Chapter 9 Section 1
Transcript Chapter 9 Section 1
Chapter 9 Section 1
Life in
Ancient Rome
What were some of Ptolemy’s
scientific achievement?
• Ptolemy mapped more than 1,000 stars and
studied the motions of the planets.
2. How were the Roman and Greek
religions similar?
• The Romans adopted Greek gods and gave
them Roman names.
3. Compare and Contrast
Roman Art
Greek Art
Sculptors tried to
show ideal images
Sculptors made
realistic statues
Greek Architecture
Roman Architecture
Used Porches &
Borrowed Greek
Styles – used arches,
vault, domes, &
4. Analyze Explain the importance of
the language of the Romans.
• The Language of the Romans, Latin, impacted
future generations. It became the language for
European governments, trade, & Learning.
• Basis for most languages in Western Europe.
• Called Romance Languages.
5. Describe the education of Roman
• Boys in rich families learned reading, writing,
and rhetoric.
• Girls stayed at home to learn reading, writing,
and how to mange households.
6. The Romans borrowed ideas from other
peoples. Do you think our culture today
borrows ideas from other peoples
• The United States of America is a melting pot
of culture and people mixing together their
ideas, customs, and beliefs. So our society is
just like the Romans as they conquered land
they borrowed ideas. Further more the
information age allows us to see info and
share ideas easily. We have the choice to
ignore or to accept them.