Rainforest Animals

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Capuchin Monkey
Capuchin Monkey
Capuchin Monkeys live in the Amazon Rainforest.
They are omnivores who eat both plants animals like fruit leaves, seeds,
berries, flowers spiders, oysters, birds, small mammals and insects.
The main predators of Capuchin monkeys are Boa Constrictors,
Jaguars, Hawks and Eagles.
Capuchin monkeys are highly intelligent who use sticks, branches and
stones to open shells, nuts and hard animals.
Capuchin Monkeys avoid prey by living up high in the treetops where
prey like Boa Constrictors and Jaguars can not reach them.
Capuchin Monkeys use warning calls to alarm members of the group
when danger might occur. They are also very territorial they mark their
Capuchin Monkeys dominate 80 to 212 acres of land for food . This
how they are equipped to live in the rainforest and outcompete its
Spider Monkey
Spider Monkey
 Spider monkeys have long, lanky arms and prehensile
(gripping) tails that enable them to move gracefully from
branch to branch and tree to tree and it allows them to reach
food up in the canopy where animals on the ground cant
reach. Spider monkeys (of several species) live in the tropical
rain forests of Central and South America and occur as far
north as Mexico. Spider monkeys or mostly primary consumers.
They base their diet and can live off of fruit and nuts. Their fruitloving tendencies causes the monkeys to play an important
role in dispersing the seeds of many fruiting trees of the
rainforest. When fruits are not available, the monkeys consume
the leaves of a variety of tree species. Additionally, spider
monkeys consume eggs, invertebrates and other small
creatures from time to time. During the dry season or when
food is scarce, the monkeys consume flowers, honey and tree
bark. Hunters hunt spider monkeys for food and also sell the
mother with young offspring for pet trade.
African Elephant
African Elephant
The elephant is the biggest mammal in Asia. In
Asia elephants can be found in the rainforests there.
In Africa, they are found in the Savannah's. Elephants
can be found in India, parts of Arica and Asia. The
elephant falls into the primary consumers category.
They feed off the producers being grasses and plants.
The elephants found in the rainforest have adapted
by becoming smaller and wider, with a longer jaw
thus giving them a longer narrower face. Some
elephants have also adapted by changing color
from the brown to grey to even black, this gives them
a better camouflage in the forest in order to find from
Bullet Ant
Bullet Ant
Parponera clavata is known as the “bullet ant” because of the intense
pain it inflicts with its stings. The bullet ant lives in South America, Central
America Rainforests. Bullet ants commonly live off of plant nectar. They
have also been known to eat other insects like termites and other types
of food including sap and nectar. Bullet ant’s adaptations help them
avoid being prey to the anteaters. They develop stingers which are
thought to have evolved in order to protect them from predators.
When the nest of bullet ant is disturbed, the defenders of the colony
swarm out release a very musky odor and signal audible warning to
each other. They may also grab and often times sting the intruder.
Venom contained within the stinger, called poneratoxin, is a neurotoxin
peptide. It affects the victim's voltage dependent sodium ion
channels and in the process blocks any synaptic transmissions traveling
throughout the central nervous system. Poneratoxin causes an
extreme amount of pain within ten minutes of the ant's sting and
causes slow harsh muscle contractions and a burning sensation which
usually last 24 hours.
Tamarin Monkey
 The Tamarin’s diet mainly consists of many plants
but in some cases they may consume fruit, a
variety of different insects, and occasionally
small vertabrates. Their homes may vary, many
tamarin’s live in the Amazon Basin but their
original country of origin are southeast Peru, and
northeastern brazil. It’s coat protects it from
predators in the forest during different seasons.
Gliding Tree Frog
Gliding Tree Frog
 Gliding tree frogs live in tropical and subtropical
wetlands (some in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
and Panama) and swampy areas. Most of their time is
spent in high trees, they’re nocturnal. They only go to
the ground during mating season. They are
carnivorous and eat things like crickets, flies, and
moths. Things that eat them are: snakes, birds,
monkeys, and large rodents. Ways that it adapts are:
Its colors change from light (day) to dark (night) and
their large webbed toes help them glide and move
easier through their habitat (trees) and makes it easier
for them to do things like searching for food. This
species is equipped to live in the rainforest and
outcompete its opponents because it is small, and its
adaptations make is easier to hide from predators
and easier for it to survive.
Red Crab Spider
Red Crab Spider
 Red Crab Spiders can be yellow, white, or pale green,
depending on the color of the flower or leaf that they are
trying to blend in to. To trap their prey, they use camouflage
hunting techniques and instead of using a web, they use their
front legs to catch their prey. (They use camouflage to acquire
food and to avoid predators) Since they use camouflage and
barely like to move around, it can be very difficult to spot a
Red Crab Spider with a naked eye. They mainly eat insects
and bees. The predators of this type of spider are birds, lizards,
and shrews. The Red Crab Spider can be found in a number of
locations including: Africa, the Amazon Rainforest, the Arctic,
Asia, Australia, China, Europe, the Indian subcontinent,
Madagascar, the Mediterranean, North America, Russia, South
America, and the United Kingdom.
Slime Mold
Slime Mold
 Slime molds usually live in cool, shady moist
places in the woods or on decaying logs, dead
leaves, or other organic matter that holds
moisture. Slime mold will eat things like bacteria,
spores, and other organic matter like amoeba
but once it fully grows will be fed on other
animals. The fungi will absorb nutrients from living
or dead organisms that they grow on. The fungi is
important to this environment because it
releases nitrogen, carbon, and other nutrients
needed for organisms to enrich the soil. As
nutrients are produced so are the fungi.
Howler Monkey
 Howler Monkey's are the largest of all the New
World monkeys and they are native to the
tropical forests of Central and South America.
Their diet consists mainly of leaves, fruits and nuts,
such as the fig. The howler monkey has adapted
to live and eat in this environment by having a
long tail used either to hold themselves onto
branches or to even pluck fruit. They also have
have loud vocalizations, or "howls" used for
territory protection and mating. The only danger
that they need to watch out for are hunters and
poachers. Otherwise they are safe at the top of
their food chain, and at the top of their tree.
 Macaranga Tanarius, found in South East Asian,
Papua New Guinean, and east of Australian
rainforest. It is a Pioneer plant that grows in or
near coastal rainforests. It is a producer which
has a mutual relationship with ants which attack
herbivorous insects and either drive them away
or feed on them. It is a shrub or bushy tree
reaching 12 m and a stem diameter of 40 cm, a
short and crooked grey brown bark, bumps and
irregularities. Smooth branches and bluish grey
with leaf scars and germinate seeds with no
Flying Lemur
Flying Lemur
 A flying lemur also known as the kagwang are
one of two species of flying lemurs they lives in
the treetops of tropical rainforest of the
Philippines and the southern parts of Asia. Lemurs
are herbivorous and feed on soft plants like fruit,
flowers, buds, young leaves, nectar, and sap.
Eagles and humans eat Lemurs, they have bold
patches of fur that look like lichen which
provides camo against predators. Lemurs
outcompete their opponents by there camo
and that because they are nocturnal.
 Siamang live in the forest of Southeast Asia.
Siamang are omnivores with means they eat
plants and small animals. They forage for fruits,
leaves, spiders, birds and bird eggs. They are not
often preyed on because not many predators
can catch them in the trees. They live in the
upper canopy and hunt in the trees of the forest.
 Chimpanzee‘s are generally fruit and plant eaters, but they
also consume insects, eggs, and meat, including carrion.
Leopards are the main enemies of chimpanzees. They live in
the tropical rainforest. Chimps are primarily rainforest animals.
Chimpanzee’s will spend time both in trees and on the ground,
but will usually sleep in a tree where it will build a nest for the
night. They once inhabited most of this region, but their habitat
has been dramatically reduced in recent years. Chimpanzees
this means long arms and flexible joints for swinging and
climbing, and thick black hair to shield them from rainforest
downpours. They can hear distant sounds and work out where
the noise is coming from – very important if it's a warning of
danger. They use rocks as hammers to crack open nuts over
another stone, and they find twigs to poke into the tiniest of
holes to pluck out tasty ants without getting their fingers bitten.
Parasitic Fungi
Parasitic Fungi
 A parasitic fungus thrives by latching on to other
organisms and taking nutrients from them giving
nothing in return. It finds a healthy organism,
invades it and drains it until the organism dies
and continues to feed on it. Other fungi can kill
the parasitic fungi such as Mycorrhical fungi. It
reproduces and spreads throughout organisms
like a disease, growing on them and traveling
inside of their body. It grows from parasites living
inside a fungus and organisms eating that fungus
such as a mushroom
A large majority of vines grow in the tropical
rainforests, somewhere around ninety percent. Vines
tend to have very woody and thick stocks, the length
and shape various from species to species. They use
trees for support as they climb up from the rainforest’s
floor. They climb so that they can reach the top of
the forest to attain sunlight. They climb by winding up
the tree trunks or by using tendrils. At the top of the
canopy they spread throughout by attaching to
other vines and trees. This is also helpful for the trees
due to the large mass of vines protecting the trees by
adding support through strong winds.
Pitcher Plant
Pitcher Plant
 Pitcher plants occurs natural in Madagascar, china, New
Guinea Australia. There two types of pitcher plants one is
called Nepenthaceae and Sarraceniaceae, the
Nepenthaceace can be found in south china, Indonesia and
other countries, and Sarraceniaceae can be found in north
America. There also carnivore eating plants that eat insects or
other animals can also eat small frogs or birds. The adaptation
the pitcher plants like to live in is where the soil is thin or poor
nutrients especially in nitrogen and in acidic bogs which is
dead plans and rock outcropping. The leaves can fold and
shape like cups were the predators fall inside and the pitcher
plants eats it. They adapt to their environment by staying in
nitrogen soil where they trap insects and the insects fall inside
,and when it falls inside and goes in the walls which gives the
plants nutrient so basically they stay were a lot of dirty soil are
where they meet worms and other bacterial insect so it easily
for them to catch them and eat them.
 The orangutan is a great ape that is dominant in the
rainforests. Currently, they are found only in the
rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Orangutans are
secondary consumers; they mainly eat fruits and leaves,
but if food is scarce they may eat insects or bark from
trees, and they are prey to snow leopards and tigers.
They usually get most of their food during the high fruit
season, eating as much that could total up to 11,000
calories. To avoid predators, they make nests up high
on the canopy to live in. It’s also where they would care
for their young. Orangutans are the most intelligent
primates. They are able to make tools for themselves to
survive and make tasks easier. Examples of the tools
they use would be to extract insects from their living
areas and also use seed extracting tools to harvest
seeds from hard-husked fruits.
Magnificent Bird of Paradise
Magnificent Bird of Paradise
 The Magnificent Bird of Paradise is a species
where all the birds of paradise fall under. They
live amongst hills and mid-mountain forest. Their
diet consists of fruit and insects. This species has
no natural carnivorous predators but due to
excessive hunting by humans their kind slowly
diminishes. The Birds of Paradise have a mating
dance to entice the female species to get them
to like him. The Birds of Paradise have a relatively
easy life.
Sqiurrel Monkey
Squirrel Monkey
Squirrel Monkeys are one of the most
common species of monkeys that live in Central
and South America. They spend most of their
time up in the tree canopies, but come down to
look for food. They feed on fruits and insects, and
its biggest enemy is the eagle. Its adaptations
include their thighs that are shorter relative to
their lower legs; this allows more jumping force.
Also, their fur makes a secretion, especially on
the tail that turns away predators.
Hardwood Trees
Hardwood Trees
 Hardwood Trees are commonly found in North
American forest by their leaves, fruit, and flowers.
Hardwood trees are classed by plants with
ovules enclosed for protection in an ovary.
Hardwood trees have broadleaves which are
deciduous and lose their leaves seasonally.
Leaves can be either single bladed or
compound with an attached stem. In the
rainforest hardwood trees have bigger base and
roots. Hardwood trees help preserve the
rainforest and the tropical hardwood species.
Strangler Fig Tree
Strangler Fig Tree
 The strangler fig tree gained the name “strangler” because of
its pattern of growth upon host trees, which, in many cases,
leads to the host’s death. It begins as a sticky seed that an
animal leaves once it has consumed the main fruit. As it grows,
long roots develop and descend along the trunk of the host
tree, eventually reaching the ground and going into the soil.
Several of its roots do this, and they become grafted together,
forming a kind of strangling latticework, which creates a nearly
complete sheath around the trunk. The host tree’s canopy
becomes shaded by the thick fig foliage, its trunk choked by
the surrounding root sheath, and its own root system forced to
compete with that of the strangling fig. Its leaves are a green
color. In the rainforest, strangler fig trees are ecologically
important. The hollow centres of the strangler figs are full of
large hollows that provide shelter and breeding sites for bats,
birds, and other animals. Perhaps more importantly, stranglers
are “keystone species” in that they provide food to a wide
variety of animals during times of scarcity.