Transcript File Part 4

Unit 5, Part 4
The Problems
with Peace
I. International Peace Efforts
a. Organizing the UN
April 1945; delegate from 50 nations meet in
San Francisco to charter the UN
Charter ratified by Senate July 1945
b. Organization of the UN
General Assembly – major legislative
organization, each member = 1 vote
Security Council; peacekeeping body
Secretary General heads the UN
International Court of Justice
c. Opposition to the UN
“Take the United States out of the UN and the
UN out of the United States
Senator Joseph McCarthy (Wisconsin) saw it as
a resting place for Communist spies
d. WWII Refugees
One million in Europe in refugee camps
Many would be killed if they went “home” others
had no homes to go home to
UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
established to deal with problem
Mrs. Roosevelt – refugees was a human rights
issue, not a government issue
II. Communist Expansion
/Containment in Europe
a. Yalta Conference, Feb. 1945
Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill meet for postwar
Stalin agreed for postwar elections is Soviet
Bloc countries, but…never happened
Russia enters war three month after V-J Day
Some charge FDR was too sickly to work out a
good deal, but others disagree
b. Potsdam Conference, July-Aug
• Truman meets with Stalin & Churchill
• Issued a declaration calling for the
unconditional surrender of Japan…or face utter
• Democratic government set up in Germany
• War Crimes trials to begin
• Zones of occupation set up in Berlin, Germany
c. Origins of the Cold War
Hostility and tension between the US and USSR,
increasing strategic arms build up, at times,
became a shooting war
Stalin establishes communist regimes in
Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, threatens
the governments of Greece & Turkey
Containment – US attempts to stop the spread
of Communism in Eastern Europe
Iron Curtain – The ideological wall of separation
between NATO and the Warsaw Pact nations
d. The Truman Doctrine
Harry S. Truman concerned about the 13,000
Communist lead guerillas that entered Greece
and Turkey
“I believe it must be the policy of the United
States to support free peoples who are resisting
attempted subjugation by armed minorities or
by outside pressures” Harry S. Truman
Asks for $400 billion to help Greece and Turkey
America continues to aid any country resisting
the Communist influence
e. The Berlin Crisis (airlift)
• Berlin divided into East and West after WWII
• Stalin determined to oust the Western
leadership, blockades supply routes into West
• For almost 1 year, allied forces flew supplies
into West Berlin
• Over 2 million tons of food, 100 million miles
flown to supply the closed off city
F. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (April 4, 1949)
• “Hot War” narrowly averted in Berlin
• A pledge of collective support from Western
• US, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland,
Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, UK.
• An attack on one, was an attack on all
g. The Warsaw Pact (1955)
United the Soviet Union with six allies in Eastern
Europe – Poland, East Germany, Bulgaria
Czechoslovakia & Hungary, Romania
h. USSR explodes an A-Bomb
• September 22, 1949, Truman announces the
Soviets have detonated an A-bomb
• Begins widespread build up of arms and US
forces across Europe
The Cold War geTs “hoT”
North Korea attacks South Korea
Allege an attack from the South
UN (15 nations) and US troops dispatched to
South Korea
Gen. Douglas MacArthur drives into North
Korea, but right into a trap with “Chinese
Volunteers”, pushed back into South Korea
MacArthur drove the North back and wanted to
invade China
But a war with China would leave Europe open
for Soviet expansion
j. True Civilian Control of the
Truman decides invading China, not the right
move, MacArthur appeals to Congress, also
wanted to help nationalist Chiang Kai-shek’s
forces retake mainland China
Truman Fires MacArthur
Truman says we are trying to prevent a third
world war, fighting a limited war
This war still going on, just an armistice, settle
on the 38th Parallel
July 27, 1953, actual peace treaty never signed
The End of Part 4