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A young lake with few nutrients
What is an Oligotrophic Lake
Relationship in which both partners benefit
What is Mutualism?
Mosses & Lichen are Examples
What is a Pioneer Community?
A measure of the amount of suspended particles
in a body of water
What is Turbidity?
The rate at which light energy is converted to
stored chemical energy of organic compounds by
photosynthetic organisms
What is Primary Productivity?
The maximum population level an area can support
What is carrying capacity?
The fastest rate at which a population can grow
What is biotic potential?
Daily Double!!
Percent Natural Rate of Annual Increase of a
population with a BR of 18/1000/year and a DR of
What is 0.9%?
All the members of a species that occupy the same
What is a population?
The number of individuals in a given area
What is population density?
A viceroy butterfly and a monarch butterfly are
examples of this type of mimicry
What is Batesian mimicry?
Type of Natural Selection Depicted Here:
What is Stabilizing Natural Selection?
Rapid generation of new species from a single
ancestor to fill new niches
What is Adaptive Radiation?
Type of Reproductive Isolation that occurs
because of differences in the structure of the
flower and the ability of pollination by insects
What is Mechanical Isolation?
Type of Evolution Depicted Here:
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What is Convergent Evolution?
Increasing concentration of a chemical up the food
What is biomagnification or bioaccumulation?
Caused by increased phosphorus, nitrogen, and
potassium in a body of water
What is Eutrophication?
Caused by livestock overgrazing and the subsequent
loss of topsoil
What is desertification?
Carbon Dioxide
Water Vapor
& CFCs
are all examples
What are Greenhouse Gases?
____ + O2
CO2 + Water + Heat
What is Natural Gas Combustion?
A preservation strategy that adds individuals into
an already existing population to increase genetic
What is augmentation?
The nonrenewable energy source that is
cleanest to burn
What is natural gas?
Director of the St. Louis Zoo, Started the Wolf
Sanctuary, & Funded the Bird Sanctuary
Who is Marlin Perkins?
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Endemism & Threat
What are two things taken into account to determine a
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TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
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QuickTime™ and a
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QuickTime™ and a
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QuickTime™ and a
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What are flagship species?