Transcript Listening

A man and his son are in a car
accident. They are taken to a hospital
where the man is kept in the intensive
care unit. As his son is wheeled into
the operating room, the surgeon walks
in and says, “I can’t operate on this
boy. He is my son!”
How can this be??
Message Relay
We will now be doing a group activity
called “Message Relay.”
We will be getting in groups of six
Please listen carefully for your next
Listen Up!!
It takes 2 people for communication to
Speaker + Listener = Communication
We now need a volunteer to come to the
front of the class to give directions to your
teacher on how to get to __________.
Listen Up!!
Do you think I heard what you said?
Why or why not?
Do you think I understood what you
told me? Why or why not?
If I had to follow your directions, do
you think I could get there?
What can you do to become a
better listener?
1. Focus
2. Confirm
Focus on the speaker and let them know you are listening.
Confirm what you are hearing by repeating parts of what
the person said or summarize what they said.
3. Respond
Respond to the speaker in some way to show that you
have HEARD and UNDERSTOOD what has been said.
You might ask questions, make comments or continue the
Message Relay Revisited
We will be doing another “Message
Relay” activity to see if our listening
skills have improved
Please listen carefully to your
What is the answer to the riddle
presented in the beginning of class?
What are some benefits of having
good listening skills?
Being an active listener is a key to good
To listen actively, focus your attention on
the speaker, confirm what you hear, and
respond to what is said.