Transcript Frog Notes

Frog Notes
Frog Life Cycle
Fertilized egg
Tadpole hatches
Tadpole eats algae and breathes with gills
Hind legs grow first
Fore (front) legs grow second
Tail /gills are absorbed
Lungs have formed
Adult frog
Frog parts
Tongue: used to catch
Vertebra: bones which
protect the nerve column
Nostril: used for breathing
Tympanic membrane: Like
an ear
Esophagus: tube which
carries food from the
mouth to the stomach.
Fore foot: the front foot,
used for grasping during
Stomach: Mashes the food
Liver: produces bile and
filters poisons from the
Hind foot: the back foot,
used for jumping and
Frog Parts Continued
Small Intestine: where
digested food enters the
 Large Intestine: forms
feces from undigested
 Gall Bladder: Stores extra
 Kidneys: collects waste
and forms urine
 Bladder: Stores urine
Heart: pumps blood
Lungs: where oxygen enters
the blood
Skin: protects frog and
absorbs oxygen
Eye: to see
Cloaca: hole for waste to
leave the frog