Spring Vocab PPT

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Transcript Spring Vocab PPT

Spring Time
Luscious (adj)
• Richly appealing to the senses
The luscious
bloomed with
many different
types of
Perennial (adj)
• lasting for an indefinitely long time
There are many
different types of
flowers that are
classified as
Horticulture (n)
• the cultivation of a garden
Horticulture helps
pass the time for
those who don’t
have green
Deluge (v)
• To flood
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompress ed) dec ompres sor
are needed to s ee this pic ture.
The rain deluged
the town until
homes were
Rejuvenate (v)
• to make young again
Qui ckTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompr essed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s pi cture.
The spa will
your skin until
it’s as smooth
as the day
you were
Eradicate (v)
• To remove or destroy
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompress ed) dec ompres sor
are needed to s ee this pic ture.
Dogs were
trained to
the rats
during the
Vista (n)
QuickTi me™ and a
TIFF ( Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s pi ctur e.
• narrow avenue
Quic kT i me™ and a
T IFF (Unc ompres s ed) dec ompres s or
are needed t o s ee thi s pi c ture.
Mrs. Petrush
used to live
on a vista in
Effluent (n)
• a stream flowing out of a lake
QuickTi me™ and a
TIFF ( Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s pi ctur e.
The effluent lead
into a power
plant that
Persephone (n)
• a daughter of Zeus and Demeter
QuickTi me™ and a
T IFF (Uncom pressed) decom pressor
are needed to see t his pict ure.
Persephone was
captured by
Pluto to be
queen for
Tempestuous (adj)
• Tumultuous; stormy
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this pic ture.
The weather
coming into
town was very
Deciduous (adj)
• shedding the leaves annually
Quic k Ti me™ and a
T IFF (Unc om pres s ed) dec om pres s or
are needed to s ee t his pic t ure.
Walking through
the forest the
deciduous trees
were losing their
Verdant (adj)
• covered with growing plants or grass
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see t his picture.
Rainforests can
often be called
verdant when
they are not
being harvested
for their trees.