Latitude Longitude Culture Cultural Borrowing/Diffusion Culture

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Transcript Latitude Longitude Culture Cultural Borrowing/Diffusion Culture

Answer Choices:
 Culture
 Cultural
 Culture Region
 Global
 Ural Mountains
 Chunnel
 Culture
 History
 Economics
 Geography
 Government
 Five
Themes of
 Limited
 Unlimited
Directions: Match the vocabulary word with
the correct definition.
 1.___________________-an area or group
of places that share language, beliefs
(religion), history, and geographic features.
 2.___________________-people manage
 3.___________________-when people
borrow/share a culture trait from another
 4.___________________-the economic,
political, and social dependence of culture
regions on one another.
5.___________________-the food,
clothing, technology, beliefs,
language, and tools that the people of
a culture share.
 6.___________________-the beliefs,
customs, laws, art, and ways of living
that a group of people share.
 7.___________________-movement,
human environment interaction,
region, location, and place.
8.___________________-a record of
the past, it’s what happened before.
 9.___________________-the study of
people, places, and the environment.
 10.___________________-the people
and groups who make the laws.
11. What European transportation corridor
was built under the English Channel?
12. Name a transportation barrier on the
European continent.
 13. A government with no individual
rights for the people is called
 14. A government where all people, even
those in the government, must follow the
laws is a _______________government.