Invasive / Exotic Species - fieldbio

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Transcript Invasive / Exotic Species - fieldbio

12-16 ATB
Where do you think dolphins in captivity
come from?
 Today:
 Start
“The Cove”
12-20 ATB
What is bioaccumulation? What is one
toxin that is bioaccumulating in dolphins?
 Today:
 Finish
“The Cove”
12-19 ATB
What is the excuse of Japan to continue
whaling, even though there is an
international ban?
 Today:
 Continue
watching “The Cove”
Invasive Species
Kudzu - US
European / Common Rabbits – Australia
Starlings – US
Burmese Python – US
Cane Toad – Australia
Snakehead Fish – US
Gray Squirrels – Britain
Chestnut blight (from Asia) - wiped out
American chestnut trees
Killer Bees – NA. SA
Asian / Silver Carp – US
Black Rat – originated in Asia
Asian Tiger Mosquito –
Asian Longhorned Beetle – US
Brown Tree Snake – Guam
Zebra Mussel – US
Nutria - US
Gypsy Moth
Africanized Honeybee
Asian Tiger Mosquito
Brown-Headed Cowbird
Brown Tree Snake
Chinese Mitten Crab
Didymosphenia Geminata
Dutch Elm Disease
Emerald Ash Borer
European Starling
Flathead Catfish
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Japanese Beetle
Multiflora Rose
Mute Swan
Norway Maple
Red Imported Fire Ant
Ringed-Neck Pheasant
Sea Lamprey
Wild Boar (Hawaii)
Zebra Mussel
1/4/12 ATB
Describe an invasive species
 Begin
our mini unit on invasive species
 Describe an invasive species
Invasive / Exotic
Invasive Species
Invasive / Exotic Species
 Non-native
species that typically (not always)
have negative effects on the environment.
 Typically thrive in their new environment and
outcompete native species
 non-native (exotic) organisms that spread
widely and become dominant in a community
What makes invasive species successful?
When new habitat is similar to their old one
Growth-limiting factors (predators, disease, etc.)
are removed or absent
They are usually good competitors
 Grow
quickly or more aggressive
 Can live in harsher conditions
 Access resources more readily
Native species can be weak competitors.
 Island habitats more susceptible (Hawaii)
 Habitat evolved w/o much competition
 No
predators / resistance for the invasive species
Example – Chestnut Blight
(Asian fungus)
Killed almost every mature Chestnut tree
in North America
 B/c of coevolution, Asian trees had
defense against the fungus.
1/5 ATB
What are 4 reasons why invasive species
are so successful?
 Today:
 Discuss
how invasive species get here
 Start documentary on invasive species
Beneficial invasive species?
Some grow faster (more food)
 Filter pollutants better (Asian oyster)
 Some species help people (i.e., European
Did You Know? Although the European honeybee is invasive to North
America, it is beneficial because it pollinates our agricultural crops.
How do they “invade”?
Pet trade
 People
buy pets from all over the world
 Sometime when they don’t want them anymore, they
just release them
 In
 In
fruits and other foods
 On Boats (ballast water)
Ballast water
 Water
used to stabilize large ships on the open sea
Ballast Water
Burmese Python
Nature - Invasion of the Giant Python
NY Times –
Python hunt in the Everglades?
Python invasion in the Everglades
Nature Inc. - The Aliens Have Landed 1
of 3 - Species Invasion - BBC
Environmental Documentary
Invasive Species (kudzu, starling, etc)
1/6 ATB
What are several ways in which invasive
species get to the new habitat?
 Today:
 Describe
why invasive species are so
 Nat Geo documentary
 Test – next Wednesday??
1/9 ATB
What characteristics makes ants a
successful invasive species?
 Today:
the term “feral”
 Describe control measures of invasive
 Continue the documentary
 Describe
What does the term “feral” mean?
Organisms that have escaped
domestication and now live in a wild state
 Examples:
 Feral
Destroy wilds plants and habitat
 Feral
Kill birds, mammals and reptiles
1/10 ATB
What does feral mean?
 Today:
 Finish
discussing invasive species control
 Finish the movie – turn in the movie
 Test – Thursday? Friday?
Invasive Species - Control Measures
Usually very difficult
Very costly (billions of dollars)
 Time
 Herbicides to kill plants expensive, don’t always work
 Invasive are typically hardy (not easily killed)
 Hard to find and kill all members (like nutria or
Burmese python)
 Use a predator of the invasive to control
 Sometimes the predator you bring in becomes
Sometimes impossible – just try to prevent
spread (electric fence to keep Asian Carp from
entering great lakes)
Toxic Mice To Help Guam Fight the
Brown Tree Snake
Biocontrols – example
Prickly Pear Cactus and Cactus Moth
 Cactus invading rangeland in Australia
 Moth brought in from Argentina – great
success at controlling the cactus
 Problem: after being introduced to
Caribbean islands the Moth spread to
Florida and ate rare cactuses
Controlling invasive species
Techniques to control invasive species
 Remove
 Toxic chemicals
 Drying them out
 Depriving of oxygen
 Biocontrols
 Stressing them
Heat, sound, electricity, carbon dioxide,
ultraviolet light
Control Measures, con’td
Difficult to control invasive species once
they are established
 Key is to prevent the colonization of the
new species in the first place
 Prevention, rather than control, is the best
The Damage they cause
Expensive - $120 billion a year in the US
A 2010 report on invasive species suggests that they cost the U.S.
$120 billion a year in environmental losses and damages.
Outcompete native species for their habitat (cause specie
Cause health problems (Asian Tiger Mosquito)
Clog industrial intake / output pipes (Zebra Mussels)
Introduced diseases – West Nile Virus
Difference between a specialist
and a generalist
Generalist –
 Organisms
that can survive using a variety of
resources in a wide range of habitats
 Examples:
Black bears, humans, raccoons
Specialist –
 Organisms
that have a limited diet or narrow
range of habitats
 Examples:
Koala’s, polar bears
Allelopathy  Ability
of organism to use chemicals to inhibit
growth of another species
 Usually with plants releasing toxins
Knapweed (From Eastern Europe)
 Produces
toxins in the soil to inhibit other
plant growth
 Plants that did not co-evolve with the
knapweed are weakened by the toxins
 Plants that did co-evolve are not effected by
Warm Up 12-02
What is an invasive species? What are
two factors that can lead to them being
more successful?
 Today:
 Go
over research project
 Online:
Research several invasive species (at least three)
that you would be interested in researching and
give several pieces of information about them on a
piece of paper
 Then pick which invasive you would like to
Invasive Species Research
Each student will research and post a link on
our class wiki
You will have at least 2 days in the library for
the research
 Some
of this research will need to be completed
on your own
You MUST have some sort of movie or clip in
your project.
You MUST have at least one primary source
All sources must be cited – must have at
least three
National Geographic Article Article: Attack of the Alien
Take notes on the parts of the article we
Burmese pythons
Red-eared slider turtle
Fast growing vines that crowd out sunlight
for natives
Brown tree snake
 Decimating the bird
populations on Guam
Zebra mussel
 Clog intake pipes
 Push out native
Two invasive mussels
Two invasive mussels
Small frog – mating calls are
very lout = noise pollution
European Starling
Aggressive bird that crowd out native
 Fox News: Exotic Invasive Species –
Mile-a-minute weed (Mikania micrantha)
ATB 12-15
What did the national geographic article
mean by “geologic time” scale when it
was talking about species movement?
 This week:
 Test
on invasive species Friday
 Finish
the article
 Watch the movie
Chestnut blight (from Asia) - wiped
out American chestnut trees
Purple loosestrife
Miconia calvescens
Fire Ant
Axis Deer
Caulerpa taxifolia
Asian Carp
 Silver Carp
Feral Pigs
Feral Cats
Sea squirt
Nile monitor lizard
Wiki – Glossary of terms
We will create a running glossary of terms
over the course of the year
 Each student will be responsible for post
the definition to a number of terms this
Class Wiki
Every student will join the wiki:
 Go
 User Name: first initial and last name
If you name is taken add numbers after your name
 Password:
choose your own (write it down and
don’t lose it)
 E-mail: Pick the account you check the most
 Search for : fieldbio
Find “fieldbio” and click “join this space” on
the left side of the page
Go to the e-mail account you used to sign up
and open the wikispaces message and
“confirm this email address”
 Turn in:
 Review
 Warm ups
 Movie WS
Choose “An account linked to a
school/library subscription or trial “
 Username:
 Password: Mounties
Then create your own username and
Posting your project to the Wiki
LOGIN (if your forget your password you need to have
the wikispace email it to you
Click “Period 9”  Click your name  Click “Edit this
page”  Type in your invasive species  Click “save”
Click “Edit this page” – select what you typed and hit the
link button
Now you can edit the page and add your information.
This can be difficult at times…be sure you keep your original
document saved on Microsoft word
Posting a video
When you are “edit mode” – click the icon
that looks like a TV (embed widget) and
click on the format you want the movie to
be in (probably
Warm Up 12-03
What is allelopathy? How does this benefit a
plant species?
Today: Using the laptops…
 Type
out a list of about 8 facts about YOUR invasive
 Also on the page I want you to use
to cite TWO resources.
 Be
One citation should be a from a hypothetical journal article
One should be from one of the online resources you used to
find your information
Directions are on the next slide on how to use Noodle Tools
sure that the resources you are using are valid!!!
 Due at the end of the period
You must cite your references in your
research and number them (footnotes)
 Please use MLA Format
 Choose, under “Free Software Tools”,
“Noodle Bib Express”
 Follow the directions to create your citation
and then paste it into your assignment