Grand Scientific & Societal Challenges
Transcript Grand Scientific & Societal Challenges
Grand Scientific & Societal
Larry Brandt, Roberto Dandi, Keith Hampton,
Erik Jakobbson, Laura Koehly, Michael Macy,
Peter Monge, Garry Robins, Bob Wilhelmson
The (Grand)Mother of All Grand
Challenges for SNA
We know lots about
Individuals (surveys)
Small network structures (snapshots)
Populations (aggregations, gov’t data)
But it is very hard to study the thing
that is most important:
Social interaction: what goes on inside
the network
How networks change
A Tale of Two CI-ties
Research CI: Supercomputers, digitial
libraries, software, caves, etc.
Social CI: email, blogs, news groups,
cell phones, text messaging
Some good news & some bad news
First the good news
SCI leaves a digital trail
Possibility for the first time to collect
real-time data about social interaction
Now the bad news: the trails are big
and messy
Use RCI to tap SCI
Next generation SNA
Multiplex genetic susceptibility testing
SCI: connects patients with databases,
providers, other patients
how does information about genetic
susceptibility change behavior?
how do support networks among
susceptibles change behavior?
Local environmental elites
SCI: communications among officials
and leaders
mining the missives
how does the flow of information and
influence alter policy and practice?
Biotech firms
SCI: mechanisms for collaborations
and info exchange among labs
Source of clues about how emerging
networks shaped the evolution of the
biotech industry
What is an optimal network?
Natural language processing
SCI: political blogs
tools that can read not just the links but
the texts
how people influence one another in
response to the influence they receive
Empirical tests of
Tipping models
Hopfield models
Diffusion models