Transcript Slide 1

Apuntes #1
I). To say that people do something to
*In other words, the person
also receiving the action.
for themselves .
the action is
*Reflexive verbs mean that the action remains with the subject
*Por ejemplo:
washing one’s hands me lavo las manos
brushing one’s hair
me cepillo el pelo
*You know that a verb is reflexive if its infinitive form ends with
acostarse, secarse, bañarse, ducharse, etc.
*”SE” does not go away with conjugations . . .
you replace it with a
reflexive pronoun
*The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are
me, te, se, nos,
me seco
nos secamos
te secas
os secáis
se seca
se secan
1. I go to bed late.
Me acuesto tarde.
2. I get up early.
Me levanto temprano.
3. I get ready for school. Me preparo para la escuela.
4. I brush my teeth.
5. I fix my hair.
6. I get dressed.
Me cepillo los dientes.
Me arreglo el pelo.
Me visto.
II). Some verbs have both
reflexive & non-reflexive forms
and usages.
*Non-reflexive verbs are used if the action is
being done to someone or something else!
1. I put on clothes.
Me pongo la ropa.
2. I put the homework in my locker.Yo pongo la tarea en mi armario.
3. We get ready for school.
Nos preparamos para la escuela.
4. We get dinner ready.
Nosotros preparamos la cena.
5. My mom wakes up at 6:00.
Mi mamá se despierta a las seis.
6. My mom wakes my brother up. Mi mamá despierta a mi hermano.
III). When you use the reflexive verb with parts of the
body or clothing
the definite article (el, los, la, las)
1. She always polishes her nails. Ella siempre se pinta las uñas.
2. Felipe puts on his shoes.
3. I shave my legs.
4. They dry their hair.
Felipe se pone los zapatos.
Me afeito las piernas.
Se secan el pelo.
5. We cut our nails.
Nos cortamos las uñas.
6. You (tú) wash your face.
Te lavas la cara.
IV). Reflexive pronouns are placed
attached to the infinitive
1. I am going to take a shower.
BEFORE the conjugated verb
if there is a second verb.
Me voy a duchar.
Voy a ducharme
2. You (tú) have to get dressed Te tienes que vestir rápidamente.
Tienes que vestirte rápidamente.
3. She needs to put on make-up. Se necesita poner maquillaje.
Necesita ponerse maquillaje.
4. They ought to shave.
Se deben afeitar.
Deben afeitarse.
5. We prefer to get up late.
Nos preferimos levantar tarde.
Preferimos levantarnos tarde.
6. You (Ud) plan to brush your teeth.
Se piensa cepillar los dientes.
Piensa cepillarse los dientes.