Transcript Pitfalls

Frequently made mistakes
A versus An
Use AN before a vowel sound
◦ AN Orphanage
◦ AN Eagle
Use A before a consonant sound
◦ A Book
◦ A Guitar
◦ AN Hour
◦ A University
thEn or thAn?
Is het een vergelijking?
◦ Ja! Dan is het een A
◦ Nee! Dan is het een E
For comparisons use THAN
◦ Freddy is taller than Calvin
For time occasions use THEN (toen, dan, daarna)
◦ She went to the dentist and then straight home
Where – were – we’re
Where – place
◦ Where were you hiding?
Were – past tense of the verb to be
◦ We were all very busy yesterday.
We’re – contraction: we are
◦ We’re all going to be at the party tonight!
◦ We’re back where we were yesterday!!
Much versus Many
There are count nouns and non-count
nouns. Pens you can count (15 pens) but
you can’t count the word money (*15
money) or the word time (*6 time).
◦ How many brothers do you have? I have 1
◦ Have you got much work to do? Yes, I have loads
of work to do.
IF versus WHEN
Use IF: you’re not sure it will happen
◦ If I’d become president, I’d give all my money to
the poor
Use WHEN: you’re sure it will happen
◦ When drug addicts stops using drugs, they’ll get
withdrawal symptoms
Too – Two – To
TOO – ook / té
◦ Too much, too difficult, I’d like that too
TWO – 2
◦ The score was TWO to three in their favour
TO – overig
◦ I’d like TO go TO the cinema tonight