Transcript Document

The Styles of Social Campaigns in Ukraine
as Compared with Selected Countries of the
World – an Attempted Diagnosis
Paweł Chlipała
Marketing Department
Cracow University of Economics
The paper undertakes an attempt to identify the specific
characteristics of social advertising materials produced in Ukraine
and presented by Ukraine’s media.
 Does social advertising in Ukraine have its own unique style?
 Do social campaigns rely on uniform global patterns, or is attention
given to local conditions?
 To what extent are Ukrainian advertisements similar to the ones from
similar cultural areas?
 Is the style of Ukrainian advertising closer to “Western” or “Eastern”
The analysis of social messages focuses on their
content and form. Special attention is given to
“decoding” methods, positioning and USP
The analysis concentrates on the main characteristics of the structure of
promotional messages:
• manner of presentation – directly (explicite), indirectly (implicite),
• symbolism, context – high or low,
• types of arguments – rational or emotional,
• sender of the message – opinion leader, expert, specialist, average citizen,
• type of motivation – positive or negative,
• form of message – traditional or modern
Hall’s continuum of national cultures based
on context
The campaign promoting electricity savings in Ukraine
Global campaigns promoting the effective
use of electricity
The Ukrainian campaign warning against
The Polish campaign warning against
Ukrainian social campaigns make use of classical forms, but the
presentation of the problem is always innovative and attractive,
which is confirmed by a number of awarded prizes. The cultural
aspect of messages suggests some similarity between the styles
of social advertising in Ukraine and Poland. This style differs
considerably from the messages which target so called high
context cultures – for example China or Brazil.