China`s View on NAMAs_ Fei Teng_ Tsinghua University

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China’s View on NAMAs
Presentation at TERI NAMAs
11th Aug, New Delhi, India
Fei TENG, Institute of Energy, Environment and
Economy, Tsinghua University, China
 Climate change needs international cooperation guided
by the Convention, BAP and in accordance with CBDR;
 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) by
NA1 countries are coordinated with goals of sustainable
development and poverty eradication;
 NAMAs by NA1 countries are distinct from mitigation
commitments from A1 countries, in magnitude and legal
nature as defined by BAP;
 Enhanced support from developed countries in new and
additional financing, technology transfer and capacity
building to enable enhanced actions by developing
 NAMAs by developing countries are on voluntary
basis, distinct from legally-binding obligation by
developed countries;
 NAMAs are based on national circumstances,
national strategies of SD and priorities of developing
 NAMAs are contingent on effective provisions of
technology, finance and capacity building support
provided by developed countries;
 China will endeavor to lower its carbon dioxide
emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% by 2020
compared to the 2005 level;
 China will Increase the share of non-fossil fuels in
primary energy consumption to around 15% by 2020;
 China will increase forest coverage by 40 million
hectares and forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic
meters by 2020 from the 2005 levels;
 These autonomous domestic mitigation actions are
voluntary in nature and will be implemented in
accordance with the principles and provisions of the
UNFCCC, in particular Article 4, paragraph 7;
Policy Instruments
Brief Description
Standards and regulation:
Phase out of small plants; energy standard, labeling and
benchmarking; Energy conservation dispatch; etc
Pricing Policies
Differential electricity pricing for emission and energy intensive
industries; Reform of pricing mechanism of oil, natural gas and
electricity; etc
Subsides and Incentives
Subsides for energy saving air conditioners, energy saving
lamps, clean energy vehicles;
Low carbon provinces and cities
Pilot programme in five provinces and eight cities;
Energy intensity improved by 19.1%, energy saving by 630
Mtce, reduce emission by 1.4 billion CO2e
Scenario for Durban and Future
1, No agreement on 2nd commitment
2, Continuation of KP rules and
3, Gap between 1st CP and 2nd CP
1, COP decision in Durban but
without substantial movement;
2, Without clear direction to future
legally binding agreement;
1, Agree on 2nd CP but without
2, Agree on numbers and rules after
1, Reflect NAMAs in COP
2, Elaborate MRV in future
1, Amendment for KP 2nd CP
2, Amendment for accounting rules,
procedures and mechanisms;
1, Reflect NAMAs in COP
2. MRV decisions;
2, Mandate towards a legally
binding agreement;
Next Step
 NA means procedurally country driven, consistent
with national strategies of SD and priorities
 NAMAs and transparency is only part of the solution,
we need comparable progress in KP and 1bi in LCA
to be a package;
 Provide positive incentive for developing countries to
 Registry should be the priority for NAMAs
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