Latitude, Longitude, and Absolute Location

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Transcript Latitude, Longitude, and Absolute Location

The Geography of
• Geography is the study of the Earth, its
physical features, and the people and
creatures who live on it.
Just as you affect the environment, the
environment affects where you live, what
you do, where you go, and what you see.
The Five Themes of Geography
Geographers use the Five Themes of
Geography to learn more about how people
use the land.
The Five Themes are:
• Location
• Place
• Human-Environment Relationships
• Movement
• Region
• Relative location is
when you use another
location to figure out
where something is.
Using landmarks or
street names to explain
where you are located.
– Example: next door to the
bank or Addresses like 301
Pony Drive, Grapevine, Texas
• Absolute location is
when geographers use
the exact location of a
place on the earth’s
– Example latitude and
longitude, coordinates,
Place is made up of the
Physical Environment or the
surroundings and
conditions in which
something exists. What
makes a location different
from another location.
How do Climate, vegetation,
and landforms combine with
human features in the
– Example how would you describe
the place or environment around
Human-Environment Relationships
How people interact with and change the environment;
when people change the physical surroundings.
How has man changed the environment to meet his
needs and how man has adapted to the environment?
• Examples: leveling forests, damming rivers pollution, people living
in igloos or pueblo homes
• How people and products
move around the earth, and
how we communicate with
each other.
• Cultural diffusion is when
people bring ideas and
culture from one place to
Examples- Moving to
another country or state,
shipping products from one
state to another, email
• The world is divided
into different
geographic regions
based on what they
have in common and
how they are different.
• Regions can be divided
based on geographic,
physical, political or
cultural features.
- Example include the 4
Natural Regions of Texas
and Texas is a state that
is part of the United
Areas that share similar characteristics
Latitude, Longitude, and Absolute Location
• Latitude
-Runs East and West across the earth
• Longitude
-Runs North and South across the earth