Transcript iCLEF

one interface
for all
Three ways of joining in
(I) Find the images and win the Flickr
(II) Analyse the logs (data mining on hopefully
large set of search sessions)
(III) Run your own experiment
Recruit users
Watch them
Ask them
Analyse search logs
• users’ search
• users’ perception
• search effectiveness
iCLEF 2007-2008 schedule
Now: First version of the interface ready for testing
End of October: Feedback from you! on
 the multilingual search interface
 experiment design
 evaluation measures
Mid-December: Guidelines + interface goes public
 Groups start their own experiments.
 People can start competing in the search challenge.
 Organization starts collecting logs from Flickr users
 Flickr/Web user Logs released to interested groups
 Thematic session in Chorus Conference on Multimedia
Search and Access (hosted by Yahoo!).
Paper submission: aligned with CLEF 2008
Start testing the interface now!
feedback to [email protected]