Transcript Cell Theory

Ecosystems: What Are They and
How Do They Work?
Chapter 3
Cells Are the Basic Units of Life
 Cell Theory  Hooke, Schwann, Schleiden, Virchow
 All came up with key concepts that led to the classical cell theory
 Modern theory also includes
 Energy and metabolism occur in the cell
 DNA is passed through mitosis/meiosis
 All things have the same basic chemical composition
Species Make Up the Encyclopedia of Life
 Species
 1.75 Million species identified
 Insects make up most of the known species
 Perhaps 10–14 million species not yet identified
Ecologists Study Connections in
 Ecology – study of the how organisms interact with each other.
 Levels of organization (smallest to largest)
 Organism (species)
 Population
 Genetic diversity – importance?
 Community
 Ecosystem
 Biosphere
Levels of Organization –
Autotrophs v. heterotrophs
Terrestrial v. Aquatic
What Keeps Us and Other
Organisms Alive?
 Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the sun through
the biosphere, the cycling of nutrients within the biosphere,
and gravity.
The Earth’s Life-Support System Has Four
Major Components
 Atmosphere - air
 Hydrosphere - water
 Geosphere – rock, soil, and sediment
 Biosphere – living things
 5 different layers
 Troposphere – extends in range
from 17 km - to 7 km above sea
 Contains about 78% nitrogen, 21%
oxygen and then various other
 Stratosphere – 17-50 km and
lower portion is where ozone is.
 95% of UV radiation is blocked
 Consists of all water on
surface of the planet
Water vapor
Liquid water
 Oceans cover about 71% of
the planet and contain
about 97% of the water
 The crust is most
important as it ranges
from 5- 70 km thick
 98% of the crust by
weight comes from 8
 O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K,
 Liquids parts will help
develop the magnetic
poles based on motion
 Places where all life
ends up
 The goal is to
understand the
interactions that exist
with air, water, and soil.
Natural Capital: General Structure
of the Earth
Life Exists on Land and in Water
 Biomes
 Aquatic life zones
 Freshwater life zones
 Lakes and streams
 Marine life zones
 Coral reefs
 Estuaries
 Deep ocean
Major Biomes along the 39th Parallel
in the U.S.
Three Factors Sustain Life on Earth
 One-way flow of high-quality energy beginning with the sun
 Cycling of matter or nutrients
 Gravity
What Happens to Solar Energy
Reaching the Earth?
 UV, visible, and IR energy
 Radiation
Absorbed by ozone
Absorbed by the earth
Reflected by the earth
Radiated by the atmosphere as heat
 Natural greenhouse effect
Flow of Energy to and from the Earth