Transcript Unit Seven

Unit Seven
Useful Information I
• Music is a universal language. It influences
people from all cultures, educational levels,
and socioeconomic backgrounds. It relates to
our work, our play, and our relationships with
one another. It makes us dance, it can even
help us fall in love.
• The oldest music is probably vocal music.
Useful Information I
• Almost every culture has work songs, lullabies, love songs,
and ballads in its folk music. Singing and dancing have
always gone together for people of all ages.
• Eventually instrumental music emerged. Some
instruments, such as the drum, are very old. Other
instruments, such as electronic keyboard, are very new.
Even the piano is quite new compared to the flute or the
• Music can be performed individually or in group.
Individual vocalist are called soloist. Groups are called
duets, trios, quartets, choruses, choirs, etc.
Instrumental groups are called ensembles, bands, or
Useful Information I
• Vocalists can perform with instrumental
accompaniment, or they may perform a capella(无
The main components of music are melody,
harmony, and rhythm. The melody is sometimes
called the tune. It consists of the notes that lead
musicians perform in group. Harmony is provided by
the supporting musicians, by the extra notes on the
keyboard. Rhythm is provided by percussions
instruments (打击乐器), by counting the notes in
each measure, or by such simple methods as
clapping or tapping one’s feet.
Useful Information I
• Until the invention of readings, music was usually
performed live to small audiences. But now we have
tapes and CDs of all sorts, and recorded music is one
of the most popular radio formats. With modern
technology, live concerts can now be performed with
huge audiences in auditoriums and stadiums. All of
these technical innovations have tended to increase
the role of music in modern life, and to diversity the
nature of music itself.
• Today we still have opera, classical music and folk
music, which are just as influential as ever. Every
student of music must be familiar with Bach,
Beethoven, and Mozart.
Useful Information I
• While every anthropologist should pay some attention
to the folk songs of various cultures. But now we also
have pop music, rock music, country music, soul
music, jazz, blues, and many other kinds. Patriotic
music, religious music, and military music are just as
important as ever. In addition we now have the
movies as a medium for the dissemination of music.
Some of the most successful contemporary music,
such as the theme song from Titanic, now originates
in the movies.
Useful Information I
• Space does not permit comparison of many cultures.
So let’s look at American music( compare this to
Chinese music).The earliest American music was folk
music brought by British and European people from
their homelands. Work songs, love ballads, and
religious songs are several types of folk music from
the early period. The love songs are often sad,ending
in death for one or both lovers. During and after the
Civil War new types of songs became popular, such as
solider songs and campfire songs. As settlers move
westward they took these songs with them and added
new words. In the 1890s ragtime (散拍乐) appeared,
and helped create jazz. These are uniquely American
type of music.
Useful Information I
• The 1920s were considered the Jazz Age, during
which white composers like George Gershwin
borrowed themes from black musicians and created
a national musical trend. In the 1930s and 1940s the
Big Bands played jazz and swing music, and
ballroom dancing became popular. Meanwhile blue
songs and spirituals appealed to the less affluent
blacks, and radio stations emerged. Live music on
the radio was eventually replaced by recorded music,
beginning during World War II when the Big Bands
were broken up by military service and gasoline
Useful Information I
• After the war disk jockeys emerged. Some appealed
to whites and featured recordings of the Big Bands or
singers like Frank Sinatra. Others appealed to blacks
and featured blues and spirituals. In the 1950s disc
jockeys discovered a new market: teenagers. For the
first time young people had the money of their own to
spend on the radio, records, and other
entertainments. Elvis Presley took some black blues
songs he’d heard on the radio, recorded them for whit
audiences, and became the first rock star. But the
phrase “rock and roll” can be found in earlier black
recordings. The 1960s started with rock, but soon folk
music made a big comeback.
Useful Information I
• Bob Dylan was important in both, and can not be
classified as one or the other, popular outside the
South, and its popularity is still growing today. But the
disco trend of 1970s barely lasted into 1980s. Today’s
pop music is a mixture of rock, folk, blues, disco, and
country. It’s often hard to say which is which. Mariah
Carey sounds a lot like Whitney Houston, though
their musical backgrounds are very different. John
Denver moved from folk to country, and Bob Dylan
has added country and blues to his folk and rock.
Useful Information II
• The Language of Music
• A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall,
and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work,
but no one can hear it until it is performed.
Professional singers and players have great
responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent
on them. A student of music needs as long as
arduous a training to become a performer as a
medical student needs to become a doctor. Most
training is concerned with technique, for musicians
have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or
a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day,
as their vocal chords
Useful Information II
• would be inadequate without controlled muscular
support. String players practice moving the fingers of
the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to
and fro with the right arm-- two entirely different
• Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get
every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this
particular anxiety, for the notes are already there,
waiting for them, and it’s the piano tuner’s
responsibility to tune the instrument for them.
Useful Information II
• But they have their own difficulties: the hammers that
hit the stings have to be coaxed not to sound like
percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound
clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that
confronts student conductors: they have to learn to
know every note of the music and how it should
sound, and they have to aim at controlling these
sounds with fanatical but selfless authority.
Part One Preparation
1. Contest--See Who Can Name the Most
• 1)Musical instruments: piano, violin, viola,
cello, mouth organ, flute, saxophone, guitar,
drum, trumpet, accordion, electronic
keyboard, oboe, clarinet, harp, pipa, erhu,
xiao, sheng, suona, xylophone
• Well-known composers: Beethoven, Bach,
Mozart, Gershwin, Chopin, Strauss, Brahms,
Schubert, Debussy, Schumann,
Mendelssohn, Haydn, Liszt, Tschaikovsky,
Dvorak, Verdi, Vivaldi.
Part One Preparation
• 3) Different kinds of music: classical, country,
light, jazz, blues, R&B, hip-hop, disco,
heavy mental, soul, spiritual, rock, pop, folk,
rap, ballad, swing, sonata, symphony, sonata,
waltz, lullaby, patriotic, religious, military.
• 4) Ways that music can be performed:
individually(solo), or in groups(duet, trio,
quartet, quintet, chorus, choir, etc)
Talk about the music that you like
e.g. I like pop music. It creates a pleasant
atmosphere while I am working. When I am
tired it relaxes my nerves. When I am
unhappy I makes me happy.And what’s
more I can learn English by listening to
beautiful songs.
Talk about the kind of music you like
eases one’s mind, relaxes one’s
nervers, happy, pleasant, makes
one want to eat/ buy, gives one
energy, creates good atmosphere,
expresses ourselves, learns some
What do you think are the advantages
and disadvantages of listening to music
while you are studying?
ease one’s mind
relax one’s nerves
regulate ones’s reading pace
create a pleasant atmosphere
keep one awake while reading
distract one’s attention
dull one’s attention
lull one to sleep
affect others adversely
make one fed up if the same music is
played over and over again
Language Points I
• It can also be followed by a clause.
• Doctors are not doing enough to warn the public of
the dangers of these pain-killing drugs.
• The AA is warning drivers going not to travel today
unless their journeys are absolutely necessary.
• Warned against/off going to the east because it was
so full of tourist.
• When I had my first baby, friends warned me that
children were expensive.
Language Points II
• 3.result in & result from:
• “Result in” means “ make sth happen”, while “ result
from” means “ be the cause of sth”.
• Carelessness usually results in mistakes.
• His difficulty in walking results from a childhood
• 4.Beyond (line 7) means “outside or after (a stated
• Few people live beyond the age of a hundred.
• This work could take us into the year 2000 and
• She had been learning to swim for four years but
had not yet progressed beyond the beginner’s stage.
Language Points III
• 4.“subject…to” (L 19) and “subject to”
• The word subject in “subject” is a verb and an
adjective in “subject to”. “Subject ( sb or sth ) to sth”
means “cause (sb or sth) to experience sth,
especially sth unpleasant”, while “subject to ” means
“depend on the stated thing happening”.
• “I didn’t want to subject him to the long journey,”she
• Everyone interviewed had been subjected to unfair
• The project will go ahead subject to the board’s
Language Points IV
• 5.revealing: adj. giving some, esp. interesting or
unexpected information which had been unknown坦
• She made some very revealing comments when I
had a private chat with her.
• 6. Lethal:adj. (having the power of) causing death 致
命的,杀伤性的, (会)致死的
• A hammer can be a lethal weapon.
• A lethal dose of a drug 药剂的致死量
• That cocktail looks fairly lethal!那鸡尾酒看起来浓度相
Language Points V
• 7.rev infml v. to increase the speed of (an engine)增
-- Don’t rev up your engine so loudly--you’ll wake
the baby.
--We need to rev up the production if we are going
to reach our target for this year.
--We could hear a car revving up in the driveway.
• 8. lull 1) v. To cause to sleep, rest, or become less
• -- The movement of the train lulled me to sleep.
• -- Their plan was to lull their opponents into a false
sense of security , and then strike.
Language Points VI
• 2).n. A short period of reduced activity 暂停活动的一
a lull in the fighting
• 注:lull 用于此义后面跟介词in
Sentence Appraisal
• 1.Music may soothe the savage breast but it can also
damage your health when you are at the wheel.
• This is a very vivid figurative saying called
metonymy(借代). A metonymy consists in the use of
the name of one thing for the name of another which
is closely associated with it or which it clearly
suggests. For example:
• We are told to respect gray hairs.(=old people)
• Give every man thine ear and few thy voice.(your
hearing and few your words)
• She looked out of her window one day and gave her
heart (=love) to the grocer’s young man.
Sentence Appraise
• 2. So remember, if music be the food of love, do it
slowly, especially if you’re driving, then we can all
• 句中的谓语是be型的虚拟式。有时在if, whether,
whatever, lest等词引导的从句中使用。
• --If any person found guilty, he would be punished.
• --Everyone was born equal, whether he be black or
--Whatever be the reason, he refused to go.
• 同时此句还运用了修辞手法,metaphor(暗喻)
• --She is really a duck; he thought. (Galsworthy)
Sentence Appraise
• Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and
some few to be chewed and digested.
• Also, he had money in his pocket, and, as in the old
days when a pay day, he made the money fly. ( J.
• 还有, 当他袋里有钱的时候, 象过去发薪的日子一
样, 他挥金如土。
Oral Workshop
• 1. Music and You
• 1) Sample
• -- I prefer light music because it makes me feel
relaxed. Light music also creates a peaceful
• --I prefer rock music because it makes me excited
and energetic.
• --I prefer country music because it is beautiful and
puts me in a light mood.
• --I like pop music because it is easy to follow and is
closely related to our daily life.
Oral Workshop
• --I prefer folk music because it often tells a story
about ordinary people.
• --I prefer Chinese pop music because it is more
meaningful for me.
• --L like love songs because they are romantic.
• 2) Sample
• --Among the composers, I like Beethoven the most, I
like his symphonies, especially his Fifth Symphony. It
is thought-provoking. Whenever I feel unhappy and
can’t find a way out of a difficult situation, I’ll listen to
his music.
Oral Workshop
• --Among singers, I like ____ the best. I like her/his
songs, and I like her/his voice.
• --I like _____ because he/she is handsome/beautiful,
versatile and sexy.
• 3) Sample
• --Music does affect my mood. When I feel stressed
or exhausted after a day’s hard work, I often listen to
light music, country music, classical music, or folk
music to relax myself.
• --When I feel sad and don’t like to do anything , I’ll
listen to some pop music or rock music to encourage
• The Functions of Music in Daily Life
Music is everywhere. We can hear it in restaurants,
airports, railway stations,supermarkets, department
stores, banks, hospitals, and many other public
places. Music of all kinds is now available, and tapes
and CDs are not very expensive.
Music plays an important role in our everyday life.
Music can give us a better feeling about ourselves
and about everything around us. It can change our
attitudes towards many things. When we feel sad,
music can cheer us up. When we are tired and bored,
music can make us relaxed. When we working or
studying, music can provide
• us with a pleasant environment so that we can work
or study more efficiently. Music can make people
work faster and with more energy. Music can lull
babies to sleep and can even make cows produce
more milk. In a word, life without music would be
boring and monotonous.