Cundari The Cold War

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Unit 11: Cold War
Cold War period after WW IIlasted from 1945-1991(a war
of words not weapons)
Post war
The United States and Great Britain had
been allies of the USSR for one reason-to
defeat Adolf Hitler.
 The two powers never trusted Stalin, they
had not even told him about the atomic
 Stalin wanted countries to turn toward
“Cold War” noun
a state of political hostility between countries
characterized by threats, propaganda, and other
measures short of open warfare, in particular
the state of political hostility that existed between
the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led
Western powers from 1945 to 1990.
1945 Potsdam Conference: the negotiators confirmed the status of a
demilitarized and disarmed Germany under four zones of Allied occupation.
Iron Curtain
Symbolic line that
divided democratic
Western Europe and
Communistic Eastern
the term coined by
Winston Churchill
Harry S. Truman
33rd President of the
United States.
Did not go to college.
“The buck stops here”
“If you can’t take the
heat get out of the
United Nations
Building a new
world; set up as a
peace keeping
Satellites Nations
Truman Doctrine-1948
This document states that the United
States would come to the aid of any nation
that would fight communism.
 Informal
declaration of war to stop the spread
of communism by the Soviet Union
“Containment Policy”-The US will not
allow the spread of communism and would
not interfere in countries that are already
The Marshall Plan 1948
This plan was to
rebuild (aid) Europe.
The United States
would give the money
in order to stop the
possible influence of
a Communist
takeover of Western
Europe after WWII
$12-15 Billion
Marshall Plan
The plan was in operation for four years beginning in April 1948. The goals
of the United States were to rebuild war-devastated regions, remove trade
barriers, modernize industry, make Europe prosperous again, and prevent
the spread of communism. The Marshall Plan required a lessening of
interstate barriers, a dropping of many regulations, and encouraged an
increase in productivity, labor union membership, as well as the adoption
of modern business procedures.
George Marshall
Marshall is the only
General to receive the
Nobel Prize for his
work on rebuilding
Secretary of the State
Berlin Airlift
The crisis started on June 24, 1948, when Soviet forces blockaded rail,
road, and water access to Allied-controlled areas of Berlin. The United
States and United Kingdom responded by airlifting food and fuel to
Berlin from Allied airbases in western Germany. The crisis ended on
May 12, 1949, when Soviet forces lifted the blockade on land access
to western Berlin.
N.A.T.O North Atlantic Treaty
The Berlin Crisis of 1948–1949 solidified
the division of Europe. Shortly before
the end of the blockade, the Western
Allies created the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO).
Founded by: Dean
Mutual defense pact
of the US + 11
democratic nations.
Warsaw Pact
Communist response to NATO
Mutual pact defense of Eastern
Communist nations.
and Turkey
used in Greece
“In February 1947, the British government announced that it could
no longer afford to finance the Greek monarchical military regime in
its civil war against communist-led insurgents.
After Republicans gained control of Congress in the 1946 elections,
President Truman, a Democrat, made a dramatic speech that is often used
to mark the beginning of the Cold War. In March 1947, he requested that
Congress appropriate $400 million in aid to the Greek and Turkish
governments, then fighting Communist subversion.[15] Truman pledged to,
"support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed
minorities or by outside pressures."[15] This pledge became known as the
Truman Doctrine. Portraying the issue as a mighty clash between
"totalitarian regimes" and "free peoples," the speech marks the adoption of
containment as official U.S. policy. Congress appropriated the money.
Chinese Civil War 1931-37, 1946-1949
The war represented an ideological split between the Communist CPC and
the KMT's brand of Nationalism. It continued intermittently until late 1937,
when the two parties came together to form the Second United Front to
counter a Japanese invasion and prevent the country from adding to an
earlier invasion into Manchuria in 1931.
China's full-scale civil war resumed in 1946, a year after the end of
hostilities with Japan.
1949 the cessation of major military hostilities, with the newly founded
People's Republic of China (Mao Zedong) controlling mainland China and
the Republic of China's (Chang Kai Shek) jurisdiction being restricted to
Formosa (Taiwan).
Mao Zedong
Led the Communist in
Red Army of million
United States refused
to recognized China
for 30 years
People’s Republic of
Chiang Kai-Shek
Chiang Kai Shek
head of the
Nationalists in China
before WW II
Lost his bid to rule
Lived in exile in
Korean War 1950-1953
North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.
 Kim II Sung head of the Communist
government in North Korea.
 38 parallel line that separates North and
South Korea.
 Security Council of the UN voted a
resolution that condemned North Korea.
North Korea vs South Korea
North KoreaKim II Sung
South Korea
Syngman Rhee
leader of South Korea
Douglas Macarthur
General Douglas
Macarthur was put in
charge of the Korean
He led the United
Nations forces.
General Macarthur wanted to use
the atomic bomb on China
“ will involve us in the wrong war, at the
wrong time, at the wrong place, and with
the wrong enemy” Omar Bradley
“I fired him because he wouldn’t respect
the authority of the President” Harry S.
 “Old soldiers never die, they just fade
away” Macarthur
New Weapons
Helicopters for
M.A.S.H. Mobile Army
Surgical Hospitals
Lessons of Korean War
United Nations worked. It stopped North
 No nukes were used
 Stalemate – today the North is still
Communist supported by China, the South
is a democracy backed by the U.S.
Election of 1948
Harry S. Truman –Democrat
 Fair
Deal was Truman campaign promise
Thomas Dewey –Republican
Dixiecrats- southern states ( white males)
 Strom
Taft-Hartley Act
This bill was passed because of strikes
 Limited labor unions
 This bill outlawed closed shops.
 60 days “cooling off period”
 President can issue an injunction ( court
order to get back to work)
 Harry
S. Truman vetoed the bill: "conflict with
important principles of our democratic
House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC)
How do you spot a communist?
McCarthyism is the practice of making
accusations of subversion or treason without
proper regard for evidence
* The term has its origins in the period in the United States known as
the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1950 to 1956 and
characterized by heightened political repression against
communists, as well as a campaign spreading fear of their influence
on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.
Spies among us
Ethel and Julius
Rosenberg- allegedly
sent plans for the
atomic bomb to
They were convicted
and electrocuted.
New Agencies in US
CIA- Established in 1947, The Central Intelligence Agency is a civilian
foreign intelligence service of the U.S. Government, tasked with gathering,
processing and analyzing national security information from around the
world, primarily through the use of human intelligence.
National Security Council- The National Security
Agency, established in 1952, is an intelligence organization of the United
States government, responsible for global monitoring, collection, and
processing of information and data for foreign intelligence; advises the
Cold War Terms and Definitions:
United States:
Soviet Union:
 Private ownership of
 Freedom of competition
 Survival of the fittest
 Laissez-faire: government
keeps “hands off”
 Creates different
economic classes
 Government ownership of
 Created as a reaction to
 Goal is to bring economic
equality to people
 Classless society
First man-made Satellite by the Soviets
 Launched
in 1957
 Orbited Earth every 98 minutes
 Size of a basketball
 U.S. reformed education and created NASA
Unit 8 Cold War Study Guide:
10 Matching
15 Multiple Choice
 Cold War
 Containment
 Warsaw Pact
 Rosenbergs
 McCarthyism
 Marshall Plan
Multiple Choice:
 Truman Doctrine
 Berlin Blockade
 Berlin Airlift
 Marshall Plan
 National Security Council
 Korean War
 Mao Zedong
 Sputnik