Transcript Memory Lane

Memory Lane
Brought you to by the Dream Machine Inc. Team:
Gabe Tena, Jessica Prochut, Sarah D’Agostino,
Anita Crumlin, Desirae Whetten
Did you know?
Alzheimer's Disease
- 6th leading cause of death in the
- More than 5 million in the U.S.
suffer from this disease
Rape Victims
- 207, 754 victims each year
- 80% are under the age of 30
An introduction to a similar product already being tested:
The Brain
Key Terms
EEG (electroencephalography): the
recording of electrical activity along the
scalp. This machine measures voltage
fluctuations as a result from the flow of
neurons in the brain. It is used to record
spotaneous electrical activity.
MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging):
used to view internal structures in detail
What will our product look like?
Alzheimer's Disease
Worsens over time
Interferes with Daily Tasks
More than just normal aging
Early onset can happen in 40s or 50s
No cure or prevention at this point
Memory Repression
Self defense mechanism
After a traumatic event, the body will
shut down because it cannot deal with the
stress and repress the events
Memories can only resurface when the
body knows it's ready to deal with it
Cure Alzheimer's
Memory Lane can allow those suffering
from this disease to take their memories
and replay them for themselves to help
them remember how to do those daily
tasks and remember their loved ones and
the memories they shared.
Crime Prevention
Because of the way victim's repress
memories, it is often hard to identify
suspects, with Memory lane we can look
into the victims memory, without causing
the victim to relive the experience, take
that data for forensics team to analyze
and ultimately close more cases.
It can also be used to help victims in
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder can occur following a
life-threatening event or violent personal assaults
Some people have stress reactions that don't go
away on their own, or may even get worse over time.
These individuals may develop PTSD.
People who suffer from PTSD often suffer from
nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, and
feeling emotionally numb.
Treat PTSD
• Exposure Therapy
• Memory lane provides the ability to
face your trauma directly and take
Loss of a Loved One
• Good memories
• Mourning
• Celebration of life
Memory Lane Expenses
Thank you for your consideration to our
product! Today we covered:
The brain and it's functions
Key terms
What our product will look like
4 specific markets we hope to target
Our budget proposal