Koala Bearss

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Koala Bears
Created by: Madison Mogck
•Kingdom: Animal
•Infra Order:
•Phylum: Vertebrata
•Family: Phascolarctida
•Class: Mammalia
•Sub-Class: Marsupialia
•Order: Diprotodontia
•Sub-Order: Vombatiformes
Shape: Roundish, but it is more towards an oval.
Length: 30.7 in. for males; 28 in. for females
Height: 740 mm for males; 720 mm for females
Weight: The average is 26 pounds
Colors and Markings: The color and pattern of the coat varies
considerably between individuals and age.
•Part of World: They live in Australia
•Environment: They are found in the Coastal Region. They
live in Rain Forests and in Eucalyptus Trees.
The Koala Bear does not like meat. It’s an herbivore which
means it likes to eat plants. It eats mostly Eucalyptus
leaves off of the trees. Koala bears have been said to be
“drunk” but really intoxicated by their leaves that they
Family Life
Over time the average koala bear has 5 to 6 offspring.
Koala Bears only have one baby at every time it’s pregnant.
Twins are unknown.
Gestation: 34 to 36 days
The babies are born anytime of the year because of their warm
climate year round.
The mother takes car of their young until it’s 12 months of age or
when it’s a little over 2 kg.
Social Behavior
Koala Bears prefer to live alone, and not in a group. They
tend to not socialize in any way.
Temperament: They are very friendly and pleasant to be around.
Habitats & Unique behavior: They sleep all through the day. When
they don’t, they are most likely to be eating leaves.
Defenses: They use their sharp teeth as a defense mechanism
against predators of all sizes.
Acquiring Food: They don’t like a lot of variety in their diet. They
enjoy a nice meal of eucalyptus leaves that they find in the
Eucalyptus tree, where they also make their home.
There was once several kinds of koala bears-all but one of
which died out. The earliest known member of the koala
family was a browser.
Present Status
Koala Bears ARE disappearing. Loss of koala habitat and
koalas’ Eucalyptus Trees is leading koala threat.
Relationship to Humans
Koala Bears and humans are very different. When together
each one will be scared of each other, but the koala bear is
really more scared of us than we are of them.
They are often called Koala Bears but their real name is a
They are Herbivores.
There life-span varies considerably due to stress factors
probably averaging 13 to 18 years.
Koala Bears also sleep 18 hours a day.
They don’t live in families but are solitary mammals.