Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud

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Transcript Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud

Building Apps with Connectivity &
the Cloud
• Connecting Devices Wirelessly
• Performing Network Operations
• Transferring Data Without Draining the
• Syncing to the Cloud
Connecting Devices Wirelessly
• Network Service Discovery (NSD)
• Describes the key APIs for finding and
connecting to other devices from your
• Using NSD
• Connecting with Wi-Fi Direct
• Using Wi-Fi Direct for Service Discovery
Using NSD
• Adding NSD to your app allows your users to
identify other devices on the local network
that support the services your app requests.
• 1.Setting up a discovery listener with the
relevant callbacks
• 2.Making a single asynchronous API call to
• First, instantiate an anonymous class that
implements NsdManager.DiscoveryListener
• This snippet does several checks when a
service is found.
1. The service name of the found service is compared to the
service name of the local service to determine if the device
just picked up its own broadcast (which is valid).
2. The service type is checked, to verify it's a type of service your
application can connect to.
3. The service name is checked to verify connection to the
correct application.
• It must first determine the connection
information for that service, using the
resolveService() method.
• Implement a NsdManager.ResolveListener to
pass into this method.
Connecting with Wi-Fi Direct
• Shows you how to find and connect to nearby
devices using Wi-Fi Direct.
• Set Up Application Permissions
• Set Up a Broadcast Receiver and Peer-to-Peer
WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION indicates whether Wi-Fi Peer-To-Peer (P2P) is
WIFI_P2P_PEERS_CHANGED_ACTION indicates that the available peer list has
WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION indicates the state of Wi-Fi P2P
connectivity has changed.
WFIF_P2P_THIS_DEVICE_CHANGED_ACTION indicates this device's configuration
details have changed.
• Create a new BroadcastReceiver class that
you'll use to listen for changes to the System's
Wi-Fi P2P state. In the onReveive() method,
add a condition to handle each P2P state
change listed above.
Initiate Peer Discovery
• discoverPeers()
• The WifiP2pManager.Channel you received
back when you initialized the peer-to-peer
• An implementation of WifiP2pManager.
ActionListener with methods the system
invokes for successful and unsuccessful
Connect to a Peer
• In order to connect to a peer, create a new
WifiP2pConfig object, and copy data into it
from the WifiP2pDevice representing the
device you want to connect to. Then call the
connect() method.
Performing Network Operations
• Connecting to the Network
• Managing Network Usage
• Parsing XML Data
Connecting to the Network
• Note that to perform the network operations
described in this lesson, your application
manifest must include the following
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
Choose an HTTP Client
• HttpURLConnection and Apache HttpClient
• Using HttpURLConnection for applications
targeted at Gingerbread and higher.
<Note>智能手機操作系統Android 2.3,代號
Gingerbread (薑餅)
Perform Network Operations on a
Separate Thread
• To prevent this from causing a poor user
experience, always perform network
operations on a separate thread from the UI.
• AsyncTask
dolnBackground() executes the method downloadUrl(). It passes the web page
URL as a parameter. The method downloadUrl() fetches and processes the web
page content. When it finishes, it passes back a result string.
onPostExecute() takes the returned string and displays it in the UI.
onPostExecute() takes the returned string and displays it in the UI.
• When users click the button that
invokes myClickHandler(), the app passes the specified
URL to the AsyncTask subclass DownloadWebpageTask.
• The AsyncTask method doInBackground() calls
the downloadUrl() method.
• The downloadUrl() method takes a URL string as a
parameter and uses it to create a URL object.
• The URL object is used to establish
an HttpURLConnection.
• Once the connection has been established,
the HttpURLConnection object fetches the web page
content as an InputStream.
• The InputStream is passed to the readIt() method, which
converts the stream to a string.
• Finally, the AsyncTask's onPostExecute() method displays
the string in the main activity's UI.
Connect and Download Data
• In your thread that performs your network transactions,
you can use HttpURLConnection to perform a GET and
download your data. After you call connect(), you can
get an InputStream of the data by
• the doInBackground() method calls the
method downloadUrl(). ThedownloadUrl() method
takes the given URL and uses it to connect to the
network via HttpURLConnection. Once a connection
has been established, the app uses the
method getInputStream() to retrieve the data as
Convert the InputStream to a String
• An InputStream is a readable source of bytes.
Once you get an InputStream, it's common to
decode or convert it into a target data type
Managing Network Usage
• Describes how to write applications that have
fine-grained control over their usage of
network resources.
• If your application performs a lot of network
operations, you should provide user settings
that allow users to control your app's data
Check a Device's Network Connection
• A device can have various types of network
• Wi_Fi and Mobile network
• A common strategy for apps is to only fetch
large data if a Wi-Fi network is available.
• To check the network connection, you
typically use the following classes:
• 1. ConnectivityManager : Answers queries about the
state of network connectivity. It also notifies
applications when network connectivity changes.
• 2. NetworkInfo : Describes the status of a network
interface of a given type (currently either Mobile or
• You should not base decisions on whether a
network is "available." You should always check
isConnected() before performing network
• A more concise way of checking whether a
network interface is available is as follows. The
method getActiveNetworkInfo() returns
a NetworkInfo instance representing the first
connected network interface it can find, or null if
none of the interfaces is connected (meaning that
an internet connection is not available)
• You can implement a preferences activity that
gives users explicit control over your app's
usage of network resources.
• Your manifest must have the right permissions
and intent filters.
• You can declare the intent filter for
on (introduced in Android 4.0) to indicate that
your application defines an activity that offers
options to control data usage.
Respond to Preference Changes
• When the user changes preferences in the
settings screen, it typically has consequences
for the app's behavior.
• if there is a match between the setting and
the device's network connection, the app
downloads the feed and refreshes the display.
Detect Connection Changes
• When the device's network connection
changes, NetworkReceiver intercepts the
action CONNECTIVITY_ACTION , determines
what the network connection status is, and
sets the flags wifiConnected and
mobileConnected to true/false accordingly.
• Setting up a BroadcastReceiver that gets called
unnecessarily can be a drain on system
Parsing XML Data
• Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a set of
rules for encoding documents in machinereadable form.
• Choose a Parser
• We recommend XmlPullParser , which is an
efficient and maintainable way to parse XML
on Android.
Analyze the Feed
• The first step in parsing a feed is to decide
which fields you're interested in. The parser
extracts data for those fields and ignores the
Instantiate the Parser
• Instantiate a parser and kick off the parsing
• A parser is initialized to not process
namespaces, and to use the provided
InputStream as its input.
Read the Feed
• The readFeed() method does the actual work
of processing the feed. It looks for elements
tagged "entry" as a starting point for
recursively processing the feed. If a tag isn't
an entry tag, it skips it. Once the whole feed
has been recursively
processed, readFeed() returns
a List containing the entries (including nested
data members) it extracted from the feed.
This List is then returned by the parser.
Parse XML
• As described in Analyze the Feed, identify the
tags you want to include in your app. This
example extracts data for the entry tag and its
nested tags title, link, and summary.
• Create the following methods:
A "read" method for each tag you're
interested in.
Methods to extract data for each different
type of tag and to advance the parser to the
next tag
Transferring Data Without Draining
the Battery
• Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network
• Minimizing the Effect of Regular Updates
• Redundant Downloads are Redundant
• Modifying your Download Patterns Based on
the Connectivity Type
Optimizing Downloads for Efficient
Network Access
• The Radio State Machine
• The state machine for a typical 3G network radio
consists of three energy states:
• Full power: Used when a connection is active,
allowing the device to transfer data at its highest
possible rate.
• Low power: An intermediate state that uses
around 50% of the battery power at the full state.
• Standby: The minimal energy state during which
no network connection is active or required.
• The general principles and resulting best
practices are applicable for all wireless radio
• Vary based on the wireless radio technology
employed (2G, 3G, LTE, etc.)
• This approach is particularly effective for
typical web browsing as it prevents
unwelcome latency while users browse the
How Apps Impact the Radio State
• In the case of the typical 3G radio state
machine described above, it will remain at full
power for the duration of your transfer—plus
an additional 5 seconds of tail time—followed
by 12 seconds at the low energy state. So for a
typical 3G device, every data transfer session
will cause the radio to draw energy for almost
20 seconds.
• In practice, this means an app that transfers
unbundled data for 1 second every 18 seconds
will keep the wireless radio perpetually active,
moving it back to high power just as it was
about to become idle. As a result, every
minute it will consume battery at the high
power state for 18 seconds, and at the low
power state for the remaining 42 seconds.-------Unbundled Transfer
• By comparison, the same app that bundles
transfers of 3 seconds of every minute will
keep the radio in the high power state for only
8 seconds, and will keep it in the low power
state for only an additional 12 seconds.-----------Bundled Transfer
Syncing to the Cloud
• Using the Backup API
• Making the Most of Google Cloud Messaging
Using the Backup API
• When a user purchases a new device or resets
their existing one, they might expect that
when Google Play restores your app back to
their device during the initial setup, the
previous data associated with the app restores
as well. By default, that doesn't happen and
all the user's accomplishments or settings in
your app are lost.
Register for the Android Backup Service
Write Your Backup Agent
Request a Backup
Restore from a Backup