Transcript Document

EUSBSR in brief
18 November 2014 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs| Warsaw
EUSBSR: Background
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
First macro-regional strategy out of
today three strategies;
Based on long history of
Explicitly asks for cooperation and
coordination among the Baltic Sea
States (MSs and non-EU MSs);
A new way of working with EU
funding, pro-active instead of reactive;
Using so called Flagships as
development processes.
EUSBSR: Objectives, Priority Areas and Horizontal Actions
Priority Area Coordinator – roles and responsibilities
Facilitate involvement of and cooperation with relevant stakeholders from the entire macro-region and in close
cooperation with those:
Implement and follow-up the Priority Area towards targets and indicators defined. Whenever relevant, review of
the indicators and targets set.
Review regularly the relevance of the Priority Area as described in the Action Plan. Propose
necessary updates including the addition, modification or deletion of actions and flagship projects to the European
Facilitate policy discussions in the Baltic Sea Region regarding the Priority Area concerned.
Facilitate development and implementation of flagships defined under the Priority Area.
Convey relevant results and recommendations of ongoing and completed flagships to the policy level.
Ensure communication and visibility of the Priority Area.
Maintain a dialogue with bodies in charge of implementation of programmes/financial instruments on
alignment of funding for implementation of the Priority Area and flagships.
Liaise and cooperate with other Priority Area Coordinators and Horizontal Action Leaders in order
to ensure coherence and avoid duplication of actions in the EUSBSR implementation.
Monitor progress within the Priority Area and report on it.
Flagships – development processes
Flagships – and how to build them?
1. Vision / Strategy (ex. BTP / School to Work)
Get support in strategies (EU, Macro-regional, National, Regional, Local)
3. Identify actors needed
- What kind of development should be achieved? - new methods, changes in behavior etc.
- The actors are needed? Where should the development take place? Who will be affected /
4. Identify and recruit flagship leaders (ex. national agencies)
5. Supporting the flagship leaders in finance (recommend programs + possible seed funding), partner
search and project development
6. Follow up and place the flagship of the relevant political context - operate at the interface
between the operational level and politics.
EUSBSR: Intervention Logic
FRAMEWORK for 2014-2020:
European Structural and
Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF, CF,
Europe 2020
Swedish Institute, IB.SH, CBSS,
Nordic Council of Ministers
Connecting Europe Facility,
Horizon 2020, LIFE + programme,
COSME, Erasmus +,
new environment action programme, etc.
Actions &
e.g. International Banks, national,
regional and local funds, private funds
and investments, funding resources
provided by international institutions,
PA Education
18 November 2014 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs| Warsaw
EUSBSR PA Education – in brief
Three policy areas
Labour mobility
Two Priority Area Coordinators
Christiane Schadow (Hamburg)
Anders Bergström (Norden Association in Sweden)
Targets and indicators
Improved global competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region and a smart, inclusive and
sustainable growth through;
• increased pupil/student mobility – increased knowledge about the BSR and its
cultures – forming a common belongingness.
• closer cooperation between educational institutions in BSR - building a common area
for education.
• a strengthen international position in education – attract students from outside BSR
to our higher education institutions.
PA Education – flagships, possible flagships and new initiatives
Baltic Training Programme
Baltic University Programme
Baltic Sea Labour Forum
Emerging flagships
• School to work (S2W)
Possible flagships
Baltic Sea Youth Forum
Ready to Research
Introducing dual education within VET
BSLF Mobility Flagship Initiative
New initiatives
BSR Lifelong Learning
Baltic Science Network
SYPERB – mapping of youngsters living conditions
Baltic Training Programme – supporting strategies
EU 2020
Smart Growth
- Training (encouraging people to learn, study and update their skills)
Sustainable growth
- Exploiting EU network to give our company an additional competitive advantage
Inclusive growth
- That more people in the EU entering the labor -More and better jobs
ET 2020 – strategic objectives
Making lifelong learning and mobility
Improving education quality and efficiency
Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship
Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education
Baltic Training Programme – supporting strategies
Bruges Communiqué
Attractive and inclusive VET,
Basic training of high quality,
Easily accessible, career-oriented and vocational training,
Flexible system for training based on a strategy for the recognition of academic achievement,
A European education area,
Significantly increased opportunities for transnational mobility,
Easily accessible and high-quality lifelong information, guidance and counseling,
Systematic use of the EQF, ECVET and Europass.
Strategic objectives
Develop a strategy for the internationalization of vocational education and training (both initial
training and continuing vocational training), and to promote international mobility,
Fostering innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship and the use of ICT (both in initial vocational
education and vocational training).
Baltic Training Programme – a cluster of 5 projects
Developing and testing the
focusing on students and
focusing on teachers
Implementing + ECVET
focusing on VET providers
Baltic Training Programme
2009 - 2012
Central Baltic
Nordpraktik 2011 - 2014
South Baltic Training
Programme 2012 - 2014
South Baltic
Baltic Training Programme – project partners
LLP Leonardo da Vinci TOI
Baltic Training Programme
SE – Norden Association (NGO)
SE - Frans Schartau Business Institute (local)
EE - Narva Vocational Training Centre (state)
LV - Vidzeme Planning Region (region)
LV -National Centre for Education (state)
SE – Norden Association(NGO)
LV – Baltic Bright (company)
GE – Hanse-Parliament (company)
EE – Tartu Vocational Education Centre (state)
LT - Vytautas Magnus University (academy)
SE – Norden Association Norrbotten (NGO)
SE – Nordic Aviation Centre (local)
FI - Lapland University of Applied Sciences (state)
NO - Troms Regional Council (region)
South Baltic Training Programme
SE - Netport Karlshamn (triple helix)
SE - Litorina Folk High school (foundation)
GE - ITC Innovation and Trend centre (company)
GE - HIE-RO at the University of Rostock (academy)
LT - Rietavas Business Information Centre (company)
LT - Zemaitija College (local VET school)
PL - Szczecin University (academy)
DK - EUC Zealand (local VET school)
SE – Norden Association (NGO)
GE – Hamburg Institute for Vocational education (state)
FI – Lapland University of Applied Sciences (state)
if needed support with formulations
control of the command in English
Application +
Project idea
via Internet
finding a host-company
if needed coaching of
the two parties
in-company training
Final seminar
two days
re-cap of the first
project presentations
- 6 days education
- individual coaching
three weeks
if needed coaching of
both parties
HansaVET-model of journeyman travel – an integrated learning experience
Vocational effect + Developmental effect + Market development effect
PA Education – flagships
Baltic Training Programme
Flagship leader: Swedish Council for Higher Education
Baltic Training Programme supports internationalisation and entrepreneurship in vocational training,
both in the secondary as tertiary.
In line with the Bruges Communiqué, a method has been developed and tested, which means that
students formulate business projects that subsequently matched with companies in neighbouring
countries. Students are prepared for their mobility with training modules such as cultural
understanding, business internationalisation and project management. Both students and host
companies offer coaching to optimize both learning and business benefit. The method has been given
the name "HansaVET-model of Journeyman Travel".
Baltic Training Programme started in 2009 and since then the method has been developed and tested in
three INTERREG A programs. Teacher training has been offered in an LLP Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of
Innovation (TOI LdV) and currently another LdV TOI is implemented with the aim of creating a network
of educational providers and companies in the region with the use of ECVET.
Some facts
200 pupils / students have participated
200 training providers
200 teachers
PA Education – flagships
Baltic University Programme
Flagship Leader: University of Uppsala
Baltic University Programme is a thematic, interdisciplinary network of more than 200 universities
and institutions of higher education in the region. The programme started in 1992.
The programme focuses on issues of sustainable development, environmental protection and democracy
in the region. The aim is to support the key role that universities play in a democratic, peaceful and
sustainable development. This is achieved through the development of university courses, and through
participation in projects in cooperation with government agencies, municipalities and other
Some facts
• 14 regional centers in 14 countries
• Many active universities in the biggest network in the region
• 1 500 teachers and researchers are connected to the network
• Annually involved 9000 students in one of the program's activities
PA Education – flagship
Baltic Sea Labour Forum
Flagship leader: Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) (Stockholm / Hamburg)
The only organisation where trade unions, employers' organisations and representatives of political
bodies are working together to create a sustainable macro-regional labour markets in the Baltic Sea
Until now the network gathers 28 member organisations from eight countries. Also included in the
network is the "Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference" and the CBSS.
Baltic Sea Labour Forum focuses presently on two areas of work;
• youth employment and
• labour mobility.
Both of these thematic areas are of particular importance for the development of a well functioning
labour market and sustainable economic growth in the Baltic Sea Region.
PA Education – emerging flagship
School to Work (S2W)
Flagship leader: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
A new cluster of projects aimed at reducing the number of early school leavers (drop outs) and the
number of NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training). The flagship is divided into the following
thematic areas;
Statistics and monitoring of measures
Coordinated by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society
Guidance and counseling
Coordinated by Stavostwe powiatowe Wolominskie Voivodeship / Ad Futurum (Poland)
Preventive measures
Coordinated by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
Re-integrative measures
Coordinated by the Norden Association in Sweden
One-stop-shop - co-operation and co-location of actors
Coordinated by the Land of Hamburg - Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Integration
One stop
to Work
the ties
to school
• Mentoring
• Parental programme
A holistic
• Plug In
• Jyväskylä Educational
Consortium (Finland)
• Special pedagogy
forum (Lithuania)
• Crisis intervention in
the educational
establishment (Latvia)
PA Education – emerging flagship
School to Work (S2W)
Preliminary timetable
Autumn 2014
• Meetings in respective thematic area
• Meeting with the coordinating partners (Stockholm, December, 17)
Spring 2015
• Feasibility studies, forming partnerships, preparing applications
Autumn 2015
• Finalizing applications, submitting them
• Start conference
2016 – 2020
• Project implementation
PA Education – possible flagships
Baltic Sea Youth Forum
Lead partner: Regional Youth Council of Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel)
The Nordic Youth Council brings together youth organizations prior to the yearly Assembly of the Nordic
Council to discuss the current political challenges for the region. With this as a model the Youth
Councils in the Baltic Sea Region have started to design a similar structure feeding in ideas from young
people in to the EUs Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). A meeting place for youth
organizations, where new generations of politicians have the opportunity to discuss the Baltic Sea
policy and participate in the annual forum organized within the framework of the EUSBSR.
PA Education – possible flagships
Introducing dual education within VET
Lead partner: Hanseatic Parliament (Hamburg)
This possible flagship has two purposes;
to improve vocational training in the region by introducing the dual education system requiring
employers to take greater responsibility for the content as well as financing of the educations.
Experiences from Germany, the Netherlands and Austria show that this system leads to lower youth
unemployment through a better matching of labour market needs with training.
to improve the supply of skills to small and medium enterprises (SME), enhance their innovation
capacity through direct training tailored to the needs of the companies.
PA Education – possible flagships
BSLF Mobility Flagship Initiative
Lead partner: Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) (Stockholm / Hamburg)
The overall aim is to facilitate and encourage labour mobility. This is done in three focus areas:
• identify and remove obstacles to the free movement;
• counter pay dumping and
• provide apprentices and students of vocational high schools internships in neighbouring countries.
The first action is intended to build on the experience of “Hello Norden”, a service function financed
by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM). The third action is a further development of the flagship
Baltic Training Programme.
PA Education – new initiatives
BSR Lifelong Learning
Lead partner: Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association (Tallinn)
The overall aim is to meet the challenges of an aging population and thus need to enable older people
(55+) to stay longer in the labour market or become entrepreneurs. This initiative is based on the
results of two previous projects; QuickIGA and BestAgers Lighthouses. These projects were both funded
by the INTERREG IVB Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.
The flagship will have four focus areas;
• Statistics / analysis / monitoring
• "Age Management" (aimed at employees and their employers)
- Career advice
- Attitudes in the workplace for older workers
• Education (aimed at educational institutions)
- Teacher training / development of new methods for learning
- The development of courses for polytechnics and universities
• Entrepreneurship
- Training / coaching / financing
- Mix of young and older entrepreneurs (mentoring)
An application for funding for the project initiation is planned to be directed to the Swedish Institute.
The bulk of the flagship will be referred to ESF funding.
PA Education – new initiatives
SYPERB – monitoring effects of youth policies
Lead partner: Region Kalmar (Sweden)
LUPP is a survey used in municipalities, districts or regions providing knowledge on young people's lives,
their experiences, expectations and views on the future.
Knowledge on young people’s living conditions making it easier to do policy making
LUPP, local monitoring of youth policy, will help us to easily find out how the situation for young people
look like so that we can develop interventions to improve the circumstances of young people locally.
The questions in the survey provide answers to how young people in communities, districts or regions
perceives influence, democracy, work, health, leisure, the situation in the school and what future plans
they have. About half of the municipalities in Sweden have done LUPP sometime. LUPP is conducted
usually electronically in schools.
Target groups
The questionnaire is suitable for three different groups:
young pupils age 13-16
young people age 16-19
young adults age 19-25
A feasibility study is carried out presently funded by the Swedish Institute aiming at implementing a
pilot within the South Baltic Programme starting in late 2015.
PA Education – new initiatives
Lead partner: University of Uppsala (Sweden)
EntrepreneurshipLab offers students the opportunity to work with viable, entrepreneurial projects with
companies and public bodies. Simultaneous given innovators who are struggling with their ideas and
inventions and lack the time needed to commercialize their ideas, the ability to get the help of master
students in entrepreneurship by allowing them to develop a business plan for its existing idea or help
kick-start the entrepreneurial process.
The overall idea is to integrate the practice into the otherwise theoretical training. They work closely
with the Department of Business Studies at Uppsala University to support the development of
entrepreneurship education. EntrepreneurshipLab is part of the Masters program with a specialization
in Business and Administration.
An application for project initiation is planned to be directed to the Swedish Institute. This potential
flagship plan a first step to develop a project in the Central Baltic Programme.
Christiane Schadow, [email protected]
Anders Bergström, [email protected]
Anastasiia Klonova, [email protected]