Transcript NG Response

European Developments
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Transmission Workgroup
7th June 2012
EU Interoperability & Data Exchange Network
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Transmission Workgroup
7th June 2012
The current position
 ACER published Draft Framework Guidelines on 16
 NG NTS submitted its written response covering all 7
FG themes on 16 May
 This presentation provides a summary of that response
Key Messages
 Restrict the FG to Interconnection Points only
 Minimum harmonisation
 Should be a net benefit to industry and consumers
 Demanding timescale
 Unique GB issues as an island nation
1. Interconnection Agreements
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 Minimum set of requirements
as a mandatory ‘model
template’ covering TSO-TSO
and TSO-Shipper elements
 GB IAs limited to TSO-TSO
operational arrangements
 Standard Agreement as a
default should TSOs not
agree on content within 12
 NRA involvement in approval
of IAs & dispute resolution
 TSO-Shipper rules best
addressed in national network
 Minimum list of items has
merit but many parameters
are IP-specific
 NRA involvement should be
proportionate and specific
2. Harmonisation of Units
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 Lack of harmonisation could
be a barrier to cross border
 In general, lack of common
units not a barrier to trade
 Harmonised units for energy,
volume, pressure and gross
Calorific Value
 Use of conversion tools is
adequate in most cases
 Common units may be
desirable to support future
commercial processes/data
publication regarding IPs
3. Gas Quality
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 Adjacent TSOs agree how to
handle gas quality
differences at IPs
 Stronger role for NRAs in
determining which differences
require solutions
 TSOs to provide Users with
‘pertinent’ gas quality
 Provision of information
should not be a pan – EU
obligation on TSOs
 10 year Gas Quality Outlook
by ENTSOG on possible
changes in gas quality
 ENTSOG may not have
access to future gas quality
4. Odourisation
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 Cross border flows of nonodourised gas to be the
default rule
 NRAs to work with TSOs to
explore options using CBA
and safety assessment
5. Data Exchange
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 Extend harmonisation to all
common TSO-TSO, and
TSO-counterparty data
 Gradual approach via
‘roadmap’ towards common
 Common, standardised
messaging protocol and
 Identify requirements that
need to be serviced before
 Selection of solutions using
CBA and following industry
 Phased approach to
implementation appropriate
6. Capacity Calculation
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 Discrepancies between maximum
capacities either side of an IP may
cause barriers to trade
 Discrepancies to be expected and not
a barrier
 TSOs required to provide detailed
description of capacity calculation
 TSO incentives the key to maximising
 Adjacent TSOs to cooperate to
reduce discrepancies
 Code to define a procedure for
dealing with discrepancies
 ENTSOG to define timeline for
discrepancy reduction and reporting
role to ACER
7. Cross Border Cooperation
ACER Proposals
NG Response
 General obligation on TSOs
to cooperate fully to achieve
market integration
 Obligation not needed as
already covered by Article 4 of
the Gas Regulation
 Regular ENTSOG reviews of
TSO practices
Next Steps
ACER currently preparing ‘Evaluation of comments’ paper
Impact Assessment delivered to
Mid June
Impact Assessment & final FG
provided by ACER to
End July
Code development by ENTSOG
Sept 2012 – Sept 2013
Gas Balancing Update
Transmission Workgroup
7th June 2012
Gas Balancing Code Consultation
 Balancing Draft Code and Consultation issued 13 April
 The response deadline is 17:00 CET 12 June
 The ENTSOG consultation and other documentation
can be found at:
 ENTSOG have requested that responses are:
 Focused and succinct as possible and provide supporting
evidence where available
 Made via the formal consultation response form
EU CAM Network Code and CMP Guideline
Transmission Workgroup
7th June 2012
Capacity Allocation Mechanism
(CAM) - Update
 According to the 3rd Package ACER need to provide an opinion on the
CAM Code compliance with the Framework Guideline by 6th June 2012
 A number of meetings have been held between ENTSOG and ACER
relating to the content of the CAM Code over the last two months
 Discussions have been focused on:
 Capacity duration of 15 years
 How much Capacity is withheld for the medium and short term
auctions (quotas)
 The sale of unbundled capacity resulting from:
 Technical Interconnection point mismatches
 More Capacity already sold on one side of an IP
 Additional incentive release
Capacity Allocation Mechanism
(CAM) - Update
 Inclusion of Tariffs in CAM Code
 Establishing Virtual Interconnection Points (at two or more adjacent
entry exit systems)
 ACER’s opinion was discussed by the ACER Board of Regulators at its
22nd May meeting
 ENTSOG is preparing to move quickly on those issues formally raised by
Congestion Management Procedures
(CMP) Guidelines - Update
 CMP Guidelines agreed and approved by Member States at the 2nd
Comitology meeting on the 20th April 2012
 Currently undergoing Commission internal processes including the
transposition into all Member States languages
 Expectation that this will take until Sept 12
 GB has to be compliant with the Guidelines by 1st October 2013
 National Grid are in conversation with Ofgem as to National Grids
compliance with the CMP Guidelines.
EU Updates Timetable
 Timetable aims to highlight the key items (consultations,
workshops, decisions, etc.) National Grid NTS expect to cover
via this agenda item in the forthcoming months
TX Workgroup
July 2012
Output from SJWS on TYNDP / Final ENTSOG TYNDP