Transcript music jobs

Culture and Geography Test
Version M
____1. The clothing, language, food, music,
jobs, religion, literature, and technology that a
group of people share is an expression of their
A. government.
C. culture.
B. multiculturalism.
____2. Which of the following are considered
basic institutions in most societies?
A. education
C. Both A and B
B. government
____3. What do we call an area where the
people share a language, history, and set of
A. culture region
C. geography
B. government
___4. Which is an example of a culture trait?
A. a letter written by someone who lived 200
years ago
B. kinds of clothing worn by a group of people
C. A natural feature of Earth, such as a
mountain range.
____5. Educational opportunities, peace, and
freedom are examples of
A. pull factors.
B. Push factors.
C. barriers to movement.
____6. Migrate is
A. an advantage or feature that draws a person
to live in a new place.
B. the way in which people adjust to the
environment in which they live.
C. to move from one area to settle in another.
____7. Eating food that is easily grown locally is
an example of
A. modifying the environment.
B. adapting to the environment.
C. migration patterns.
____8. Building irrigation canals along the Nile
River is an example of
A. adapting to the environment.
B. a push factor
C. modifying the environment.
____9. The Ancient Greeks and Romans
worshiped many gods, which is an example of
A. polytheism
B. monotheism
C. reincarnation
____10. The Cardinal Directions, N, S, W, E, are
part of a __________________.
A. scale
B. key
C. compass rose
____11. We use a ___________ to compare a
unit of distance on the Earth to a unit of length
on a map
A. scale
B. compass rose
C. legend
____12. An example of a push factor in the
world today is
A. job opportunities in Canada.
B. religious freedom in England.
C. the war in Syria.
____13. The exact spot on Earth a place can be
found is its
A. absolute location.
B. standard location.
C. relative location.
____14. Which of these tells you the distance
north or south of the equator?
A. meridians
B. longitude
C. latitude
___15. Tina lives next door to her grandmother.
This is her:
A. relative location.
B. latitude.
C. absolute location.
____16. Prime Meridian
____19. Tropic of Capricorn
____17. Equator
____20. Lines of Latitude
____18. Tropic of Cancer
____21. Which of the following is represented by
letter “A” on the map?
A. North America
B. South America
C. Europe
____22. Which of the following is represented by
letter “B” on the map?
A. North America
B. South America
C. Africa
____23. Which of the following is represented by
letter “C” on the map?
A. Australia
B. South America
C. Africa
____24. Which of the following is represented by
letter “D” on the map?
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Africa
____25. You live in which two hemispheres?
A. northern and southern
B. northern and eastern
C. northern and western
____26. What features do physical maps show?
A. religions, languages, and technology
B. capitals, cities, and boundaries of nations
C. land forms, bodies of water, elevations
____27. What features do political maps show?
A. population density and culture regions
B. capitals, cities, and boundaries of nations
C. land forms, bodies of water, elevations
____28. A term that means half of the globe is
A. projections.
B. hemisphere
C. parallels
____29. A map that focuses on a specific idea
such as climate, types of vegetation, or natural
resources, is a
A. road atlas.
B. thematic map.
C. relief map.
____30. How is a globe different from a map?
A. It is easier to carry and use.
B. It has only two dimensions.
C. It is a more accurate model of the world.
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Good Job!