Some problems with the command theory.

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Legal Realism as an Alternative
to Natural Law Theory and Legal
American Legal Realism (Oliver Wendell Holmes,
Jr., Jerome Frank, Karl Llewellyn, Benjamin
Positivist and Natural Law
Definitions of Law
All Positive Laws
Legal Positivism
Natural Law
Positive Laws
All other Positive Law
Legal Realism
There really are no legal rules. Appeals
to rules are mere rationalizations of the
decisions of judges made on extra-legal
 The discipline of law consists simply in
predicting what judges will do. Law is a
branch of sociology: studying patterns
of behavior.
American Legal Realism
The behavior of public officials (mainly
judges) as they deal with matters before
the legal system.
 Law is a prediction about what judges
will do in certain circumstances.
 “Law in action” often more important
than “Law in the books.”
Holmes and the Path of the Law
Two negative theses:
Positive thesis:
Two negative theses
Law is not about morality. Think of law the
way the bad man does.
Logic is not the driving force in law.
Positive thesis:
Law can be improved by being made
more rational, by explicitly linking legal
rules and practices to desired social
Sociological Jurisprudence
Examines the law within its social
 Law is a process of social ordering
reflecting society’s dominant interests
and values.
Different Sociological
Law inevitably does (and should?)
follow dominant social values and
Implications of Sociological
Although moral values influence positive
law, no way to say whether this is right
or wrong.