Chapter 2, Section 1
Transcript Chapter 2, Section 1
Chapter 2, Section 1
7th Grade Social Studies
Starter Activity
Starter Activity: How has technology
changed over the years? List as many
examples as you can think of in your
notebook. Be prepared to share in class.
Key Vocab & Ideas
O classical = relating to Ancient Greece & Rome
O technology = the use of science in commerce and industry
O astrolabe = an instrument used by sailors to observe
positions of the stars
pilgrimage = journey to a holy place
mosque = Muslim house of worship
Quran = Muslim holy book
acquire = to come to have something
impose = to establish or imply by authority
O Started in 1095. Time period called "The Middle Ages"
****watch Brainpop on Middle Ages***
9 trips total/lasted about 200 years
Led by European Christians
Goal = regain control of their holy sites from the Muslim
Effect = brought Europeans into contact with Middle East
O Europeans bought spices, sugar, silk, and other items from
traders in the Middle East.
O The items were sent back home to major cities like Venice,
Genoa, and Pisa.
O Interest grew. People wanted these new, exotic items.
O Problem: Middle Eastern traders charged high prices on
their goods.
O Solution: Europeans began to look at other trade routes &
places to buy goods.
O Renaissance: "rebirth"
O *The expansion of travel and sampling new goods caused
Europeans to want to improve their knowledge of the
*Began studying Ancient Greek & Roman (classical)
*New experimental approach to science
*Began thinking about the universe & writing about their
*Studied sculptures & architecture of classical world.
Visit this website:
In-Class Project (omit 2015)
O *Nation-states began to form in Europe.
O *Monarchs came into power.
O *Leaders wanted to increase trade and make their countries stronger.
O Marco Polo: Famous explorer/trader who wrote about his travels.
O "The length of this Desert is so great that 'tis said it would
O take a year and more to ride from one end of it to the other.
O And here, where its breadth is least (narrowest), it takes a
O month to cross it. 'Tis all composed of hills and valleys of sand,
O and not a thing to eat is to be found on it."
O ---------from The Travels Of Marco Polo (talking about the Gobi
Extension Activity
O Common Core Aligned: The Road With Two-
Humped Camels
O Advances in technology (use of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes)
O Allowed more and more European voyages for exploration
and trade.
1. printing press was invented
2. better maps
3. better ships (now had rudder and triangular sail = steer
into the wind)
4. gained better instruments:
*astrolabe=measured the position of the stars
*compass = determine direction
African Kingdoms Flourished
from 400-1600 AD
Extension Activity
Extension Activity: Please answer the following
question in your notebook. What events and
technological advances paved the way for
European exploration? Use your notes &
textbook to help you.
Chapter 2: Section 2
Early Exploration
Starter Activity
In your notebook, answer the following
question: Would you have wanted to be
an early explorer? Explain why or why
Key Vocab & Ideas
O saga = long, detailed story
O line of demarcation = imaginary line running down the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Pole to the
South Pole dividing the Americas between Spain and
O strait = narrow passageway connecting two larger bodies
of water
O circumnavigate = sail around the world
Cause & Effect Of Early European
Unaware of the Americas. Assumed only one large land
mass. Maps didn't include
the Americas.
O European desire for new
O Knowledge grows about
trade routes
O growing power and wealth
of European nations
O competition for trade
O missionaries' desire to
convert people to
other regions
O Europeans and Native
Americans clash
O Enslavement of Africans
O Rivalry in the Americas
Famous Early Explorers
Henry The Navigator
(Prince Of Portugual)
O 1420 set up Sarges ("school of
O planned voyages & analyzed reports
O did not go on any expeditions himself
Bartholomeu Diaz
O mission (from King John of Portugal) was to reach Asia
O had only 2 caravels and a supply ship
O sailed south around the tip of Africa
O forced off route by storm & returned home
O discovered the southern tip of Africa (Cape Of Good
O Caravel - travel in the shallows, lateen sail caught the
wind, 75-90 feet long
Vasco Da Gama
O first Portuguese to land in India
O July 1497, set out with 4 ships
O sailed around the Cape Of Good Hope and up the
East coast of Africa
O made many stops on the eastern coast
O landed in Calicut, India in May of 1498
Amerigo Vespucci
O 1502 sailed along the coast of South America
O said it wasn't part of Asia, continent by itself
O geographers called it "America"
Ferdinand Magellan
O sailed around the tip of South America through a strait
(narrow water channel)
O named the ocean Pacific (pacifico means peacefully in
O crew sailed all the way to Spain in 1522 =
O first to circumnavigate (travel around) the world
Extension Activity
Why did Spain and Portugal want to find
a sea route to Asia? Think of as many
reasons as possible. Use your text book
to help you.
Who should get credit for
discovering America?
The Vikings or Columbus?
You decide . . .
Round 1: The Vikings
O First Europeans to sail to North America
O Visited Iceland & Greenland in the 800s and 900s.
O Made settlements (remains have been found by
archaeologists in Newfoundland
O sagas (traditional stories) tell all about Leif
Eriksson. Explored a land west of Greenland
around 1000 AD. He called it Vinland.
******watch Brainpop on Vikings******
Round 2: Christopher Columbus
O 1492
O Sailed with 3 ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
O Thought he was at the East Indies, but actually
was in the Caribbean Islands
O named the place San Salvador
O made 3 more voyages: explored & mapped the
coasts of Central & northern South America
O ******Watch Columbus on Brainpop******
Discussion Time!
O Who do you think should get credit for
“Discovering” America?
O Be able to support your answer.
Extension Activity
O Common Core Aligned: What Stopped
In-Class Project
Select either Cortes and the Aztec (p. 43) or Pizarro and the Inca (p.
2) Fold the top side of paper to bottom to divide it in half.
3) On the bottom half, draw and color a map of the area. Use p. 12,
14, and 44 for reference.
4) Draw a line to divide the top half into 3 columns. IN EACH
*******Write the name of one important concept (idea, invention,
person, religion, etc. )
*******Draw and color a picture representing the concept.
*******Write 3 sentences providing facts about the concept.
5) Cut out the outline of a human (the explorer in the area). Draw, color,
add construction paper, etc. to decorate your human. Add armor, etc.
6) Tape/glue to map.
Project Example
Chapter 2: Section 3
Spain In America
Starter Activity
Read this quote:
"I know in my heart that we shall TAKE vast and wealthy lands,
peoples such as have never before seen . . . If you do not abandon
me, as I shall not abandon you, I shall make you in a very short
time the richest of all men who have crossed the seas."
-----from Cortes: The Life Of The Conqueror by His Secretary
Why do you think explorers felt it was "OK" to take from the
native people? Do you feel the same way? Explain. Write your
thoughts in your notebook.
Key Vocab & Ideas
O conquistador = Spanish explorers in America in the
O encomienda = system of rewarding conquistadors
with tracts of land and the right to tax and demand
labor from Native Americans who lived on the land
O pueblo = home or community of homes built by
Native Americans
O plantation = a large estate run by an owner or
manager and farmed by laborers who lived there
Spanish Conquistadors In
The Americas
(watch brainpop)
Mercantilism = Economic Rivalry
What fueled the competition?
$$$ from fishing and
fur trading
American land and
for power at
home in
Hernan Cortes
O Landed in Mexico in 1519
with 500 soldiers
made alliances with the
Aztec people's enemies
went Tenochtitlan (Aztec's
main city) & was
took Montezuma (Aztec
ruler) prisoner
Aztec rebelled in 1520
and Montezuma was
Francisco Pizarro
O 1523 captured Inca ruler and
destroyed most of the Inca
O They captured the Inca ruler
(Atahualpa) and falsely
accused him of crimes.
Executed him.
O Inca were unable to fight/regroup without their leader.
O Pizarro gained control over
the whole empire
Juan Ponce De Leon
O Hoped to find gold
and the "Fountain
Of Youth"
O "a spring of
running water of
such marvelous
virtue that
drinking it makes
old men young
Robert La Salle
O French
O Wanted to reach the Gulf of
Mexico by traveling down the
Mississippi River
O Results
O Reached the Gulf of Mexico
and claimed the entire
Mississippi River Valley for
Looking For The Seven Cities Of
Cibola Francisco
Hernando De
Vasquez De
Sir Walter Raleigh
O English
O Sent by Queen Elizabeth to claim land for England in
North America
O Results
O Claimed land from present-day North Carolina to Maine and
named it Virginia, in honor of Queen Elizabeth.
O Sent 100 people to settle at Roanoke Island
off North Carolina, but colony disappeared
by 1591.
Why Spain Succeeded
O Weapons = used guns & cannons vs native
weapons of sticks & stones
O Animals = had horses to travel quickly
O Other natives in the area were tired of being
treated hatefully by the Aztec and Inca = decided
to help the Spanish
O Disease = Native Americans didn't have immunity
to European Illnesses. Smallpox was one of the
most deadly diseases at that time.
Spanish Law Called For 3 Kinds
Of Settlements In The Americas:
O Pueblos: towns
O Missions: religious communities
O Presidios: military fort
Social Classes Formed
Peninsulares = born in Spain, owned land, served
the church & ran the government
Creoles = born in America to Spanish parents
Mestizo = people who have a Spanish and Native
American parent
Native Americans = born in America, lived in great
African slaves = only class below Native Americans. No
freedom. No money. Considered property.
Encomienda System
O right to demand taxes or labor from Native
Americans living on the land
O turned Native Americans into slaves
O many Native Americans died from malnutrition
and disease
O Spain passed New Laws in 1542 = forbade
anyone from making Native Americans slaves
Plantation System
O Allowed Spanish settlers to make large
profits = exporting tobacco, sugarcane,
and other crops.
O Since Native Americans were no longer
allowed to be slaves, they brought
people from Africa and made them
slaves to work on the farms.
Extension Activity
How did Spain's conquests affect the
economic and social development of the
Chapter 2: Section 4
Starter Activity
What would you do if someone tried to
force their beliefs on you? Write about it
in your notebook.
Key Vocab & Ideas
O mercantilism = theory that a state's or nation's
power depends on its wealth
O Columbian exchange = exchange of goods,
ideas, and people between Europe and the
O Northwest passage = water route to Asia through
North America sought by European explorers
Reasons Europeans Continued
To Move To Americas:
O Catholics (Spanish & French) worked to spread their faith
to America
O Protestants (Dutch & English) created settlements to work
in peace (learn more about that in the next chapter)
O *Mercantilism = idea that a nation's power is based on its
O ---encouraged people to move to North America $$$$ in
natural resources (gold, sugar cane, tobacco, salt)
O ---increased the rivalry between European nations
Columbian Exchange
O Two halves of the world brought together for the
first time
O Occurred because of the contact between the
European Explorers and Native Americans.
O Period of cultural and biological exchanges
between the New and Old Worlds.
O Exchanges of plants, animals, diseases and
O *******watch Brainpop on it*****
Positive Impacts From The
Columbian Exchange
O From Old World to New: Cattle were brought to
Mexico in 1521. Source of food, can pull heavy
loads. Horses allowed hunters to travel larger
O From Old World to New: The Spanish brought
sugar to Mexico.
O From Old World to New: Bananas were first
grown in Southeast Asia and brought by
Europeans to the Caribbean Islands.
Positive Impacts From The
Columbian Exchange
O From New World to Old: Corn can be grown on
land that can't easily grow rice or wheat. Has
become an important food in Europe, Egypt,
India, China, etc.
O From New World to Old: Potatoes have become
an important source of nutrition for many
countries all over the world.
Negative Impacts From The
Columbian Exchange: From New
World To Old World
O Sand fleas, or chiggers, are insects that dig under
human skin to lay eggs.
Negative Impacts From The
Columbian Exchange: From Old
World To New World
O Because they were separated from the rest of the
world, Native Americans had no prior immunity
to smallpox and other deadly diseases.
O European animals brought diseases with them that
attacked llamas and alpacas.
Negative Impacts From The
Columbian Exchange: From Old
World To New World
O Rats hitched rides on ships carrying Europeans.
They spread all over the Americas quickly.
O Many explorers wanted to find gold and silver in
the New World. They used natives as slaves.
When the natives began to die out, they turned to
Africans as free labor.
Columbian Exchange Simulation
You will randomly receive a food card. The card will
contain a modern recipe created with foods available as a
direct result of the Columbian Exchange. If your food's
primary ingredient is from the "New World", there will be a
number in the bottom right-hand corner. If your food's
primary ingredient is from the "Old World", there will be a
letter in the bottom right-hand corner. Please note, there are
some recipes which contain ingredients from both worlds,
but I based classification on the primary ingredient. For
example, baby-back ribs are considered an Old World food
in this simulation because the primary ingredient, pork, is an
Old World food.
Columbian Exchange Simulation
O Step 2: You will be allowed 5 minutes to look at everyone
else's cards. You are allowed to trade, should you choose
to do so. HOWEVER, for this step, you are only allowed
to trade within your group. In other words, "New World"
foods (those marked with a number) are ONLY allowed to
trade with each other. "Old World" foods (those marked
with a letter) are only allowed to trade with each other.
O After I call time, head back to your seats. Share. Do you
feel you had a good trading experience? Explain.
Columbian Exchange Simulation
O Step 3: Now you will have 5 minutes to trade
again. This time, you may trade for any recipe ~
Old or New World. You do not have to trade if
you like your recipe.
O When I call time, return to your seats. How do
you feel the trade went this time? Was your
experience positive or negative? Explain.
Columbian Exchange Simulation
O OH NO!!!!! By interacting with each other,
you have shared your germs! Gross! Some of
the New World consumers have been exposed
to the small pox, for which they have no builtup immunity. (Old World consumers have
been exposed to this disease previously and
have developed immunity.) Flip your card
over. If you have an X, you have become very
ill and shall perish. You are out of the game.
Extension Activity
Evaluate our simulation. How did you
do? Did you like your food? Describe
your trades. Have a positive or negative
trading experience? How does this relate
to the real Columbian Exchange? Write a
paragraph to share your thoughts. Draw a
picture to illustrate your thoughts.
Searching For The Northwest Passage
O European countries wanted to trade with Asia.
O Water travel was faster than land travel.
O It took too long to sail around the tip of Africa or
South America.
O Europeans needed a western route to Asia that cut
through North America
Northwest Passage
Why were Europeans interested in Asia?
What were explorers searching for in their exploration
of North America’s coast?
Why were explorers searching for this?
Northwest Passage
Why were Europeans interested in Asia?
What were explorers searching for in their
exploration of North America’s coast?
Why were explorers searching for this?
Northwest Passage
Why were Europeans interested in Asia?
What were explorers searching for in their exploration
of North America’s coast?
Why were explorers searching for this?
Northwest Passage
Why were Europeans interested in Asia?
What were explorers searching for in their exploration of
North America’s coast?
Why were explorers searching for this?
Northwest Passage
O Direct water route to Asia through The
O John Cabot attempted to find it in 1497.
Landed in Newfoundland.
O Jacques Cartier looked for it in 1535.
Sailed up the St. Lawrence River.
Reached what is now Montreal,
Northwest Passage
O Henry Hudson
1. 1609 discovered Hudson River (in
Albany, NY now)
2. 1610 found Hudson Bay
3. thought he was in the Pacific so he
searched for a way out
4. crew rebelled & sent Hudson off of the
main ship in a small boat-never to be
seen again.
French Trading Posts
O French uninterested in permanent
settlement of North America
O Only wanted resources for trade (fish,
animal fur)
O Quebec and other areas of Canada
Dutch Settlements
O Dutch East India Company settled in the
North East (now Albany, NY) on the
Hudson River
O Built Fort Nassau (near Philadelphia, PA)
O New Amsterdam, located on the tip of
Manhattan Island (paid the Manhates
people 60 Dutch guilders (about $24) in
goods like cloth, axes, and hoes. Now =
New York City
Extension Activity
Why did European nations establish colonies in North
America? Think of as many reasons as possible. Do you
feel these reasons were valid? Yes or No. Copy this chart
into your notebook. Complete.
Reasons Europeans Moved To NA
Research Project
1) Choose an explorer that we have discussed in this chapter.
2) Use at least 2 other resources to find out more information about your
group. Fill out the RESOURCE PAGE (p. 2).
3) Answer the following questions:
Where did he live?
Tell about his family.
What was the goal of his journey?
Where did he explore?
Did he have a successful mission? How can you tell?
What can we learn from your explorer that applies to today?
Tell at least 1 interesting fact (other than listed above) about
your explorer.
4) Present your information to the rest of the class. You will need a
visual display AND share orally.