Unit 7: The Reconstruction Period

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Unit 7: The Reconstruction Period
SS8H6: The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on
c. Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia and other southern states,
emphasizing Freedmen’s Bureau; sharecropping and tenant farming; Reconstruction
plans; 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution; Henry McNeal Turner
and black legislators; and the Ku Klux Klan.
Reconstruction Period
• It took place from 1865 to 1877.
• It was the period of rebuilding the South physically, economically,
and politically after the Civil War.
• Due to damages caused by the war, the South’s railroads, cities and
towns were in ruins.
• There were food shortages. Also, limited housing and clothing.
• Freedmen (former slaves) and Southern whites needed help.
• Lincoln wanted the Southern states to take an oath of allegiance to
the United States that they would never secede from the union.
• He wanted the Southern states to return to the union quickly.
• Religion is the only thing regarding life in Georgia that remained the
• *Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan was called the 10 Percent Plan.
When 10% of the people to oath of allegiance to United States
Reconstruction Period Facts to Know
• When President Lincoln was assassinated,
Vice President Andrew Johnson became
the President of the USA.
• Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
requirements for Southern States were:
1. Southerners owning more than $20,000 in
property had to ask him directly for
permission to take the oath of loyalty.
2. Ratify (approve) the 13th Amendment
(Slavery not allowed in the USA)
3. Cancel the Ordinance of Secession (Rejoin
the USA)
4. Each Southern state had to write a new
Constitution with a section abolishing
(ending) slavery.
• Radical Republicans in Washington, D.C.
wanted more punishments for the South.
President Andrew Johnson
HOTS Kahoot IT
1. What was President
Lincoln’s plan for
Reconstruction called?
a. 10 % plan
b. 100% Plan
c. Congressional Plan
2. When President
Abraham Lincoln was
assassinated who became
acting President?
a. General Sherman
b. Robert E Lee
c. Andrew Johnson
d. Henry Grady
Reconstruction Period Facts to Know
• Congress created the
Freedmen’s Bureau to help
freedmen (former slaves) and
poor whites get food, clothing,
and shelter.
• Plantation owners desperately
needed workers to grow and
harvest crops, so they hired:
1. Sharecroppers-Contracted
workers who farmed a plot of
land for the landowner and
received a portion of the crop.
2. Tenant Farmers-Farmed the
land of landowner, but paid
rent with cash or with a
portion of the crops. They
owned their own equipment
and farm animals.
HOTS (Kahoots)
3. The purpose of the
Freemen's Bureau was to
a. former slaves
b. all free people in the
c. all poor people in the
d. former slaves and poor
4. Sharecroppers paid their
land owners by?
a. paying a monthly rental
or lease fee
b. allowing landowners to
use their equipment
c. providing labor and a
large percentage of the
d. agreeing to work
without pay for five to
seven years
5. How were tenant farmers
different from sharecroppers?
a. Tenant farmers owned all
their equipment
b. Tenant farmers usually
made a small profit
c. Tenant farmers bought
their seed from the owner
d. Tenant farmers usually
didn't pay rent for their
• The following amendments were
added to the U.S. Constitution:
A. 13th Amendment-Banned slavery in
the USA (1865).
B. 14th Amendment-All persons born
in the USA are citizens of the USA
C. 15th Amendment-All male citizens
of the USA are allowed to vote (no
matter their race, 1870).
• Henry McNeal Turner, an African
American, was elected a Georgia
senator in 1868 for the General
• Ku Klux Klan was created in 1866 by
Confederate war veterans who used
terror and violence to keep
freedmen from voting, holding
political office, and exercising their
constitutional rights.
Henry McNeal Turner
6. What did the 14th
Amendment do?
a. It gave blacks citizenship
b. It gave blacks their
c. It gave blacks the right
to vote
d. It gave blacks the right
to own property
7. What did the 15th
Amendment do?
a. It gave blacks citizenship
b. It gave blacks their
c. It gave blacks the right
to vote
d. It gave blacks the right
to own property
8. What was the main goal
of Ku Klux Klan was to?
a. return land to former
b. attract members from
all social classes
c. force the carpetbaggers
to move back north
d. to prevent the freemen
from exercising thier
Tariff of Abomination
• "Tariff of 1828" was a protective tariff passed by
the Congress of the United States . It was
designed to protect industry in the northern
United States. It was labeled the Tariff of
Abominations by its southern detractors because
of the effects it had on the antebellum Southern
• The major goal of the tariff was to protect
industries in the northern United States which
were being driven out of business by low-priced
imported goods by taxing them.
9. What was the Tariff of Abomination about?
a. Taxed all exported goods to England
b. to protect industries in the northern United
c. Taxed the South for their role in the Civil War
d. Ended the tax on the sale of slaves
Ticket Out The Door 2/10/15
• Discussion Question-If you were the President
of the United States of America in 1865, what
kind of punishment(s) would you give
members of the Confederate States of
America’s government and military for
seceding from the Union? Please be prepared
to share your response with the class.