simple sentence - Amazon Web Services

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Transcript simple sentence - Amazon Web Services

Lesson: Introduction to Online
Sentence Structures
Sentence structures
Simple Sentence
A simple sentence has one idea in it (one verb i.e. doing
word/action word).
Examples of simple sentences:
Sam waited for the taxi.
"waited" = verb
Jenny and Sam took the taxi.
"took" = verb
I looked for Jenny and Sam at the taxi point.
"looked" = verb
Sentence structures
Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is made up of two ideas (two verbs i.e.
doing words/action words) connected to one another with a
linking word (also called CONJUNCTIONS). The following
conjunctions are used to write compound sentences.
And, But, For, Nor, Or, Yet, So
Examples of compound sentences:
1. Sam waited for the ferry, but the ferry was late.
2. Jenny and Sam arrived at the port before noon, and they left on
the ferry before I arrived.
3. Jenny and Sam left on the ferry before I arrived, so I did not see
them at the port.
Sentence structures
Complex Sentence
A complex sentence is made up of more than one idea (more than
one verb i.e. doing word/action word) connected to one
another with a linking word (also called CONJUNCTIONS) or
a comma (,). A complex sentence has one main clause (main
idea) supported by one or more sub-ordinate clauses
(supporting ideas). Below are some of the most common
linking words used in complex sentences:
After, Although, As, Because, Before, Even though, If , Since,
Though, Unless, Until, When, Whenever, Whereas, Wherever,
Examples of complex sentences:
1) While she waited at the airport, Polly realized that the plane was
2) After they left on the ferry, Jenny and Sam realized that Dan was
waiting at the port.