Transcript Mars Biomes

Mars Biomes
By Euan Gillies
What it will be like
The major biome on Mars is tropical
rainforests. The reason why we haven’t
spotted them yet is because the tops of the
trees are orange; because of the thin layer
of atmosphere here the top of the trees get
very hot. But since the trees below that are
shielded by the tops of the trees they are
green like trees on earth. It will be damp
and cold near the forest floor because of
the little sunlight. But nearer the top it can
get up to almost 60°C. The dark parts of the
surface are the trees that don’t change
there colours depending on how much
sunlight there is.
Animals-part 1
The Blambuca evolved from a
rat that lived here centuries ago.
It has evolved red fur to blend in
with the top of the trees. It rarely
visits the forest floor because it
isn’t camoflaged there. It is a
herbivore that eats the leaves
and fruits of the trees. It is very
Animals-Part 2
This species is called
Daillish it lives near
the top of the trees
because it wouldn’t be
able to survive
otherwise. It hunts the
Blambuca as well as
eating fruits and
leaves. It is a very
social animal so it
hunts in packs.
• The plants that live here are the mosses and
liverworts which live at the forest floor; these
plants have a very short life span compared to
the trees because there is very little sunlight.
There are two types of trees the ones where
they stay green no matter what happens but lose
their leaves and the ones that there leaves
change colour according to the temperature.
Orange being the hottest to green being the