Dia 1 - Evanz

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Supporting growth & competitiveness
ATEED’s role
A city’s vision
• The world’s most
liveable city
• Requires a strong and
prosperous economy
Why is business growth
Liveability studies put Auckland in the
top three cities in the world.
But we are 69th out of 100 in
GDP per capita in the OECD.
Growth imperatives
• Exports – more enterprises exporting products, services and tourism
• Innovation – more ideas converted into successful private and social
• Investment – more investment in infrastructure, innovation, enterprises
and entrepreneurs
• Employment – more people working in highly skilled jobs
• Partnerships – between public and private sectors at regional and local
• Marketing – globally through tourism, events and investment attraction
The Auckland Plan
The world’s most liveable city
The Economic Development Strategy (EDS)
Grow Auckland ‘6, 5, 2’ targets
ATEED Growth & Competitiveness Framework
Growth Plans
Implementation focus action plans
Strategic Interventions
Growth Programmes
Growth Projects
• Significant investment
to deliver long term
changes egWynyard
Quarter Innovation
• Ongoing delivery activities
such as provision of
business support services
• Time limited and agile
investments such as
America’s Cup business
leverage programme
The role of ATEED
Auckland’s vision
We believe
Our role
The world’s most
liveable city
Our city is supported
by a vibrant,
competitive and
growing economy
New money and new
jobs for Auckland
How we deliver
We partner,
We guide,
we connect,
we inform,
we grow value we lead
We position We imagine,
Auckland on we create,
the world
we innovate
We deliver,
we integrate,
we make it
Our commitment to partnership
• Finite resources and delivering the best ROI requires a coordinated
• Tou rourou, toku rourou, ka ora te Iwi – with your contribution and my
contribution, we will thrive
• We are bringing Auckland together – the business community, Auckland
Council, iwi, educators, innovators and investors
• Building partnerships of mutual benefit – kotahitanga – that deliver
tangible results for Auckland
• Helping our partners by providing leadership and management for
business growth, tourism and major events
• Foundation principle of kaiārahi – we guide, we inform, we lead
ATEED’s priorities
Building a culture of innovation
Developing key sectors of competitive advantage
Attracting business and investment
Growing a skilled workforce
Attracting international students
Supporting businesses across Auckland
Building a world-class major events portfolio
Growing the visitor economy
A culture of innovation
A key driver of growth and competitive advantage
ATEED to drive engagement
Develop innovation corridors and hubs
Attract greater investment
Work with strategic partners
Wynyard Quarter Innovation Precinct
• Major generator and showcase of
• Attract, create and grow ICT,
digital media and high tech
Sectors of competitive advantage
Food and beverage
Life sciences (health and biotechnology)
High-value manufacturing
Luxury tourism and cruise ship visitation
International education
Screen and digital
The FoodBowl
Joint venture between ATEED and Callaghan
State-of-the-art development facility
for food and beverage sector, opened
in 2011.
Has advised on projects for more than 600
companies in past 14 months.
As at October 2013, 23 projects underway, and 35
due to start in next three months. State-of-the-art
development facility
Attracting business
and investment
• More large-scale business in key sectors
• Productive inward investment
• Work with strategic partners
Aroha Auckland
• 100 multi-national companies and
investors in an aftercare programme to:
– identify market opportunities
– identify workforce talent
– provide business connections.
• Companies and investors with high
growth potential and able to increase
contribution to Auckland’s GDP.
Growing a skilled workforce
• ATEED collaborates with key providers and industry
to nurture Auckland’s skills base
• Supporting delivery of Young Enterprise Scheme
• Working with Auckland Council on Mayor’s Youth
Employment Action Plan
IBM in Auckland
IBM Delivery Centre based at
Unitec Institute of Technology,
an ATEED partner.
More than 200 Unitec students handling
inquiries for three major corporates,
gaining workplace skills.
Trained by IBM to provide customer
support and deliver technical
programming expertise for clients.
Attracting international
• Export education sector is a significant contributor to
Auckland’s economy
• Auckland rated as one of world’s best cities for
international students
• New partnership with Education New Zealand to
grow the sector
Study Auckland
Works to grow the international education
sector, represents about 130 schools,
tertiary institutions and private education
Promotes Auckland as a study destination
and supports the international education
Leads international trade missions to key
markets such as China and Germany.
Supporting businesses to grow
• ATEED’s area offices deliver advice and services to
help SMEs and start-ups grow
• During the 2012/13 year the area offices made:
– 1026 capability assessments
– 971 mentor matches
– and facilitated $3.601 million in R&D funding
Regional Business Partners
• ATEED delivers the Regional Business
Partners Programme on behalf of NZTE
and Callaghan Innovation.
• Programme designed to grow SME
• Delivered through ATEED’s area offices.
A world-class major events
• Major events contribute to the world’s most livable city
and grow the economy
• A portfolio approach, to attract economic anchor events
• Grow visitor nights in Auckland by attracting domestic
and international visitors and getting them to stay longer
NRL Auckland Nines
Five-year $9 million sponsorship deal
signed in September 2013 with NRL and
Duco Promotions.
Annual 9-a-side tournament involving all
16 NRL clubs.
First event 15-16 February 2014 at Eden
Economic injection predicted to be $3.8
million for 2014, increasing to $6.8
million in 2018.
Grow the visitor economy
• Focus on Auckland as a unique destination,
not a transit point
• 10-year Auckland Visitor Plan target – expand the visitor
economy from $3.33 billion (2010) to
$6 billion by 2021
• Grow demand for Auckland and enhance the visitor
• Target high-net worth luxury tourists
• Develop industry partnerships
Attracting conventions
Auckland Convention Bureau is part of
Task to grow high-value business visitor
segment – conferences and incentive
Collaborates with the business events
2012/13 year, won nine conferences
expected to inject $10.8 million into the
Auckland economy.
Measuring success
• Delivery of EDS targets requires growing Auckland’s
economy from $55.5bn to $90.3bn by 2022
• Requires significant growth in exports and employment
• ATEED will measure its contribution to growth through
it’s investment portfolio
• ATEED also has 25 KPIs which it reports to Auckland
Council annually