Does the economy affect trends in suicide?

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Group 4
Shelly Matushevski
Karen Pavlisko
Bennett Cowie
Matt Morrison
November 23, 2009
 Can money buy happiness?
 Do times of economic hardship affect the rates of
suicide in the United States?
 Weakening economy
Rising unemployment rates
Slow GDP growth
 Spill over onto an individual’s mental health
 Is there a direct relationship between the economy and
suicide rates?
 One may speculate there is a relationship between an
economy in recession and the depletion of a person’s
mental health
 Spurred by rising unemployment rates, falling profits of
businesses, and fear of bankruptcy for businesses and
 Does worry (about economic issues) lead to stress, then
lead to depression, and then maybe even onto suicide?
 One might wonder whether or not
the suicide rate is in fact related to
the business cycle
 Use of economic research related to the economies
affect on suicide rates
 Excel spreadsheets constructed with data from reliable
sources to create a useable data set in SAS
 Importation of raw data into SAS
 Analysis of data in SAS to determine trends between
suicides and recessions
Research Findings
 Ethnic and Sex Differences in Suicide Rates Relative to
Major Depression in the United States
Antidepressants and Suicide Risk in the United States,
Does unemployment increase suicide rates? The OECD
Panel Evidence
Economic Theory of Suicide
Happiness and Economic Performance
The Economy and Suicide: a Time-Series Study of the
Research Findings
 Economic data was compared to three socio-
demographic factors that can cause depression
 Low income
 Unemployment
 Disrupted marriages
 Males from all ethnic groups have higher suicide rates
than females
 Women were twice as likely to be suffering from
depression due to the three socio-demographic factors
 Victims undergo major depression before time of
-the regression line
is shown graphing
the suicide rate
dependent upon
changes in GDP.
-p-value = .1350,
much larger than
accepted alpha of
-R2 value= .0907
The R2-value
represents how well
the regression line is
able to approximate
the actual data.
-Very weak
-regression line is
shown graphing
suicide rate
dependent upon the
unemployment rate
-p-value = .0007,
smaller than
accepted alpha of
-R2 value also shows
the trend is much
more significant at
-Useful model
-suicide rates as a
whole steadily
decline for a 15 year
period beginning
in 1986
-Appears to be a
period of lag.
Between 1983 and
rates fell, suicide
rates actually rose
-Between 1990 to
1992 rates in suicide
decreased while the
unemployment rate
increased severely
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