assignment_3 - Homework Market

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Transcript assignment_3 - Homework Market

(China daily,2011)
One of the major source of water pollution in Venezuela is Oil Industry. Lake Maracaibo which is the largest lake, has been polluted by the
economic activities within and around the lake area. According to PSVSA, the government –run oil company there are 6,000 active wells in the lake
producing 700,000barrels(159 liters each) of crude per day. They are connected by about 45000 KM of pipeline, in a gigantic underwater metallic
web. This spills and leaks have damaged the environment in the region hurting the ability of fishermen to earn a living. Also they have also led to
death of wildlife and drive away resident and tourist. (Joseph Poliszuk ,2013)
Other than this leaks and spills on Lake Maracaibo, there is gas leaks which translate into a loss of pressure in the wells, which then
run their course move quickly, ultimately reduce production and lower the country current and potential income. This affect the economy on the
country considering that Venezuela is one of the world leading producer of oil and natural gas. Some of the solution which can used to address this
problem is that oil company should repair their pipe system as soon as they detect a leak. Also a higher financial responsibility should be introduced
to oil companies to clean up oil spills . Another step is that people should create awareness campaign to highlight this serious problem.
(MARK EDWARDS, 2006-2015)
The main cause of deforestation in Venezuela is agricultural expansion or the destruction of forest to be used as
agricultural or farm land. Logging (illegal and permitted), fire and mining also play important role in deforestation. Venezuela suffered
an average of 1% deforestation of its forest per year. Zulia, a volatile western state bordering Colombia and at the heart of Venezuela
oil industry, lost over half of it’s forests in a little over a decade.
Deforestation has taken its toll and has become a threat to ecological stability of the country and therefore to the
sustainable economy and social progress of Venezuela and its people. The solution to this problem that people can take is by planting
young trees to replace those already fell down by the loggers. Also there should be a laws to burn cutting down of trees and heft
penalty for those who are caught cutting the trees. The ministry of environment should create awareness on the importance of forest
conservation. The community should be given more control over the management of their local environment.
According to Ministry for Environment, air pollution in Maracaibo, Zulia state has become
the most polluted in Venezuela in less than 10 years. The deterioration of Zulia’s atmosphere is caused by activities
in oil industries, cement factory and deforestation. This pollution has largely affected the health of locals who have
suffered respiratory diseases.
Deforestation led to high level of Carbon dioxide in the air, this is because forest cover
absorb carbon dioxide and other polluting gas in the air which scientist believe contribute to global warming. carbon
dioxide tend to trap warm air at the surface of earth instead of releasing it. Due to high levels of this polluting
gases in the air, high rates of patients admission with problems such as breathing difficulties, eyes and skin disorder
have been reported in the local health centers. The solutions that can be implemented to sort out air pollution is
encouraging people to use public mode of transport as opposed to private means since one factor that has been said
to contribute to air pollution in Venezuela is said to be expansion in vehicle fleet. Planting of tree to increase the
absorption of carbon dioxide and other green house gases can also help reduce air pollution. Also use of clean energy
technologies like solar, wind and geothermal should be encouraged instead of fossil fuel which are known to be the
leading agents of air pollution.
China daily,(2011), black specter in Venezuelan lake
MARK EDWARDS, (2006-2015),Hard rain project ,roadmap to a sustainable future,
Joseph Poliszuk ,(2013), Maracaibo city is polluted , El Universal.