, operational
efficiency, and strategic growth
Our CareDiscovery Clinical Performance Solution is the only Risk-Adjusted Expected Readmissions (RAER)
calculator in the market today for 30 day readmissions.
•100 Top Hospitals- 30-day readmission rates are a widely accepted measure of the effectiveness of hospital care. Tracking
these measures help hospitals identify patients at risk for post-discharge problems if discharged too soon, as well as target
improvements in discharge planning and in aftercare processes. Hospitals that score well may be better prepared for a pay-forperformance structure.
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Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Medicare Spend per Beneficiary (Medicare Spend) Performance Measure
Medicare spend is a metric which utilizes Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) data to identify
the cost of an episode of care (across all care settings from three days prior to admission, during
admission, and 30 days post-discharge) for Medicare patients. We leverage proprietary, cutting-edge
methodologies from Truven Health to analyze episodic, patient-specific encounters in a given time
This measure helps to determine how efficiently a hospital coordinates the care for its patients across
a continuum of care sites. Lower values indicate lower costs relative to national medians and thus
better efficiency.
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Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Editorial Content
Evidence based information regarding medication
management, disease and condition management,
and toxicology management
 For example, doctors can identify proper
doses and relevant off-label uses of drugs for
patients in which on-label drugs are not
One of four nationally recognized drug
Evidence based ratings for ALL therapeutic
conditions (competitors have a more narrow focus)
Availability of vetted information regarding off label
uses in addition to FDA approved uses
Content is updated weekly
Truven Health Analytics Puerto Rico Summit 2015
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Editorial team with a consistent process,
including on staff medical librarian with
specialized training to identify evidence
based practice.
Weekly review of literature in order to
identify new off-label uses using rigorous
vetting process
Micromedex is the trusted resource for
providers that is often referenced in the
development of treatment guidelines by
customer hospitals
Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Truven Health Resilience Score – Which Hospitals will Remain Strong?
 Truven has developed a composite index to help hospitals understand their
financial “well being” in the face of changing external pressures
 Index is based on a hospital’s operating margin, patient volumes, costs of
patient care, mix of inpatient/outpatient services and payer mix
 Used to perform a “stress test” to indicate a hospital’s ability to weather and
adapt to potential financial changes in the industry
 Truven modeled the impact of two potential upcoming changes site-neutral
pricing and DSH payment reductions
 Higher Resilience hospitals typically have higher quality care
 Truven found that hospitals with already low margins and low Resilience
Scores could find these changes to be severe threats
Truven Health Analytics Puerto Rico Summit 2015
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Center for Innovation in 2015
Examples of Unique Exploration Based on Core Competencies & Assets
Predictive Analytics
Clinical Population Monitoring
Truven Health Analytics Puerto Rico Summit 2015
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