ThinkBrooklyn Presentation

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Data and Strategy for the Social Good
Now serving all of New York City and beyond
January, 2015
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
reliable, rapid and affordable…
and Needs
nonprofits, government, businesses, researchers and media
in New York City and beyond to develop
High-Impact and Sustainable
Funding Proposals
Programming and Services
Advocacy Initiatives
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Our Approach
ThinkBrooklyn’s approach to research is community-driven and participatory.
ThinkBrooklyn’s constituencies are the experts.
We simply strive to fortify the already powerful voices
of New York City’s communities with vital information and strategic thinking
at the neighborhood level and for the social good.
Why are We Doing this Work?
Vast disparities among neighborhoods
Unavailable neighborhood level data
Important decisions about
resource allocation, programming and services, and public policies
are often being made in a vacuum, and
are not proactively strategic, data-driven, or substantively informed
by the populations they will impact
This is where ThinkBrooklyn steps in…
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Our Approach
ThinkBrooklyn combines the quantitative with the qualitative, resulting in the
most comprehensive and accurate information possible for our clients…
Public and Program Data
Database Design
Customized Data Reports
Neighborhood Reports
Trends Reports
Data Sets
Web Resources
Assets & Needs
Customized Maps
Reference Maps
Organization Directory Maps
Data Analysis
Focus Groups
Data Visualization
To Take Action
& Recalibrate
Strategic Planning
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Nonprofits & Government
Organization Directory
Community Board Directory
Elected Official Directory
Our Impact
In 2013, the staff of the former Center for the Study of Brooklyn founded
ThinkBrooklyn. Our contributions over the last several years have included:
Leveraging nearly $3 million in financial resources directly benefiting
communities in Brooklyn through our work in partnership with Brooklyn-based
Producing over 50 customized data reports and responding to hundreds of
requests for data from nonprofits, government, businesses, researchers and media
using national, state, city, borough-wide, community district and census tract level data
from over 70 data sets
Launching the first ever Brooklyn Neighborhood Reports with the Brooklyn
Community Foundation- 19 reports with over 600 pages of graphs, maps and data
tables; each report includes over 90 indicators that explore 9 theme areas Demographics, Youth & Education, Economy, Housing, Environment, Health, Public Safety,
Arts & Culture and Civic Engagement (PLEASE NOTE—ThinkBrooklyn plans to release 2014
Brooklyn Neighborhood Reports, and eventually Neighborhood Reports for each of New York City’s 5
boroughs, and all 59 Community Districts)
Implementing ten major strategic planning and community assets and needs
assessment projects in partnership with Brooklyn-based organizations, garnering
national and citywide visibility and resources
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Our Impact
Hosting over 100,000 visits to the first and only comprehensive online Brooklyn
Organization Directory, a one-of-a-kind resource for residents, Brooklyn nonprofits,
funders, elected officials, media, etc. who are seeking community services from groups who
serve Brooklynites (PLEASE NOTE—ThinkBrooklyn plans to launch Organization Directories for each
of New York City’s 5 boroughs)
Releasing the first report of the Brooklyn Trends series- Civic Engagement- with the
Brooklyn Community Foundation- over 3,000 downloads in just two months following its
Developing the first all-inclusive online Brooklyn Elected Official and Community
Board Directories, connecting Brooklyn residents and the groups who serve them with
local government
Garnering significant media attention, with our data referenced twice in the New York Times,
several feature articles in other print and online publications, appearing on numerous TV
programs, and responding to over 50 requests for data by media
We are pleased to announce that
in 2014 we are
now serving all of New York City and beyond!
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Examples of Current and Recent Projects
Three US DOE Promise Neighborhood Planning Grant Projects in Three Years
One of only 10 projects awarded nationwide by the U.S. Department of Education last year, we’ve helped
leverage over $1.375 million dollars in the last three years for Sunset Park (with Lutheran Family
Health Centers), Flatbush (with CAMBA) and Cypress Hills (with Cypress Hills LDC)
ThinkBrooklyn works with groups to apply for the funding (providing data and project planning), and then
we facilitate community asset and needs assessments, convene town hall meetings and focus groups,
conduct community surveys and produce supporting data analyses and reports
New York City Food and Fitness Partnership
In partnership with the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation (BSRC) and their community partners
ThinkBrooklyn provided data analysis, mapping and program evaluation for this Kellogg Foundation
national project which encourages active living and healthy eating as the easy and affordable choice for
residents of all ages and backgrounds in Central Brooklyn
Building Strong Community Networks
In partnership with the Heart of Brooklyn (HOB), a consortium of six major cultural institutions in Central
Brooklyn, funded by a National Leadership Grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services
ThinkBrooklyn provided data analysis and mapping, most recently to address issues of emerging
bilingualism with the goal of expanding outreach and community engagement by HOB member institutions
Aging Improvement District and Results Basted Accountability (RBA)
In partnership with the Coalition for the Improvement of Bedford Stuyvesant (CIBS)
Collected and analyzed Population Measures Headline Indicators, and data about Seniors, and produced
trends maps so that CIBS may target their outreach and programming efforts
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
People are saying great things about how
Brooklyn’s communities:
our work has supported their work in
“… an invaluable partner …providing CAMBA with access to, and expert analysis of, planning data that would
otherwise be unavailable. This support was essential to our successful effort to bring a $500,000 Promise
Neighborhood Planning Grant from the United States Department of Education to the community. I do not know
what we would do without them.”
-Joanne Oplustil, CAMBA
“… in depth data broken down into helpful geographic regions that made 2010 Census outreach and education
for our New York State Senate Census Project easy and manageable. This helped various senate district office census
coordinators focus on certain "hard-to-count" regions in their districts and helped our project get closer to a
complete and accurate count of all New Yorkers. Thank you...”
– Karen Duffy, Intergovernmental Relations, New York State Senate
"With accuracy and speed, they provided compelling data snapshots of the Bedford-Stuyvesant community
customized to our specific needs …focusing our evaluative efforts … and will help leverage numerous
program grants from public and private resources. Thank you for serving as such a valuable community
-Melissa Lee, formerly of Coalition for the Improvement of Bedford Stuyvesant
“It has been a true pleasure working with you and your team.”
-Malgorzata Powietrzynska, Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
"The data obtained for my research has been absolutely essential to my work identifying where special-needs families live
in Brooklyn, targeting outreach, connecting and collaborating with schools and businesses, and creating
informed funding proposals. I am extremely grateful for this service and will continue to use it in the future."
- Frederica McLean, Living Above Disorder
“This is a wonderful, unique service that you’re providing!”
- Joan Bartolomeo, formerly of Brooklyn Economic Development Corporation
“Their work informed the implementation strategy at the heart of the Sunset Park Promise Neighborhood’s planning and
funding requests. The community data profile… helped highlight the significant need in Sunset Park, providing a
basis for leveraging public/private investment in our community…they serve as a data clearinghouse that can
provide valuable tools for organizations to access current Brooklyn neighborhood statistics, which in turn can help identify
community trends to drive program design and help develop targeted interventions.”
-Kathy Hopkins, Lutheran Family Health Centers
LOVE YOUR WORK! It is so helpful, informative and useful. Thank you so much.”
- Margaret Kelley, Office of the Brooklyn Borough President
“… very helpful in preparing an impressive customized report with data that highlights the specific need in our
community. As a local nonprofit with limited time and resources, it is very helpful to have such a reliable community
-Samuel Moskowitz, Midwood Development Corporation
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
"I want to personally thank you for the work that you have done on behalf of Moving Mountains. We appreciate you taking
the time to graph, map and create such an amazing visual and informative presentation. You've given us
confirmation that there is a need for our specific (art) services (for youth living in high risk
neighborhoods) in our targeted areas.”
- Ally Robertson, Moving Mountains, Inc.
"The data provided was instrumental in our ability to analyze the district in which we propose to site our charter
school. The analysis allowed us to understand the educational landscape of this area, and to build a strong
case that the district is in need of additional quality secondary school resources."
- Miriam Nunberg, Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School
“This report is highly valuable to the activists in the Brooklyn Food Coalition. It gives us the direct information about
vacant land that we very much need to consider for possible spaces for future community gardens.”
– Nancy Romer, Brooklyn Food Coalition
“… an invaluable resource for the Heart of Brooklyn cultural partnership. The critical demographics, statistical
data and analyses have helped our organization and our cultural institutions better understand and serve
Brooklyn's diverse communities … and helped Heart of Brooklyn secure funding for a major research and
community engagement initiative, Building Strong Community Networks, which to date has received $875,000 in
planning and implementation funds.”
-Sarah Shannon, formerly of Heart of Brooklyn
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
How Can We Help You?
ThinkBrooklyn Provides…
Assets Mapping • Community Assets and Needs Assessments • Constituency
Surveying • Data Expediting • Database Design, Querying and Management •
Focus Group Design and Facilitation • Intervention/Solution Design and
Development • Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement • Public
and Program Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization • Strategic Planning •
Trend Analysis
Advocacy Initiatives • Annual Reports • Audience Development and Outreach •
Funding Proposals • Program and Service Development
ThinkBrooklyn Provides…
Constituency Needs Assessments • Database Design, Querying and
Management • Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement • Polling •
Public and Program Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization • Strategic
Planning • Trend Analysis
Budget Allocations • Campaign Strategy • Legislative Testimony •
Policymaking • Program and Service Development
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
How Can We Help You?
ThinkBrooklyn Provides…
Client Surveying • Corporate Narratives • Database Design, Querying and
Management • Focus Group Design and Facilitation • Market Analytics and
Research • Public and Business Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization •
Society Impact Assessments • Trends Analysis
Annual Reports • Business Plans • Marketing • Publications • Society Branding
ThinkBrooklyn Provides…
Public and Program Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization • Technology
RESEARCHERS Training and Assistance
Funding Proposals • Publications • Studies
ThinkBrooklyn Provides…
Public and Program Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization • Community
Introductions for In-Depth Reporting • Content Expert Interviews
Print Media • Film • Radio • Blogs • Television
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Examples about Brooklyn
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
18 Community Districts
Average Population 139,556
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
2.5 million residents
70 neighborhoods
180 ethnicities
130 countries
90 languages
Data Sources: New York City Department of City Planning,
American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2009-2011)
12.1% Increase
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Data Sources: Decennial Census (1990 and 2000), American Community Survey 1-Year Estimate (2012)
Race in Brooklyn
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Ethnicity in Brooklyn
Data Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2009-2011)
Place of Birth
After New York State (49.5%), the top 5 places of birth for Brooklynites are:
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Data Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2009-2011)
22.9% (569,192) of Brooklynites
are living in poverty, including:
33.0% (193,909) of
Brooklyn’s children
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Data Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2009-2011)
BrooklynForeign Born
37.4% (937,771)
Foreign Born
45.5% Not US Citizens
9.3% Don’t Speak English
12.9% Foreign Born
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Data Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2009-2011)
Primary language spoken at home:
16.9% Hola
5.4% Привет
3.5% ‫שלום־עליכם‬
Note: Count of Brooklyn residents for primary language spoken at home: English (1,248,633),
Spanish (395,258), Chinese (155,597), Russian (125,038), Yiddish (82,234)
Data Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates 2009-2011
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
BrooklynLanguage Barriers
Ability to Speak English
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Data Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2009-2011)
BrooklynArts & Culture
• 716 Arts & Culture organizations in Brooklyn
• $8,777,478 granted by NYSCA and NYCDCLA to
282 (39.4%) of Brooklyn’s Arts & Culture organizations
per person in funding
per person in funding
New York City
Data Sources: Brooklyn Arts Council (2011), New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (NYCDCLA) (2010),
American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates (2007-2009)
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Examples from Heart of Brooklyn Presentation
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Residents Who
Speak English Less
Than Very Well and
Heart of Brooklyn
Membership Rate
Brooklyn, New York
CDs with Highest % of
Residents Who Speak
English Less Than Very
48.1% CD 11
47.2% CD 7
46.1% CD 13
42.2% CD 4
35.1% CD 15
An average increase of
18.2% (43,855)
since 2000 for these 5 CDs
Data Sources: American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (2007-2011),
Decennial Census (2000), Brooklyn Public Library (2012)
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Residents Whose
Home Language is
Spanish, Chinese or
Russian and
Speak English Less
Than Very Well
Brooklyn, New York
Spanish 8.5%
Chinese 4.8%
Russian 3.6%
Note: Data points are placed randomly within a census tract. For clarity
of data representation, census tract boundaries are not depicted.
Data Sources: American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (20072011), Brooklyn Public Library (2012)
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Stay Tuned…
We will officially launch
new website in 2015!
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015
Thank You!
For subscription information or questions about our services
and publications, please contact:
Gretchen Maneval
Executive Director
[email protected]
Copyright ThinkBrooklyn, 2015