Reflexive Verbs ch 2a

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Transcript Reflexive Verbs ch 2a

To say that people do something to or for
themselves, we use reflexive verbs.
For example, washing your hands or brushing your
teeth are reflexive actions because you are doing it
to yourself.
We know that a verb is reflexive if the infinitive
ends in se.
cortarse el
Common reflexive verbs used to talk about getting
To go to bed
acostarse (o ue)
To shave
arreglarse (el pelo)
To fix (one’s hair)
To take a bath
cepillarse (los dientes)
cortarse el pelo
despertarse (eie)
To brush (one’s teeth)
To cut one’s hair
To wake up
To take a shower
lavarse (la cara)
To get up
To wash one’s face
pintarse las unas
To paint, to polish
(one’s nails)
To put on
To get ready
vestirse (ei)
To dry
To get dressed
When we conjugate reflexive verbs, we
use reflexive pronouns. Each pronoun
goes with a different subject.
Yo - me
Nosotros - nos
Tu - te
Él/Ella/Ud. - se
Ellos/Ellas/Uds. - se
ducharse = to shower
Yo me
o = I shower
Yo me ducho
nos duchamos
Tú te duchas
Ella se ducha
I take a shower.
You take a shower.
He/she/you -take(s) a shower.
se duchan
We take a shower.
They/You (pl.) take a
Some verbs can be both reflexive and nonreflexive depending on whether the action is
being done to yourself or someone or
something else.
Lavo el coche a menudo. (non-reflexive)
I wash the car often.
Me lavo el pelo todos los días. (reflexive)
I wash my hair everyday.
To say that people do something to or
for themselves, you use reflexive verbs.
When you use a reflexive verb with parts of the body or
clothing, we use the definite article (el/la/los/las).
¿Siempre te pintas las uñas?
Do you always polish your nails?
Felipe se pone los zapatos.
Felipe puts on his shoes.
You can put reflexive pronouns before the conjugated
verb or you can attach them to the infinitive.
Me voy a duchar.
Voy a ducharme.
I am going to take a shower.
Te tienes que vestir para la fiesta.
Tienes que vestirte para la fiesta.
You have to get dressed for the party.
1. I put on a shirt and pants.
Yo me pongo una camisa y los pantalones.
2. You take a bath in the bathroom.
Tú te bañas en el baño.
3. He gets up at six o’clock.
Él se levanta a las seis de la mañana.
4. We get ready for the party.
Nosotros nos preparamos para la fiesta.
5. The girls fix their hair.
Las chicas se arreglan el pelo.
1. You go to bed at eleven o’clock.
Tú te acuestas a las once de la noche.
2. We put on a sweater and jeans.
Nosotros nos ponemos un suéter y los jeans.
3. Paco washes his face in the morning.
Paco se lava la cara de la mañana.
4. I get dressed for school.
Yo me visto para la escuela.
5. Jose and Juan shave everyday.
José y Juan se afeitan todos los días.