Transcript Color Wash

The Human Body
Systems working together
Humans Have Systems For:
 Movement/Support/Protection
Excretion (Waste Removal)
Control and Coordination
Protection from disease
These systems interact to keep
an organism working properly
and help maintain homeostasis
The skeletal system and muscular system
work together so humans can move
Why is movement important?
escaping danger
obtaining food and shelter
The Skeletal System Also…
Provides protection for
the internal organs
Inside of the bone is
bone marrow which is
where blood cells are
Human Muscular System
More About Muscles…
There are different types of muscles
Skeletal muscle is voluntary (under conscious
control) and moves the bones
Smooth muscle is involuntary (under
unconscious control) and is found in places
like the digestive tract and lines blood vessels
Cardiac muscle is involuntary and is found in
the heart
Check Out The terminator’s
muscular/skeletal system
For the mechanical (chewing) and the
chemical breakdown (enzymes) of food
This is necessary so that food can be
absorbed into the body and transported to all
Salivary gland
Gall bladder
Small intestine
Large intestine
Circulatory System
Moves substances to and from cells
This system is necessary to supply needed
materials to the cells and remove cell
products and wastes
Respiratory System
For gas exchange
Supplies oxygen to the body and removes
carbon dioxide
This system is necessary so that cells can
use the oxygen to release the energy stored
Excretory System
Gets rid of all body waste products
Removes excess heat energy
This system is necessary because of the
build up of waste products and poisons in
the cells
Don’t forget, these are also part
of the excretory system!
Control and coordination
The nervous and endocrine systems interact
to control and coordinate the body’s
response to internal and external changes
The response to stimuli
The Nervous System
The central nervous
system (CNS) is your
brain (central control)
and spinal cord (links
the brain to other parts
of the body)
Other nerves provide
the pathways to
muscles, glands and
sense organs
The Endocrine System
• Regulates growth
development and
reproduction through
• Glands produce
hormones – chemical
messengers that affect
other parts of the body