Impulse and Momentum

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Transcript Impulse and Momentum

Students should be able to:
1. Define linear momentum and calculate it.
2. Distinguish between the unit of force and
3. design an experiment in order to make
conclusions about the total momentum in a
system before and after a collision or
Let’s start with everyday
What do you say when a sports team
is on a roll?
They may not have the lead but they
may have ___________
A team that has momentum is hard to
Momentum Defined
p = mv
p = momentum
m = mass
v = velocity vector
• Momentum depends on the mass of an
object and the speed it is going.
– Momentum = mass x velocity
• Because velocity has direction then
momentum does, also.
Momentum of Objects
• Put the following in the order of most
momentum to least:
Space Shuttle
Freight Train
• Does a small object always have less
momentum than a large one?
• How can a bullet from a rifle knock over
an animal?
Which has more momentum?
• A truck or a roller skate rolling down a hill
with the same speed?
• A truck stopped at a light or a marble
rolling down the road?
• When could the roller skate and the truck
have the same momentum?
What is Momentum?
An object with a lot of momentum is also hard to
Momentum = ρ = mv
Units: kg∙m/s
Momentum is also a vector (it has direction)
Momentum is _________
Momentum is a vector quantity.
Momentum is dependant on the
mass and the ___________
an object.
Momentum Facts
• p = mv
• Momentum is a vector quantity!
• Velocity and momentum vectors point in the same direction.
• SI unit for momentum: kg·m/s (no special name).
• Momentum is a conserved quantity (this will be proven later).
• A net force is required to change a body’s momentum.
• Momentum is directly proportional to both mass and speed.
• Something big and slow could have the same momentum as
something small and fast.
Momentum Examples
10 kg
3 m/s
10 kg
30 kg · m
Note: The momentum vector does not have to be
drawn 10 times longer than the velocity vector,
since only vectors of the same quantity can be
compared in this way.
p = 45 kg · m /s
at 26º N of E
Equivalent Momenta
Car: m = 1800 kg; v = 80 m /s
p = 1.44 ·105 kg · m /s
Bus: m = 9000 kg; v = 16 m /s
p = 1.44 ·105 kg · m /s
Train: m = 3.6·104 kg; v = 4 m /s
p = 1.44 ·105 kg · m /s
continued on next slide
Equivalent Momenta
The train, bus, and car all have different masses and
speeds, but their momenta are the same in magnitude. The
massive train has a slow speed; the low-mass car has a
great speed; and the bus has moderate mass and speed.
Note: We can only say that the magnitudes of their
momenta are equal since they’re aren’t moving in the
same direction.
The difficulty in bringing each vehicle to rest--in terms of a
combination of the force and time required--would be the
same, since they each have the same momentum.
Newton’s Law and Momentum
• Newton’s Second Law can be used to relate the
momentum of an object to the resultant force
acting on it
• The change in an object’s momentum divided
by the elapsed time equals the constant net
force acting on the object
March 26, 2016
 A 1200 kg car drives west at 25 m/s for 3 hours.
What is the car’s momentum?
 Identify the variables:
1200 kg = m
25m/s, west = v
3 hours = t
p = mv
p = (1200kg)(25m/s) = 30000 kgm/s, west
• Be ready with your procedure for next class.
Leading to Inquiry for Total
Momentum of a System Before
and After a Collision or explosion
 Each group will have a different type of
collision or explosion. Some will overlap
since we will focus on three types of
Momentum – Elastic Collisions period 5 start here
 Elastic Collision – a collision in which the colliding bodies do not
stick together.
© 2001-2007 Shannon W. Helzer. All Rights Reserved.
Momentum – Inelastic Collisions
 Inelastic Collision – a collision in which the colliding bodies stick
© 2001-2007 Shannon W. Helzer. All Rights Reserved.
 Identify the number and types of collisions in the animation below.
© 2001-2007 Shannon W. Helzer. All Rights Reserved.
 Identify the number and types of collisions in the animation below.
© 2001-2007 Shannon W. Helzer. All Rights Reserved.
 Identify the number and types of collisions in the animation below.
© 2001-2007 Shannon W. Helzer. All Rights Reserved.
Inquiry for Total Momentum Before
and After a Collision/Explosion
• Design an experiment to demonstrate the
effect of a collision/explosion on total
momentum of the objects before and after
using the same mass for each cart and then
for a second experiment change one of the
cart’s mass by adding mass.
Inquiry for Total Momentum Before
and After a Collision/Explosion
• Design an experiment to demonstrate the effect of a collision/explosion
on total momentum of the objects before and after using the same mass
for each cart and then for a second experiment change one of the cart’s
mass by adding mass to it.
• Make a prediction on the effect of some condition on the
total momentum before and after a collision.
• Materials
Dynamics cart with spring bumper or plunger
Meter stick
Stop watch
Large white boards
Inquiry for Total Momentum Before and After
a Collision/Explosion
• Your group will present using the whiteboards your
design and findings.
• What did you discover about the momentum before and after a collision
or explosion?
• What happened to the momentum before and after when one of the carts
had more mass?
• Were any of the results NOT what you expected?
• Did the data support your original prediction?
• Individually, you will write an analysis about the investigation
with supporting evidence, and then explain how the
conservation of momentum can be applied to the
• Describe the investigation and the theoretical concepts
related to the investigation.
• Can you test the predictions? What conclusion(s) did you
reach due to the results of this experiment? If so, do results
agree with your conclusion(s)?
• What evidence (text and/or data) supports your
• Are your results reliable? What were the sources of error and
how did you compensate for sources of error in the
• This will be due 3 days after the conclusion of the
• Based on the investigations, what conclusion
can you make about the momentum in a
• Kahoot