Chapter 55: Conservation Biology & Restoration Ecology
Transcript Chapter 55: Conservation Biology & Restoration Ecology
Chapter 55: Conservation Biology &
Restoration Ecology
Conservation biology
Integrates ecology, physiology, molecular biology,
genetics, & evolution to conserve biodiversity
Restoration ecology
Sustain ecosystems & stop loss of biodiversity
return conditions to original state through efforts from
social sciences, economics, & humanities
**The biodiversity crisis extinction is a natural
phenomenon but the current rate of extinction is
alarming and caused by one species…humans
Three levels of biodiversity
Genetic diversity
Microevolution occurs as a result of genetic variation
Organisms adapt to environments as a result of
Species diversity
Endangered species
Threatened species
Species in danger of extinction in all/significant portion of its range
Species likely to become endangered throughout all/most of its range
Extinction rates:
Can be as high as 50% in areas where 90% of habitat is lost
12% of known birds are endangered
24% of known mammals are endangered or threatened
200 of 20,000 known plants are extinct
20% of freshwater fish are/close to extinction
32% of known amphibians are endangered
** to know if a certain species is extinct we must know its exact
habitat & distribution
Ecosystem diversity
Habitat destruction leads to decrease in biodiversity
Major threats to biodiversity
Habitat destruction
Human alteration of habitat through:
Oil spills
93% of coral reefs damaged which support 1/3 of all known
Commercial fishing
Collecting & trading exotic animals/products
Introduced species
Disrupt community by preying on native species & outcompeting them for resources
Examples: zebra mussels, purple loose strife, Nile perch
According to IUCN 68% of endangered/extinction may be
due to exotic species introduction
Why conserve biodiversity?
Crucial natural resource
Belief that all species are entitled to life
Threatened species could provide crops, fibers, medicines
Humans are dependant on the ecosystem
We are part of the web of life
Estimates of replacing ecosystem service= $33 trillion/year
Population conservation
focuses on population size, genetic diversity, & critical habitat
Population viability analysis (PVA)
Examines chances a species has of surviving in its available habitats
Minimum viable population (MVP)
Effective population size (Ne)
Minimum number of individuals required for a population to survive
Based on the breeding potential of the population
Ne= (4Nm x Nf )/ (Nm + Nf )
Nm= number of males
Nf = number of females
Effects of genetic diversity on survivability
Low Ne prone to inbreeding, reduced heterozygosity & effects of genetic
Low Ne is normal for slow reproducing species (cheetah, grizzly bear)
Low genetic variability does not always lead to permanently small
Analyzing viability of selected species may help sustain other species
**Conserving species involves weighing conflicting demands
Conservation at community, ecosystem, & landscape
Edges & corridors can strongly influence landscape
Edges have their own communities of organisms that can
have positive or negative effects on species in ecosystems
bordering the corridor
Movement corridors connect isolated patches of habitat to
discourage inbreeding & death of species
Nature preserves must be functional parts of the
Must be well planned to be self regulating
7% of world land is now reserve
Debate large reserves or several small reserves?
Costa Rica- leader in zoned reserves
Restoration ecology
Works to manipulate processes to reduce the
time it takes for a community to bounce back
after disturbances
Most environmental damage is reversible
however communities are not infinitely resilient
Make use of living organisms (prokaryotes, fungi, &
plants) to detoxify a polluted ecosystem
Examples: bacterium cleaning up oil spills, plants
collecting mining waste
Biological augmentation
Uses organisms to add essential materials to a
degraded ecosystem
Sustainable development
Plan that provides for the long term prosperity
of human society & the ecosystems that
support them
Goals reorienting ecological research &
changing some human values