Transcript Document

Are You Ready? How to Succeed
In the Changing World of PR
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
So What’s Changed?
 The
three E’s of the marketplace
 Status
of public relations
 Impacts
 Focus
of social media
on business outcomes
 Developing
a personal plan
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Integrated Marketing
Defined as, “a planning process designed
to assure that all brand contacts/touch
points received by a customer or prospect
for a product, service, or organization are
relevant to that person and consistent over
Goal of selecting the elements of proposed
integrated marketing communications is to
create a campaign that is effective across
multiple media platforms.
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
The Three E’s Bringing Change
Budgets are down
Value propositions are up
Harder to succeed in marketplace
Trust and credibility are down
Number of messages are down
Audiences now expect to give input
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
The Three E’s Bringing Change
Effects Strengthened Through PR
Public relations understands how to build
and sustain beneficial relationships
Transference of credibility moves the
message faster
Multiplying factor of combining distribution
Lower cost of finding new audiences
Feedback is more immediate, facilitates
needed change to improve efficiencies
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Integrated Communications
 Defined
as, “strategic delivery of all
brand contacts/touch points to a
customer or prospect for a product,
service, or organization so that they
are relevant to that person,
consistent through all media and over
time builds relationships they trust
and seek for advice or value.”
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Status of Public Relations
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Public Relations Opportunities
Survey of Fortune 500 Marketing,
Advertising and PR Executives says:
Mass market advertising and
promotions are in decline
Public relations has the most to gain
if they can show return on investment
Public relations more visible
Visibility results in more to define,
protect and defend
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Advertising and PR Impacts
News coverage can have a substantial
impact on consumer behavior, on par
with advertising
“Normal” times they reinforce each other
Times of extremely positive and widespread
news coverage, advertising doesn’t help that
Times of extremely negative and
widespread news coverage, advertising
doesn’t help and may hurt
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
How CEOs Measure PR Success
Awareness Level
Attitude Change
Achievement of Formal
Favorable Media
Quality and
Completion of Projects
Volume of Clippings
Source: Delahaye MEDIALINK
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Impact of Social Media
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Information Is Everywhere
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
How Did We Get Here?
Welcome to Web 2.0
Software developers changed how we
used the web
Ability for content sharing; community
Pull technologies emerged
Introduction of “social media”
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
What is Social Media?
Media for sharing and discussing information
Integrates social interaction/technology
User- or consumer-generated media
Ability to “publish” and distribute similar to
traditional media
Creates communities with similar interests or
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
What’s Driving the Change
Clients/companies want “it” (>75%)
Changing media landscape
Transparency, trust, credibility
Connectivity, media habits
Technology readily available
Relationship-driven marketing
Faster reaction/speed to public
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Importance of Social Media
Most Important Thing We Do
Somewhat More Important
Equally As Important
More Important
Somewhat Less Important
Less Important
Completely Irrelevant
2009 Study – VIGNETTE / Corporate Executive Board
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Who Leads the Web 2.0 Efforts
Other – HR, PR
Outside Agency
Only 12% would rate their Web 2.0
initiatives as Effective
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
2009 Study – VIGNETTE / Corporate Executive Board
Why Use Social Media
Lead generation
Other proven uses:
Customer support communities
Significant cost savings
Employee interactions
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Tips for Social Media Success
Get the right people; get your people right
Align your strategy; integrate goals – First
the message, then the medium
Address value / measurement first
Plan your resources and approach
Make your presence known; know how
you’ll promote
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Focus on Business Outcomes
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Documenting Business Outcomes
Defined measurement metrics and outcomes
in four PR impact areas:
Reputation / Brand equity
Employees and other internal publics
Public policy
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Ask Four Questions
Whom are you seeking to affect?
What about them are you seeking to
How much must they be affected to be
By when does this effect need to
Note that public relations goals should be
relevant, realistic, specific, measureable and timely.
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Impact on Financial Performance
Generates revenue, sales, profit
Marketing public relations drives sales / Investor
public relations drives investment, valuation
Public relations drives donations and membership
Enhances efficiency
Better audience targeting
Delivering a credible message to more for less
Avoids catastrophic cost
Effective counsel helps mitigate impact of crises
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Impact on Reputation / Brand Equity
Commands higher prices, lowers costs,
generates premium on stock price
Enhances recommendations / word-of-mouth,
accelerating adoption
Increases customer loyalty / renewals /
Improves talent acquisition and retention
Lowers legal costs
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Impact on Employees
Increases employee satisfaction, engagement, &
productivity, thus greater efficiency, increased retention
reduced turnover, lower recruiting costs
Lowers legal costs
Changes employee behavior, i.e., increasing focus on
key areas - safety, quality, call response times
Provides greater transparency
Increases commitment to and from employees
Creates a platform to communicate bad news
Note that items here also can refer to
other internal publics, such as
trade association members.
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Impact on Public Policy
Creates public awareness, understanding and support
for legislation, regulation and political candidates
Affects voter behavior
Helps pass legislation, regulation and initiatives
Affects specific companies and industries through
appropriations, taxes and regulatory changes that can
affect any and all aspects of a business
Instigates and perpetuates grassroots or grass-tops
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Developing a Personal PR Plan
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
How Do You Measure Success
“If I am successful; what will it look like?”
Written goals and objectives based on
business outcomes
Quarterly reviews with immediate
management – PR value, marketplace,
competition – what are the opportunities?
Twice annual discussions with senior
management – long-range objectives and
immediate needs – how do you fit?
 Focus
on quantitative and qualitative
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
What Else Can I Do?
 Get
a mentor – both directions
 Un-niche
your media
 Network
 Be
realistic about your chances of
 Write
a weekly “sales” report
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009
Nashville PRSA – September 22, 2009