III. Exponential growth

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Transcript III. Exponential growth

Chapter 5 –Populations
Chapter 6 –Humans In the Biosphere
I. Characteristics of Populations
A. Geographic distribution - (range) area
inhabited by a population
B. Population density-number of individuals per
unit area ex: 200 people/ km2
C. Growth rate- increase or decrease of number
of individuals in a population over time.
II. 3 Factors that Affect Population Size
A. number of births
B. number of deaths
C. number of individuals entering (into- immigration)
or leaving (exiting- emigration) a population
D. Population grows when birthrate is greater
than death rate.
III. Exponential growth - when the individuals in a population
reproduce at a constant rate.
A. Population becomes larger and larger until it approaches an
infinitely large size.
B. Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, a population
would grow exponentially (J-shaped curve)
IV. Logistic Growth - when growth slows or stops following a
period of exponential growth (S-shaped curve)
A. carrying capacity (K)- largest # of individuals of a population
that an environment can support
B. Growth levels off, so the average growth rate is zero.
V. Limiting factor -factor that causes population growth
to decrease
A. Density-dependent limiting factor (DDLF)
limiting factor that depends on population size
1. Ex: competition, predation, parasitism, disease,
crowding, immigration (individuals moving into
an area)
2. DDLF has greatest influence when pop. is large
& dense; does not affect small, scattered pop. as
3. Competition- when populations become
crowded, they compete for food, water, space,
sunlight, other resources
4. Predation- regulation of a population by predation is a
predator-prey relationship (aka: predator-prey cycle)
Wolf and Moose Populations on Isle Royale
B. Density-independent limiting factors -affect all
pops in similar ways, regardless of the pop. size.
1. Ex. weather, drought/floods, fire human activity (clearcutting, damming rivers, development)
2. human activity (clear-cutting, damming rivers,
industrial/ subdivision development)
I. Human activities affect the biosphere.
A. Hunting-gathering- isolated parts of the world
B. Agriculture -Irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides
C. Industrial Revolution to Present
1. Increased pollution of air, water, soil by
fossil fuels
2. Increased human waste and increased
development places stress on native plants/
animals; consumes farmland ; mismanagement
of resources; ex: damaged Everglades by
diverting water for irrigation of surrounding
D. Pollution  contamination of air, water, land
1. increases as countries become industrialized
2. Pollutant - harmful material that can enter the
biosphere through the land, air, or water
3. Air Pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels
that release pollutants that cause smog
a. example: driving cars, flying planes, heating homes,
b. example of air pollutants  dust, smoke, ash, CO,
sulfur oxides
**Strict emissions and clean-air regulations have improved air
c. Causes Acid rain- sulfuric acid/nitric acid from the burning
of fossil fuels mix with water vapor forming low pH rain
(car exhaust = nitric acid; coal-burning factories = sulfuric acid)
**Acid rain damages plants, kills aquatic life, erodes
buildings and monuments, depletes soil of nutrients
Emissions to
Nitrogen oxides
Sulfur dioxide
Chemical Transformation
Nitric acid
Sulfuric acid
Dry Fallout
Particulates Precipitation
Acid rain, fog,
snow, and mist
d. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere.
- Excess CO2 can contribute to the greenhouse
effect  thought to be the cause of global warming?
e. Global warming- Is it part of a natural cycle
(climate change) or a negative impact of human
activity ?- rise in CO2 levels causes rise in global
temps; have increased over past 200 yrs-intensifies
greenhouse effect
Page 87
f. Greenhouse Effect
Some heat
into space
*Atmospheric gases
trap the heat energy of
sunlight to maintain
Earth's tolerable
temperature range for
living things; Include:
gases trap
some heat
•carbon dioxide
•water vapor
Earth’s Surface
g. Monitor ozone layer and global climate system
1. Ozone layer- O3-protects Earth from UV radiation
can cause cancers, eye disease, tissue damage in plants
2. CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons) –a chemical that
destroys our ozone layer (protects us from UV radiation)
*banned from aerosols and but still found in some
* CFC’s in atmosphere have been reduced over the last
30 years
4. Water Pollution  caused by contaminants
from sewers, industries, farms, and homes
that enter lakes, rivers, groundwater and
*Sewage, chemical waste, fertilizers, and dirty wash
water enter the water systems
5. Land- Protecting Fertile Soil
a. limit soil erosion- caused by rain, wind,
plowing (removes roots that hold soil in place)
Contour plowing and terracing- fields plowed across
slope, or “stair steps” on hillsides
ii. Leave behind stems/ roots of previous year’s crops
iii. Plant rye grass rather than leaving field unprotected
b. stop desertification- productive areas turned into
deserts- do not over farm, overgraze or contribute to
drought conditions (Dust Bowl of 1930’s)
Contour Plowing
II. Renewable versus nonrenewable resources
A. Renewable resources - can regenerate (if living) or
be recycled (if part of biogeochemical cycles) Ex:
trees, water, soil, nitrogen
B. Nonrenewable resources- cannot be
replenished quickly by natural processes; are in
limited amounts; once they are gone – they’re
Ex. Fossil fuels such as coal/ oil, gold, silver, copper
C. Renewable or nonrenewable?
1. Depends on if the loss is large enough to change
an ecosystem forever ex: coral reefs
2. ex: single tree=renewable resource, but an entire
population of trees that are not managed properly
may change the entire ecosystem
D. Sustainable development-using natural resources
without damaging or depleting them
III. Biodiversity-sum total of the genetically
based variety of all organisms in the biosphere
Three types of diversity in ecosystems:
A. Ecosystem diversity-variety of habitats,
communities, and ecological processes in the
living world.
B. Species diversity is the # of different species in
biosphere; increases moving towards equator.
C. Genetic diversity is the sum total of all the
different forms of genetic information carried by all
organisms living on Earth today.
IV. Importance of Biodiversity
A. Plants and some animals produce compounds
that are beneficial
B. food, industry, medical- painkillers, antibiotics,
antidepressants ;cancer/heart drugs/ high blood
pressure ex: rosy periwinkle and digitalis
Rosy periwinkle
V. Threats to Biodiversity
A. Loss of habitat- degradation (damage by
pollution); fragmentation (split into pieces)
B. Hunting- fur, pets (birds, reptiles, fish),
poaching, food
C. Introduced species- may become invasive
species (lack natural predators found in
homeland); wipe-out native populations
Ex: zebra mussels, leafy spurge, goats
Leafy spurge
Zebra mussel
This plant is an invasive, deep-rooted
perennial herb that is native to Eurasia;
plant spreads through explosive seed
release and vigorous lateral root growth,
forming large, patches that can
dominate rangeland, pastures, prairies
and other areas in the Great Plains
region of North America, killing native
plant species.
Zebra mussels can attach to native
mussels, killing them. Zebra
mussels filter plankton from the
surrounding water. This filtering
can increase water clarity, which
might cause more aquatic
vegetation to grow at deeper
depths and more dense stands. If a
lake has high numbers of mussels
over large areas, this filter feeding
could impact the food chain,
reducing food for larval fish.
D. Pollution  DDT-softened shells of
birds eggs - ospreys, brown pelicans,
eagles threatened-nearly caused
1. Rachel Carson- 1962 Silent Springbook about dangers of biological
magnification in bird species
2. Biological magnification–
concentration of harmful
substances increase in higher in
trophic levels; DDT was banned in
the US- 1970’s
VI. Conservation- management of resources, habitats, and wildlife
What are we doing to remedy problems we’ve caused?
1. US Endangered Species Act1973-illegal to harm endangered or
threatened species
2. Expanded National Parks or
“green space” in cities
3. Habitat corridors-strips of land
that allow migration of animals that
have a large home range
4. Reintroduction programs- breed
animals, then release back into wild
ex: grey wolf
5. Identify and raise awareness of global
“hot spots” (areas rich in endemic speciesfound no where else in the the world- that are
in danger of extinction due to human activity;
work on protecting those habitats
Population density is the number
of individuals
A. that are born each year.
B. per unit area.
C. that immigrate.
D. that emigrate.
–When the birthrate of a population
exceeds its death rate, the
A. decreases.
B. increases.
C. stays the same.
D. increases then decreases.
–An S-shaped curve on a graph of
population growth is characteristic
A. exponential growth.
B. logistic growth.
C. carrying capacity.
D. delayed growth.
– Exponential growth in a population
slows down or stops as
A. resources become limited.
B. rate of immigration increases.
C. rate of emigration decreases.
D. birth rate increases.
–Exponential growth rate means that each
new generation of a population
A. adds the same number of new
individuals as the previous generation
B. increases at the same rate as the
previous generation
C. is the same size as the generation
D. increases by a varying amount.
– A limiting factor that affects all
populations in similar ways
regardless of their size might be
A. drought.
B. disease.
C. predation.
D. crowding.
–Which of the following would be a
limiting factor directly affecting the
panda population of China?
A. programs that educate people
about endangered species
B. capture of some pandas for
placement in zoos
C. laws protecting habitat
D. a disease that kills bamboo plants
–Density-dependent factors
operate most strongly when a
population is
A. large and dense.
B. large but sparse.
C. small and sparse.
D. small, but growing.
–Within a limited area, if the
population of a predator
increases, the population of its
prey is likely to
A. increase.
B. decrease.
C. remain about the same.
D. become extinct.
–Which of the following is a
density-independent factor
affecting populations?
A. predation
B. disease
C. a destructive hurricane
D. parasites
–The size of the human population
began to increase exponentially
after the
A. bubonic plague.
B. development of plowing and
C. Industrial Revolution.
D. development of the first
–Which of the following is NOT a
potential limiting factor of
human population growth?
A. famine
B. medicine
C. war
D. disease
–After the demographic transition
is complete, a population
A. grows rapidly.
B. grows slowly.
C. begins a period of rapid
D. stays about the same size as
time passes.
–An age-structure diagram shows
a breakdown of a population by
A. location and age group.
B. age group and gender.
C. birthrate and death rate.
D. age group and emigration
–Since the mid-1960s, the average
annual growth rate of the human
population has
A. remained about the same.
B. failed to show a consistent
C. increased.
D. decreased.
– Today, the most important source of
environmental change on the planet
A. the green revolution.
B. wild plants.
C. human activity.
D. abiotic factors.
– The practice of planting a
single crop in the same place
year after year is called
A. uniculture.
B. monoculture.
C. the green revolution.
D. plant breeding.
One problem with modern
agriculture is that
A. chemical fertilizers don’t work.
B. chemical pesticides can damage
beneficial insects.
C. it has decreased world food
D. new varieties of plants require little
– One impact of early hunting and
gathering groups in North America
might have been
A. changing the climate from very
cold to much warmer.
B. the elimination of forests.
C. a mass extinction of large
mammals about 12,000 years ago.
D. the development of large
civilizations in Central and South
Most of the energy for industry
comes from
A. the sun.
B. nuclear power plants.
C. moving water.
D. fossil fuels.
–Which of the following is a
nonrenewable resource?
A. trees
B. grasses used by grazing
C. oxygen in the air
D. fossil fuels
– Which of the following is a
sustainable-use strategy that can help
prevent desertification?
A. contour plowing
B. protecting wetlands
C. aquaculture
D. selective harvesting of trees
– The advantage of sustainable
development is that it
A. provides for human needs without
depleting natural resources.
B. produces additional fossil fuels.
C. protects wildlife from hunters and
other threats.
D. is a natural process that regulates
– A mixture of chemicals that occurs
as a haze in the atmosphere is known
A. smog.
B. acid rain.
C. particulates.
D. fog.
– Plowing the land removes the roots
that hold the soil in place and
increases the rate of
A. pollution.
B. soil erosion.
C. deforestation.
D. soil formation.
– The type of biodiversity that includes
the inheritance information carried
by the Earth’s organisms is called
A. biological magnification.
B. ecological diversity.
C. genetic diversity.
D. species diversity.
– Populations of invasive species
tend to
A. decrease.
B. increase rapidly.
C. remain constant.
D. increase, then decrease.
– The wise management of natural
resources, including the preservation
of habitats and wildlife, is known as
A. biodiversity.
B. conservation.
C. habitat alteration.
D. ecosystem diversity.
– By focusing on protecting specific
ecosystems, biologists hope to
A. global biodiversity.
B. biological magnification.
C. invasive species.
D. habitat fragmentation.
– In a food pyramid, biological
magnification results in the
A. increased amount of a toxic
substance in organisms at the lowest
B. increased amount of a toxic substance
in organisms at the highest level.
C. decreased number of levels in the
food pyramid.
D. increased amount of a toxic
substance in the surrounding air or
– An increase in the average
temperature of the biosphere is
A. the greenhouse effect.
B. global warming.
C. ozone depletion.
D. climate control.
– The geological record indicates that
Earth’s climate has
A. remained essentially the same
throughout history.
B. been constant until humans have
influenced the environment.
C. changed dramatically every 150
D. repeatedly changed over its
A possible effect of global warming is
A. extinction of organisms in areas where
they once thrived.
B. an increase in global surface temperature
of 20 Celsius degrees.
C. a sharp decrease in the temperature of
the waters off the coast of California.
D. complete elimination of the protective
ozone layer in the atmosphere.
– Depletion of Earth’s protective
ozone layer results in
A. a decrease in the amount of heat
that reaches the surface.
B. a decrease in the amount of UV
radiation that reaches the surface.
C. an increase in the amount of
D. an increase in the amount of UV
radiation that reaches the surface.
The most likely cause of ozone
depletion is the
A. addition of carbon dioxide to the
B. increase in UV radiation from the sun.
C. addition of chemicals developed for use
in refrigeration and aerosol cans.
D. increase in the amount of smog
produced by automobiles.
Population density is the number
of individuals
A. that are born each year.
B. per unit area.
C. that immigrate.
D. that emigrate.
–When the birthrate of a population
exceeds its death rate, the
A. decreases.
B. increases.
C. stays the same.
D. increases then decreases.
–An S-shaped curve on a graph of
population growth is characteristic
A. exponential growth.
B. logistic growth.
C. carrying capacity.
D. delayed growth.
– Exponential growth in a population
slows down or stops as
A. resources become limited.
B. rate of immigration increases.
C. rate of emigration decreases.
D. birth rate increases.
–Exponential growth rate means that each
new generation of a population
A. adds the same number of new
individuals as the previous generation
B. increases at the same rate as the
previous generation
C. is the same size as the generation
D. increases by a varying amount.
– A limiting factor that affects all
populations in similar ways
regardless of their size might be
A. drought.
B. disease.
C. predation.
D. crowding.
–Which of the following would be a
limiting factor directly affecting the
panda population of China?
A. programs that educate people
about endangered species
B. capture of some pandas for
placement in zoos
C. laws protecting habitat
D. a disease that kills bamboo plants
–Density-dependent factors
operate most strongly when a
population is
A. large and dense.
B. large but sparse.
C. small and sparse.
D. small, but growing.
–Within a limited area, if the
population of a predator
increases, the population of its
prey is likely to
A. increase.
B. decrease.
C. remain about the same.
D. become extinct.
–Which of the following is a
density-independent factor
affecting populations?
A. predation
B. disease
C. a destructive hurricane
D. parasites
–The size of the human population
began to increase exponentially
after the
A. bubonic plague.
B. development of plowing and
C. Industrial Revolution.
D. development of the first
–Which of the following is NOT a
potential limiting factor of
human population growth?
A. famine
B. medicine
C. war
D. disease
–After the demographic transition
is complete, a population
A. grows rapidly.
B. grows slowly.
C. begins a period of rapid
D. stays about the same size as
time passes.
–An age-structure diagram shows
a breakdown of a population by
A. location and age group.
B. age group and gender.
C. birthrate and death rate.
D. age group and emigration
–Since the mid-1960s, the average
annual growth rate of the human
population has
A. remained about the same.
B. failed to show a consistent
C. increased.
D. decreased.
– Today, the most important source of
environmental change on the planet
A. the green revolution.
B. wild plants.
C. human activity.
D. abiotic factors.
– The practice of planting a
single crop in the same place
year after year is called
A. uniculture.
B. monoculture.
C. the green revolution.
D. plant breeding.
One problem with modern
agriculture is that
A. chemical fertilizers don’t work.
B. chemical pesticides can damage
beneficial insects.
C. it has decreased world food
D. new varieties of plants require little
– One impact of early hunting and
gathering groups in North America
might have been
A. changing the climate from very
cold to much warmer.
B. the elimination of forests.
C. a mass extinction of large
mammals about 12,000 years ago.
D. the development of large
civilizations in Central and South
Most of the energy for industry
comes from
A. the sun.
B. nuclear power plants.
C. moving water.
D. fossil fuels.
–Which of the following is a
nonrenewable resource?
A. trees
B. grasses used by grazing
C. oxygen in the air
D. fossil fuels
– Which of the following is a
sustainable-use strategy that can help
prevent desertification?
A. contour plowing
B. protecting wetlands
C. aquaculture
D. selective harvesting of trees
– The advantage of sustainable
development is that it
A. provides for human needs without
depleting natural resources.
B. produces additional fossil fuels.
C. protects wildlife from hunters and
other threats.
D. is a natural process that regulates
– A mixture of chemicals that occurs
as a haze in the atmosphere is known
A. smog.
B. acid rain.
C. particulates.
D. fog.
– Plowing the land removes the roots
that hold the soil in place and
increases the rate of
A. pollution.
B. soil erosion.
C. deforestation.
D. soil formation.
– The type of biodiversity that includes
the inheritance information carried
by the Earth’s organisms is called
A. biological magnification.
B. ecological diversity.
C. genetic diversity.
D. species diversity.
– Populations of invasive species
tend to
A. decrease.
B. increase rapidly.
C. remain constant.
D. increase, then decrease.
– The wise management of natural
resources, including the preservation
of habitats and wildlife, is known as
A. biodiversity.
B. conservation.
C. habitat alteration.
D. ecosystem diversity.
– By focusing on protecting specific
ecosystems, biologists hope to
A. global biodiversity.
B. biological magnification.
C. invasive species.
D. habitat fragmentation.
– In a food pyramid, biological
magnification results in the
A. increased amount of a toxic
substance in organisms at the lowest
B. increased amount of a toxic substance
in organisms at the highest level.
C. decreased number of levels in the
food pyramid.
D. increased amount of a toxic
substance in the surrounding air or
– An increase in the average
temperature of the biosphere is
A. the greenhouse effect.
B. global warming.
C. ozone depletion.
D. climate control.
– The geological record indicates that
Earth’s climate has
A. remained essentially the same
throughout history.
B. been constant until humans have
influenced the environment.
C. changed dramatically every 150
D. repeatedly changed over its
A possible effect of global warming is
A. extinction of organisms in areas where
they once thrived.
B. an increase in global surface temperature
of 20 Celsius degrees.
C. a sharp decrease in the temperature of
the waters off the coast of California.
D. complete elimination of the protective
ozone layer in the atmosphere.
– Depletion of Earth’s protective
ozone layer results in
A. a decrease in the amount of heat
that reaches the surface.
B. a decrease in the amount of UV
radiation that reaches the surface.
C. an increase in the amount of
D. an increase in the amount of UV
radiation that reaches the surface.
The most likely cause of ozone
depletion is the
A. addition of carbon dioxide to the
B. increase in UV radiation from the sun.
C. addition of chemicals developed for use
in refrigeration and aerosol cans.
D. increase in the amount of smog
produced by automobiles.