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History of Palau
Target Market
Palau`s target market are people with high
dollar income and people with lots of time;
people towards retiring or retired.
Need to Know
 Visitors should dress appropriate
and respect local traditions.
Take off your shoes before entering.
Tipping is optional. Don’t bargain.
Protect yourselves from mosquito
bites (Dengue fever).
Homosexual activity is illegal.
 November to April are the rainy
Visa is required.
Currency is U.S. dollar.
Over 30 days fee: $100 US and
must be approved.
Departure fee: $20 US.
Emergency#: 488-2558
Ambulance#: 488-1411
Police#: 911
Religions & Languages
Approximately more than half the population is
Roman Catholic; just over one-fourth is
Protestant and other faiths.
English is the official language in all of Palau's
16 states
Palauan is the most commonly spoken
language at home by 81% of inhabitants.
5 Phrases...
Alii (a—lee)
How are you? Ke ua ngerang? (ka-wanna
Thank you!
Ke kmal mesaul ( Kuk-MAHL-maSAHL)
Good Bye!
Ak morolung! (Ahk-more-ohlong)
My name is…
A ngklek a … (Ahng-KLEEK-a …)
Rock Island – Quad Cities
The Holiday Inn
 Palau Royal Resort
Festivals & Events
Palau celebrates many traditional western
holidays such as New Year's, Christmas,
Thanksgiving and Labor Day, as well as regional
holidays such as Youth Day and Senior Citizens
Annual Palau Sports Fishing Association's Fishing
Tournament (April)
Underwater Palau International Photo Festival (May)
Festival of Pacific Arts (July)
The largest event in the Pacific!
Tourism Awareness Week ( Third week of Nov.)
Activities feature tourism themes and industry
Tourism Facts
Number of Visitors was over 100,000 in 2011
(13% increase from 2010)
Service sector dominates Palauan economy
-Contributing more than 50% of GDP and
employing more than half of the work force
-Government only employs 30% of workers and
accounts for 20% GDP
What they want to do with
Palauan tourism and environmental
authorities would like to adjust the industry,
simultaneously decreasing tourist volume and
increasing income by attracting more highdollar tourist..
Environmental Impacts
Fresh Water
Natural Resource
The Flag
Information on Koror
 Koror was the capital of Palau in 1980-2006.
 It’s a city in the heart of Micronesia.
 More than 17,000 people live in Koror.
 Koror is influenced by the culture of Philippines, Japan and
Information on Koror
 Almost all the banks, shopping area and other businesses
are located in Koror.
 Most resorts businesses can speak a variety of languages
such as, English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
 There is about 20 resort and hotels in this city.
Airai Water Paradise Hotel & Spa
Belau National Museum
WCTC Shopping Center
Attractions in Koror
Jellyfish Lake: Jellyfish
Lake is one of Palau's
most famous dive
sites. It is famous for
the millions of golden
jellyfish which travel
across the lake daily.
Ngardmau Falls: Enjoy
the pools, a short hike
through the jungle or
through the river
brings you to the
Etpison Museum:
The 3-story building
houses 2 floors of
Palauan and
artifacts, and more.
Rock Island
“a labyrinth of emeralds floating on
cobalt sea”
Known for…
Marine Environment
Tropical Island
Popular because of…
2 Tour Companies
Specializes in water
activities – exploring coral
reefs & sunken ships and
Takes you to unique places
with many photo
opportunities and involves
you in rare activities
Fish N’ Fins
Neco Marine
If you are interested in learning
more about their tours, visit:
Thank You!