7 characteristics about rome.

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Transcript 7 characteristics about rome.

By nick law and sam abbott
the Romans got some Greek ideas from
Etruscan art they borrowed others directly
from the Greeks.
sometimes the Greek influence on roman culture
was indirect. For example the Greek alphabet
was adopted and then changed by the
Etruscans. The Romans then borrowed and
altered the Etruscans.
they had the ideas of mythology from the
Greeks and chose gods to worship.
They had a roman republic that had an elected
leader. They overthrew monarchy and replaced
it with a republic.
The Romans invented the vault and the dome.
They were the first to make concrete, the made
concrete with broken stone and sand. With
concrete they were able to build even bigger
Poor people had to go outside to go to a fast
food stand. Rich people had a kitchen inside
their house. People in Rome mostly ate bread,
beans, spices, and a few vegetables. They
usually drank water, honey and wine.
Housing was very different for rich and poor
people. Wealthy Romans lived in big houses
made with stone and marble, with walls to
block out the city. While Poor people lived in
small, dark apartments.