Shakespeare/Caesar PPT

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Shakespeare and His Times
His Birth
• born in April 23, 1564. We know this from
the earliest record: his baptism which
happened on Wednesday, April the 26th,
1564 (baptisms typically took place 3 days
• Born in Stratford-Upon-Avon
• celebrate birthday three
days earlier.
His Parents and Siblings
• third child of John and Mary Shakespeare
• Seven siblings
• John was also a prominent man in
• William's mother was Mary Arden who
married John Shakespeare in 1557.
His Family
• November 28, 1582
– eighteen year old William married
the twenty-six and pregnant Anne
– Barely seven months later, they
had his first daughter Susanna.
– twins Hamnet and Judith were
born in February 1592
– Anne never left Stratford, living
there her entire life
The Globe Theater
• Dutch student by the name of
Johannes de Witt attended a
play in London at the Swan
Theatre in 1596
• While there, de Witt made a
drawing of the theatre's
The Globe Theater
The Globe Theater
• constructed in 1599.
• was three-stories high and had no roof.
• could together hold more than 1,500
• In 1613, during a performance of Henry
VIII, a misfired canon ball set the Globe's
thatched roof on fire and the whole theatre
was consumed.
The Globe Theater
• 1 Penny (roughly 10% of a worker’s daily wage):
• 3 Pennies: sit in a seat
• 4 Pennies: seat and cushion
• 6 Pennies: Lords’ Room
• Because there was no artificial lighting, plays
typically occurred in the early afternoon, lasting
from 2 pm until roughly 4 or 5 pm.
The Globe Theater
• The first play we know of that was performed at
Shakespeare's famous playhouse was Julius
Caesar in 1599.
Fun Facts: Elizabethan England
• Queen Elizabeth I
• Father: King Henry VIII
(Henry Tudor)
• Mother: Anne Boleyn,
Henry’s second wife
• Did not want to share power
with a man; did not marry
(“Virgin Queen”—where we
get “Virginia” from)
Fun Facts: Elizabethan England
• “Golden Age” of English history
• Established English church (still in place
today—Protestant* Reformation)
• English Renaissance: poetry, music,
literature, theatre
• Turmoil before and after Elizabeth’s reign,
but internal peace during
• Built powerful navy—defeated Spanish
His Works
• estimated that roughly fifteen of his 37
plays would have been written and
performed by 1597.
• 37 plays
• 154 sonnets
His Works
• Known for 3 types of plays:
– Histories: gives audience a history lesson
hidden in drama and action
– Comedies: action, drama, dramatic irony with
happy ending (not necessarily funny); twists
and turns
– Tragedy: action, drama, tragic hero with tragic
flaw which brings his downfall; usually orderly
His Death
• William dies on April 23rd, his burial being
recorded in the Stratford Holy Church
Register two days later.
• “second best bed”
• Soliloquy: “talking to oneself” – or when
the actor is on stage and the audience
gets to “hear” his or her thoughts
• Blank Verse: poetry in unrhymed iambic
• Aside: character speaking to the audience
Shakespeare’s Sonnet
• Wrote 154 Sonnets
– 1-120: to W.H.
– 121-154: to Dark Lady
• 14 lines
• Iambic pentameter
• Set rhyme scheme
– Abab, cdcd, efef, gg
Sonnet 73
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.
Sonnet 18
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course un-trimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st;
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Julius Caesar
• The REAL guy
What was his childhood like?
Caesar had many advantages as a child. His family was of the old
patrician class of Rome and they claimed to be descendants of both
Aeneas and Romulus, the early heroes and founders of Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar was born in 100 BCE.
Gaius (Caesar’s real name) was given a first-class
education in both Greek and Latin and his family had
prestige (but not wealth) in Roman society. Julius
Caesar told people that he spoke better Greek than Latin
and he probably did. This would come in handy as he
moved throughout the Roman world.
As a young man Julius was too often unsuccessful and
unhappy: he married a woman he did not love for her
money and family influence, he was given positions of
power which he did not deserve or earn, and he lost a lot of
money in failed business ventures. It would have been hard
to predict glory for him based on his early life.
There were two defining moments in
Caesar’s adult life (ages 25-32) that
changed him….
On his way to Greece in 75 BCE, Caesar was kidnapped by the
famous and feared Cilician pirates. He told the pirates that they
should either kill him or ask for a higher ransom, because when he
was free he would return and kill them all. The pirates laughed.
After the ransom was paid and Caesar was freed, he raised a fleet,
returned to the pirates lair, and captured them all. He had them
crucified just as he had promised to do when their prisoner!
The second defining moment…..
While serving as governor in Spain at age 32, Caesar
visited a statue of Alexander the Great:
Upon viewing this statue, Caesar fell to his knees,
weeping. When asked what was wrong, Caesar sighed,
and said that by the time Alexander was his (Caesar's)
age, Alexander had conquered the whole world. All
Caesar had done was marry a rich woman, squandered
her and his family’s immense wealth, and been
appointed in a position because Roman corruption and
family connections.
Caesar decided to change…..
Gaius Julius Caesar returned to Rome. He
married again, borrowed money from new
wealthy supporters, and began to pursue a
career in politics. One way he did that was
by giving speeches to the poorer Romans
and sponsoring expensive games and
spectacles for the masses.
Things started to go
Caesar’s way and
he became a
political power….
All Julius Caesar needed
now was....
Caesar was given command of a Roman legion in
south Gaul (France) when he was 41
From 58-51 BC Julius Caesar led his army
all over France, Belgium and even into
England. He conquered the entire land of
Gaul and all its warrior tribes.
How did Caesar explain his success as a military
leader and conqueror? With these simple words:
“I came, I saw, I conquered”
But it certainly was more than that..
• Julius Caesar was a tactical genius and a
brilliant general. He knew how to use his
Roman army to defeat every opponent.
• He was unmerciful in his punishment of
the enemies of Rome. It is estimated that
he killed over TWO MILLION people in
Gaul (France) during his conquests there.
That makes him a mass murderer as well
as a military genius.
No better than Adolf Hitler.
Julius Caesar was also an author and spread his
fame using the pen. He even wrote down his
exploits in a book that you can still read today.
As reports of his victories and his book reached
Rome, all of Rome sang praises to Caesar!
But there was a problem…
Caesar was not the favorite of all the rich and
powerful in Rome. They preferred Pompey,
Caesar’s former friend and now rival:
In 49 BC, the Roman Senate ordered Caesar to
disband his army and enter Rome as a private
citizen or they would declare him an “enemy of
the state.” Caesar responded by leading 5000 of
his troops across the Rubicon and into Rome,
starting a civil war.
Caesar destroyed his rival Pompey and had
himself appointed dictator for life
Pompey fled to Egypt and Caesar followed
him. The Egyptians presented Caesar with
Pompey’s severed head when he arrived.
The fight was over!
During his stay in Egypt Julius Caesar met and
fell in love with Cleopatra, the beautiful co-ruler
of the country. They had a child together and
Caesar took them both back to Rome.
Caesar became famous for a quote he
made which was finally about to come true.
He was asked his understanding of the best
way to die.
He answered: “Which death is
preferable to every other? The
Many of the Senators of Rome thought Caesar
was a dangerous man who was living and ruling
like a god. They thought he wanted to be a king,
and they did not believe in kings.
Even though Caesar refused the crown, a band
of rich men led by Brutus and Cassius stabbed
Caesar to death during a senate meeting on the
Ides of March (March 15), 44 BC.
He was 55 years old.
It isn’t an impressive site today, but you can still
visit the spot of Caesar’s murder in Rome
What conclusions can we make
about Julius Caesar?
First the good things he did:
• He increased the territory and power of Rome.
• He made necessary reforms in the corrupt
Roman government.
• He created the solar calendar that we still use
today in place of the lunar.
• He had a magnetic personality and many
talents: great politician, military commander,
writer, astronomer, and fantastic speaking skills.
• He was intelligent, brave, and loved adventure.
But he did some terrible things
as well:
• He not only killed two million Gauls, but he
ruthlessly eliminated his political rivals through
• He led his army in civil war against the Roman
state and defeated it.
• He pretended to like the common people when
in fact he only wanted to use them.
• He kept many mistresses and was not faithful to
his wife.
• He had himself chosen dictator for life against all
Roman principles.
What Do Most Historians Think?
• They believe that Julius Caesar was a
arrogant opportunist who lived by the
sword and……….. rightfully died by the
sword. He got what he deserved and what
he had given others: death.