Species detection using Environmental DNA from water samples

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Species detection using Environmental
DNA from water samples
2012.10.25. 정다금
Biodiversity studies
Species distribution
Conservation biology
- Difficulty to detect a species, particular time periods or developmental stages
- Detect the presence of a species using the DNA in the environment
especially specific primers
Extraction of DNA from environmental samples:
- Allows characterization of their micro-organisms
- Provide information on extinct communities of macro organisms
(eg: old sediments, permafrost and ice cores)
- Unexplored potential about highly concentrated organisms in present-day
Novel approach: based on the persistence of DNA in the environment
- To detect the presence of a species in fresh water,
- To examine shether DNA fragments can be used for a reliable assessment
of current species presence
1. Controlled environments
2. Natural field conditions
American bullfrog(황소개구리): Rana catesbeiana
(=Lithobates catesbeianus)
invasive amphibian
(high-quality census data)
=>Reliable field validation
American bullfrog:
- Native to western North America
- Introduced into ecosystems around the glove
- One of the world’s most harmful invasive species
Materials and methods
Controlled conditions
Tadpole in Aquarium with 3L of water
Natural alpine spring at 1000m sealevel,
80km from the nearest bullfrog record.
0, 1, 5, 10 tadpoles / aquarium
Each density: 6 replicates,
After 24 hrs, collected 15ml water sample from each aquarium
Natural populations: Ponds: 1000-10000m2
Low density: 3 ponds
1-2 adults, no reproduction
High density: 3 ponds
Dozens of adults, thousands of tadpoles
No detection: 3 ponds
Never been detected, 30km from the nearest bullfrog record
Immediately after collection
* 1.5 ml sodium acetate 3M + 33ml absolute ethanol
To recover precipitated DNA/cellular remains
-> Centrifuge/ discard supernatant
:amplify a 79 bp segment of mitochondrial cyt-b, which is
monomorphic in all 397 individuals analysed by population genetic
studies covering the whole native and European range of the
species ( Ficetola et al. 2008).
-> Primers :
-Specificity confirm-> Genbank
-Try amplifying DNA of all other frog species living in France
(genus Rana) 2 ind. from different sites per each species.
-Each water sample: 3-5 amplification using the multi-tube
PCR product of one pond was sequenced using the 454
Generalized mixed models: assuming a binomial error
to compare the amplification rates among ponds with different
bullfrog densities, fitted using lme4 in R
All 18 aquarium water samples:
using selective primers PCR was successful.
(0.3,1.7,3.3 tadpoles per L)
- All PCR products were sequenced and corresponded perfectly to
the published bullfrog cyt-b sequence.
-674 fragments from one PCR product were sequenced using 454
pyrosequencing technology.
-False negative: approximately 1.5%
Using a multi-tube approach and ancient DNA precautions,
which are suitable for analysing DNA that is degraded
and/or at low concentrations
0.37+/- 0.1
0.79+/- 0.08
- To ensure that the positive amplification is not due to artefacts
-To ensure that the negative amplification is not due to chance
-Generalized linear mixed model: significant
Differences in amplification rates among ponds with differing densities
of target species were significant (Average amplification success)
The way to use environmental DNA and Strengths
- To ascertain species presence: discriminating between absence and presence
even low density
-To allow the reliable detection of secretive organisms in wetlands
w/o direct observation
-Answer to many situation where traditional census techniques
give low-quality results
-To quantify secretive harmful, invasive or threatened species
-Assessment of distribution of rare threatened species(target of conservation plans)
Several precautions
Influence factor: the amount of DNA in environmental samples
: volume of water, size and density of the organism and volume of secretions
Duration time: difficult to evaluate how long DNA fragments persist in water
(short DNA fragments can persist a long time under dry cold conditions… )
eg: 10000 year old dry cave sediments amplification(Willerslev et al. 2003)
400bp may persist up to 1 week at 18℃ in lake water(Matsui et al. 2001)
New avenues for the study of biodiversity:
DNA barcodes for identifying species from degraded DNA will be more applicable
to more and more plant and animal species
Massive sequencing techniques:
To analyse PCR products generated with universal primers working
on degraded substrates
-> To make possible the assessment of the current biodiversity of macro-organisms
from environmental samples